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Old 03-28-2011, 10:38 PM
norulz norulz is offline
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Default Command list for russian version

I am trying to build the complete command list as it is written when you save a profile.

my approach was like this:

1. create an empty text file where confuser.ini is (my doc... 1c etc)
2. rename it to "123.ini"
3. start the game
4. got to key bindings menu
5. clicked load profile button
6. loaded my empty file
7. all commands where deleted
8. then in CAMOLET (plane) zone selected from drop down list I started fron top to bind in order:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

9 then I clicked the Save profile button
10 I selected my "123.ini" file and agreed to overwrite
11 then I alt+tabed in desktop and opened that 123.ini file in text editor and opened a brand new text file and started to copy last lines from the ini file to the text editor... the are placed in reversed order

So I created a list of commands as they are abreviated in profile file but it iz "readable".

You can use it for reference when binding the keys as you can now know which line number is which command.

I stopped at 184... a bit over halv I think... but I am very asleep

If one of you want to continue from where I left. Also maybe we could together decript the abreviations for the hard ones.

here is how it is looking:

the menu:

and the list so far:


complete list on last post

Last edited by norulz; 03-30-2011 at 07:54 PM.
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Old 03-29-2011, 12:17 PM
Blackdog_kt Blackdog_kt is offline
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I don't have it yet on my PC, but after reading the English manual i can help you with a couple of your questions.

Originally Posted by CoD Manual
This is the Bombenabwurfgeraet on the German planes; bombers of other
nations have similar controls with less impressive names.
When carrying multiple bombs, the device determines when each bomb is
dropped . Bombs are dropped in salvos of one or more bombs, with a certain
interval between each salvo.
However the most important feature of a bomb distributor is the Toggle
Bombs Armed command. Bombs carried by any plane must be Armed.
Otherwise you might as well be dropping cartoon anvils.
Even if your plane is not equipped with a bomb sight or a Bombenabwurfgeraet,
if it carries a bomb, it must be armed prior to being dropped.
We do not recommend arming your bombs until you’re close to your target. If you
have to ditch along the way or are hit by an enemy round, an otherwise minor
incident will turn your aircraft into a giant fireball if your bombs are armed.
So, i guess the commands preface by abwurf are the keyboard shortcuts for the bomb release mode selector and 070=abwurf_arm (?) is the master arm switch.

As for the impeller, i can't recall exactly where i found it in the manual so that i can copy the relevant information.

If my memory isn't failing me, i think it's an emergency ram-air generator that's only used on the BR-20. If you are damaged and your engine-driven generators are out of action, you can switch this on to restore power to the aircraft's electric system.

I guess it deploys something like this into the airflow: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ram_air_turbine
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Old 03-30-2011, 07:28 PM
norulz norulz is offline
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all finished

row = commands

[HotKey BOB] category 1 (Igra)

1 = ConsoleActivate
2 = ConsolePaste
3 = exit
4 = pause
5 = ScreenShot

[HotKey common] category 2

01 = use
02 = fire
03 = reload
04 = bailout
05 = door_toggle
06 = door_close
07 = door_open
08 = door_jettison
09 = cpri_lights_dec
10 = cpri_lights
11 = cpri_lights_inc
12 = csec_lights_dec
13 = csec_lights
14 = csec_lights_inc
15 = cste_lights_dec
16 = cste_lights
17 = cste_lights_inc
18 = timer0
19 = voltamperemeter
20 = autopilot
21 = map

[HotKey pilot] categoria 3 (Camolet)

