Helpful (learned) tips on how to get gold victories. (Part 2)
6. Learn how to level your units (and heroes) quickly. One of the things I've noticed is how much xp a unit gets from simply casting a spell. (even spells like force march, bless, etc..) Also, some of the magic items that cast spells give your unit xp. So, I try to make sure every unit casts / uses every spell or item every scenario. If you have a unit that is not getting enough xp, trade in a spell-invokable magic item and use it every chance you get. Watch the xp bar *noticably* jump on using the item.
7. Don't be afraid (if you have the gold) to switch items around and re-assign them to various units as needed throughout the scenario. (I know I do it alot for the ice orb when I need to have a bunch of units cross a contested river.)
8. Be aware of how unit (friendly/enemy) bonuses stack. For example, try attacking a group (triangle) of three goblin raiders. (don't remember the exact unit, but is the one that gives a -2 attack modifier to the enemy) Depending on how you approach the triangle could make or break your attack, because -2 modifer *stacks* if you are adjacent to more than one raider. Ouch!
9. Terrain. Understand how to use terrain for your advantage... and overcome its benefits to the enemy. *Rivers* are especially problematic, both for combat and movement. IIRC, you have to cross a contested river in every scenario. Time is of the essence and you cannot get bogged down and need a strategy and force pool to make rapid river crossings.