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IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey Famous title comes to consoles.

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Old 04-29-2009, 10:23 AM
achillies_ny achillies_ny is offline
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Talking New Guy Here

Just found out this game is being made for consoles now (including the PSP lol). Well I got hopes for this, considering I have no alternative to quench my Flight Sim thrist anymore. I haven't played on a PC since 2003...

I played TIE Fighter, XvT, USNF97/ Fighters Anthology, D:Freespace, I bought Falcon 4.0, but shortly afterwards (I blame the hyperlobby.net match making program, after reading into how shady it is) my pc crashed and burned, so I turned to Xboxs and Playstations for awhile, besides FPS with online finnally hit it big (my other favorite genre).

Back to the point: I really hope I like this console version of a PC classic I missed out on (sucks to be me). What I have seen though (gametrailers.com) is really awesome looking, Its crazy seeing spent cartridge casings flying out of the wings lol

To the developers!

Please don't make me go nutz and spend 2000 dollars for a gaming PC that will be outdated again in a year....... Besides, you could always SELL new OBJECTS as DLC on Xbox Live/PSN for the MISSION EDITOR, I would pay for cool new ways to make cool mission, hell through in the ability to import mods, give the PC users a way to COOK PC mods for PS3 file conversion (Unique Skins basically)

OK OK I RANTED SORRY, I JUST LOVE FLIGHT SIMS, THANKS FOR MAKING THIS A CONSOLE GAME, BTW 505 is making this, don't they just do 1C translations usually?
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Old 04-29-2009, 10:57 AM
Buggins Buggins is offline
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Just to let you know, the game is being developed by Gaijin Entertainment. 505 is the publisher.

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Old 04-29-2009, 12:06 PM
trk29 trk29 is offline
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Welcome to the Forum. This game will not have a mission editor.
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Old 04-29-2009, 02:56 PM
achillies_ny achillies_ny is offline
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Thanks for the replies and ignoring my bad spelling/grammar/sentence structure.

I was reading one of the reply posts by Anton (I've been reviewing alot of your already stated questions and feelings toward the game to get a good vibe of what to expect)
He stated simple training missions would be custimizable, some hope, maybe just a runway for practice landings.

Bummer about the no user created missions, maybe we could hope for Additional content later on if there is a demand (DLC).

I am guessing this game is going down the "Hollywood Blockbuster" path of games today, super visuals, awesome scripted events, but I hope that doesn't make this game stale quick. or shallow. [Anton's] description of the Campaign was cryptic (purposeful of course) I will quote it

" We have campaign, which is very intensive gameplay, even on simulation mode.But we also have Single Missions, which are much closer to original IL-2 by atmosphere and details.There is limited ammo there, less enemies, etc."

Now this is just my opinion, but I take that as mainly going to be a crazy Unlimited Ammo swat the swarms out of the sky all by myself type deal, trigger the next event after i beat this first set of 60 planes. (I hope its mission are somewhat dynamic and not scripted). I hope it doesn't make you a one man Airforce though, killing the believable setting and mood they are setting up. I just want to play my role in the War as a pilot, a good pilot, doing daring
stuff isn't bad.

Actually I even like the idea that they are going to ReCreate these massive airbattles, they must have been very chaotic, I just don't want to feel invincible in it, just shooting down 100 stukas, then bombing 50 88s, then sink the bismark all by myself because my wingman are too dumb, all in one mission ya know wouldn't be my cup of tea.
They need to give each mission a purpose and a focus, your overlapping main Objective, and you choose how to fly it, be sneaky, be topgun, just bomb ur target and get the hell out of dodge, I dont' want to have to trigger certain events to continue on if in reality I could just move around a obsticle in front of my objective, not just generically cookie cut each mission (Shoot fighters down, get the bombers, get the Enemies aces now)

Then [Anton] says (I'm not holdin you to any of this Anton, I just want my feelings as a niche gamer heard to a actual game developer)
Single Missions will be much closer to original IL-2, I never played the original, what would make it closer to the original? Start out on the base? perform your mission CAS, CAP, Escort, Dive Bombings, Carpet Bombing? and get back to base and land it or bail out over friendly soil!
Will I have wingman that i can give orders, even formation orders? ( i be happy with cover me, attack my target, weapons free, Bug Out!) Also can I bail out? If I bail out over friendly soil can I still win the mission? And can these please be co-op? I want to fly with 4 friends and take on a screen full of B17s!

This sounds like a really fare compromise, the campaign is going to be a action packed, balls to the wall experience in the sky, giving everyone a chance to be a Flyboy, and tear it up in a VERY good looking game.
I've never seen a game that look just like the ww2 gun camera reels, this game gives me that feeling of watching those.
Say you don't want to hop into the frantic campaign, but you just want to fly one of their single play missions on realistic, hopefully they will think of every type of situation of every single mission they make. Bomb Run, Vip Escort, Bomber Escort, CAS, Small Raids, Train Attacks, Suprise attacks on our own base. Also I would like a mission where you must land at a German airfield and steal a Me262 and bring it back to base and land it.

This is me just thinking positively, I know not everyone shares my opinions, but you can see why they would do this.
Mostly because they need to make sales and a game thats more pick up and play friendly will sell better on a console, business wise, they have to do this.

Either way, I am happy, Blazing angels was so bad, I mean so bad, I am glad I just rented it, and Hawx just makes me miss Fighters Anthology so I don't play that.
The only Console game that I like for flight sims is 'Secret Weapons Over Normandy' it was arcadey but more of a ATF/USNF arcadey, limited ammo, more focused missions and variety, hell one mission in that game is mostly stealth flying under the under enemy.