001 = elevator_upx ? (incremental?)
002 = elevator_up
003 = elevator_0
004 = elevator_down
005 = elevator_downx
006 = aileron_leftx
007 = aileron_left
008 = aileron_0
009 = aileron_right
010 = aileron_rightx
011 = rudder_leftx
012 = rudder_left
013 = rudder_0
014 = rudder_right
015 = rudder_rightx
016 = elevatort_nup (t from trimmer ? n??)
017 = elevatort_back
018 = elevatort_ndown
019 = aileront_left
020 = aileront_back
021 = aileront_right
022 = ruddert_left
023 = ruddert_back
024 = ruddert_right
025 = landingflaps ( flaps toggle?)
026 = landingflaps_d (down)
027 = landingflaps_u (up)
028 = leslats (leading edge slats?)
029 = leslats_ret
030 = leslats_ext
031 = uc (?)
032 = uc_up
033 = uc_down
034 = uc_up_manual
035 = uc_down_manual
036 = uc_down_emer
037 = wheelbrakex
038 = wheelbrakeltx
039 = wheelbrakertx
040 = airbrake
041 = airbrake_r
042 = airbrake_e
043 = bombbaydoors
044 = bombbaydoors_c
045 = bombbaydoors_o
046 = impellerretr (navigation related ?)
047 = impellerretr_c
048 = impellerretr_o
049 = kursst_m (?)
050 = kursst_m_prev
051 = kursst_m_next
052 = kursst_dir_l
053 = kursst_dir_r
054 = kursst_disen_o
055 = trigger0
056 = trigger1
057 = trigger01
058 = trigger2
059 = trigger3
060 = site_dist_minus
061 = site_dist_plus
062 = site_side_left
063 = site_side_right
064 = site_alt_minus
065 = site_alt_plus
066 = site_spd_minus
067 = site_spd_plus
068 = site_auto
069 = site_dimmer
070 = abwurf_arm (?)
071 = abwurf_short
072 = abwurf_slot_min
073 = abwurf_slot_plu
074 = abwurf_mode_pre
075 = abwurf_mode_nex
076 = abwurf_series_l
077 = abwurf_series_m
078 = abwurf_delay_mi
079 = abwurf_delay_pl
080 = notwurf
081 = gunpods
082 = enginei01
083 = mags_prev
084 = mags_next
085 = mags_e0_prev
086 = mags_e0_next
087 = mags_e1_prev
088 = mags_e1_next
089 = mags_e2_prev
090 = mags_e2_next
091 = mags_e3_prev
092 = mags_e3_next
093 = mags_e4_prev
094 = mags_e4_next
095 = mags_e5_prev
096 = mags_e5_next
097 = mags_e6_prev
098 = mags_e6_next
099 = mags_e7_prev
100 = mags_e7_next
101 = mags_e8_prev
102 = mags_e8_next
103 = mag0_off
104 = mag0_on
105 = mag0_toggle
106 = mag1_off
107 = mag1_on
108 = mag1_toggle
109 = mag0_e0_off
110 = mag0_e0_on
111 = mag0_e0_toggle
112 = mag0_e1_off
113 = mag0_e1_on
114 = mag0_e1_toggle
115 = mag0_e2_off
116 = mag0_e2_on
117 = mag0_e2_toggle
118 = mag0_e3_off
119 = mag0_e3_on
120 = mag0_e3_toggle
121 = mag0_e4_off
122 = mag0_e4_on
123 = mag0_e4_toggle
124 = mag0_e5_off
125 = mag0_e5_on
126 = mag0_e5_toggle
127 = mag0_e6_off
128 = mag0_e6_on
129 = mag0_e6_toggle
130 = mag0_e7_off
131 = mag0_e7_on
132 = mag0_e7_toggle
133 = rad_auto
134 = rad_minus
135 = rad_plus
136 = rad_e0_minus
137 = rad_e0_plus
138 = rad_e1_minus
139 = rad_e1_plus
140 = rad_e2_minus
141 = rad_e2_plus
142 = rad_e3_minus
143 = rad_e3_plus
144 = rad_e4_minus
145 = rad_e4_plus
146 = rad_e5_minus
147 = rad_e5_plus
148 = rad_e6_minus
149 = rad_e6_plus
150 = rad_e7_minus
151 = rad_e7_plus
152 = oilrad_minus
153 = oilrad_plus
154 = oilrad_e0_minus
155 = oilrad_e0_plus
156 = oilrad_e1_minus
157 = oilrad_e1_plus