This board should come up with atleast 3 esstentials in this game they would like.
We already know the graphics are amazing, the flight model is amazing, and it will have MP.
Ok, now what I hope it has
1. COOP Missions with Take Off and Landing (Everyone who isn't shot down has to come back and land or they lose too) Include also for a B17 to allow the whole game room in a single aircraft, Pilots with a few real Human gunners would make for a fun test of skills, we could be the Memphis Belle in terms of successful runs!
2. A Airbase Assualt Mode, meaning two teams have one or more Airbases they take off from, and have to launch a attack on the opposing team airbase with bombs and also protect their airbase. Also you should have a limited number of lives, forcing pilots to retreat to rearm instead of nonstop KamaKazi attacks. Also picking your Line-up of planes for the game adds abit of a Chess/Strategy flare to the mode, meaning you cant just switch to a P51D after you just suicided to knockout a incoming b17 u spied heading to ur base.
3. I would like to have to micro manage alittle, atleast once i get good at the game, I hope I would have to worry about more then just limited ammo, but also fuel.

Either way, I hope you take the time to read this folks, my imagination goes wild, If you like anything I wrote anyone, please let me know. Anything you fellows/ladies, might feel as more important for you for this game to be a good game?
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Old 04-29-2009, 03:38 PM
Raw Kryptonite Raw Kryptonite is offline
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I am guessing this game is going down the "Hollywood Blockbuster" path of games today
I haven't read anything that leads me to believe that.
I see where he said the game will have varying levels of simulation available, which is ok with me as long as we can lock down MP. Options are good. Even in the PC game you can do that, even getting to the point where you bounce off the ground without exploding. Doesn't ruin it, but it gets people into the game that can't jump straight to full options (I still don't run the PC game like that, I'm still learning it).
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Old 04-29-2009, 04:30 PM
achillies_ny achillies_ny is offline
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Well, its just the trend I see as a console gamer. Lots of the games are like playing a movie, but thats it, its only really fun the first time through, you know what to expect. Of course I'm talking about action games, story driven action games. But I noticed Hawx went strongly down this course. I still get more excitied watching the FMVs from the Fighter Anthology, they are more grounded in reality.

Really I am forgeting that this is a game based on historically accurate events. So I don't think I am going to be disappointed. and thats cool your still working at getting good.

what do most people do online, boom and zoom? or do they take minimul fuel and outturn everyone with a spitfire. Its going to be hard tying to use the rudder in a banking turn on a gamepad lol, also lower the brakes, lower thrust, gawd i really need a flight stick
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Old 04-29-2009, 05:42 PM
Raw Kryptonite Raw Kryptonite is offline
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Believe me, it's not just console games, it's games in general.
To get a pc combat flight sim, you still have to go back to IL2, LOMAC...same games that have been out for a long time. There's nothing out there from the big companies at all. DCS Blackshark is a very serious new sim, but the first one in a long time. There are some slightly less sim-like games that are very good, like Wings Over Europe or Enemy Engaged 2, but again those are from small groups.

If IL2 does well, it'll be very good for flight sims in general, console as well as pc. We need it. I remember walking into a CompUSA years ago and flight sims practically had their own row. LOL It would be nice to get gaming for a more mature crowd instead of just the attention-deficit crowd being indulged. Sounds like this game will be able to meet that need.
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Old 04-29-2009, 06:57 PM
trk29 trk29 is offline
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Originally Posted by achillies_ny View Post
Well, its just the trend I see as a console gamer. Lots of the games are like playing a movie, but thats it, its only really fun the first time through, you know what to expect. Of course I'm talking about action games, story driven action games. But I noticed Hawx went strongly down this course. I still get more excitied watching the FMVs from the Fighter Anthology, they are more grounded in reality.

Really I am forgeting that this is a game based on historically accurate events. So I don't think I am going to be disappointed. and thats cool your still working at getting good.

what do most people do online, boom and zoom? or do they take minimul fuel and outturn everyone with a spitfire. Its going to be hard tying to use the rudder in a banking turn on a gamepad lol, also lower the brakes, lower thrust, gawd i really need a flight stick
If you haven't played the original you are missing out. That is one of the best games I've ever owned, in general. By watching the small amount of clips of this game that are out, I would think this game is going to be very very close to the original.

I can't freaking wait. Very good discussion. We need more of this.
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Old 04-29-2009, 07:18 PM
xNikex xNikex is offline
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Yeah, it sucks not having a Mission Editor but hopefully we will see it as a DLC and maybe later we'll see Pacific Fighters or 1946.

Would like to hear some news from Anton...
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Old 04-29-2009, 07:48 PM
Raw Kryptonite Raw Kryptonite is offline
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If the game is well made and has the right number of options, built in scenarios/missions etc. then I don't need a mission editor. DLC would be great, and I'm willing to pay if it's not horse armor. LOL

Far Cry 2 had a brilliant map editor like many have been clamoring about for years, but I don't know anyone playing the game--the gameplay isn't there. However, several of us STILL throw in Ghost Recon Summit Strike, even 4 years (and one console) after release. No campaign editor, no map editor, but a great game and gameplay.

Over G Fighters...for the main MP gametype you have ONE map. One. LOL
The gameplay is there as is the realism. That's why several of us still play the game.

Give me good gameplay and enough content and I don't need any editors. If they spend the time making the game better and better instead of on editors, then that's time well spent IMO.
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