158 = oilrad_e2_minus
159 = oilrad_e2_plus
160 = oilrad_e3_minus
161 = oilrad_e3_plus
162 = oilrad_e4_minus
163 = oilrad_e4_plus
164 = oilrad_e5_minus
165 = oilrad_e5_plus
166 = oilrad_e6_minus
167 = oilrad_e6_plus
168 = oilrad_e7_minus
169 = oilrad_e7_plus
170 = extinguisher
171 = thtl_000
172 = thtl_010
173 = thtl_020
174 = thtl_030
175 = thtl_040
176 = thtl_050
177 = thtl_060
178 = thtl_070
179 = thtl_080
180 = thtl_090
181 = thtl_100
182 = thtl_110
183 = thtl_minus
184 = thtl_plus
185 = thtl_wep
186 = thtl_psicutout
187 = thtl_slowcutout
188 = thtl_slocutout0
195 = thtl_slocutout7
196 = pitch_000
205 = pitch_100
206 = pitch_minus
207 = pitch_plus
208 = pitch_auto
209 = pitch_feather
210 = mix_000
211 = mix_010
212 = mix_020
213 = mix_030
214 = mix_040
215 = mix_050
216 = mix_060
217 = mix_070
218 = mix_080
219 = mix_090
220 = mix_100
221 = mix_minus
222 = mix_plus
223 = carbhtr_dec
224 = carbhtr_inc
225 = carbhtr_togl
226 = carbhtr_e0_dec
227 = carbhtr_e0_inc
240 = carbhtr_e7_inc
241 = carbhtr_e7_togl
242 = compstep_dec
243 = compstep_inc
244 = compstep_togl
245 = compstep_e0_d
246 = compstep_e0_i
259 = compstep_e7_i
260 = compstep_e7_t
261 = tankselector0m
262 = tankselector0p
263 = tankselector0
288 = tankselector7m
289 = tankselector7p
290 = tankselector7
291 = horstab01
292 = tailskid_lock
293 = pitotheater_off
294 = pitotheater
295 = pitotheater_on
296 = motorcomp_stop
297 = motorcomp_start
298 = fenster_close
299 = fenster_toggle
300 = fenster_open
301 = handpumpe_x
302 = jettison_tanks
304 = dock01
305 = fold_wings
306 = arrestor
307 = brakeshoes01
308 = pilot_switch
309 = engselect_all
310 = engselect_none
311 = engselect_left
312 = engselect_right
313 = engselect_n0
314 = engselect_n1
319 = engselect_n6
320 = engselect_n7
321 = engtoggle_all
322 = engtoggle_left
323 = engtoggle_right
324 = engtoggle_n0
325 = engtoggle_n1
326 = engtoggle_n2
327 = engtoggle_n3
328 = engtoggle_n4
329 = engtoggle_n5
330 = engtoggle_n6
331 = engtoggle_n7
332 = autorudder_off
333 = autorudder_low
334 = autorudder_high
335 = telepirometro_m
336 = telepirometro_p
337 = altimeterknob_m
338 = altimeterknob_p
339 = anemometronee_m
340 = anemometronee_p
341 = directionindi_m
342 = directionindi_p
343 = peilzeiger_m
344 = peilzeiger_p
345 = kraftstoff_m
346 = kraftstoff_t
347 = kraftstoff_p
348 = liquid0_m
349 = liquid0_t
350 = liquid0_p
351 = liquid1_m
352 = liquid1_t
353 = liquid1_p
354 = rad_txrx_fdec
355 = rad_txrx_finc
356 = rad_prinav_fdec
357 = rad_prinav_finc
358 = rad_secnav_fdec
359 = rad_secnav_finc
360 = MouseControl

[HotKey turret] category 4

01 = trt_park_toggle
02 = trt_park
03 = trt_unpark
04 = trt_mount_u
05 = trt_mount_d
06 = trt_mount_l
07 = trt_mount_r
08 = trt_up
09 = trt_down
10 = trt_left
11 = trt_right

[HotKey view] category 5

01 = cabin1 (cockpit)
09 = cabin9
10 = changeCabin
11 = inside
12 = insideView
13 = instrumentsView
14 = outside
15 = outsideView
16 = outsideViewEnemyAir
17 = outsideViewEnemyDirectAir
18 = outsideViewEnemyDirectGround
19 = outsideViewEnemyGround
20 = outsideViewFly
21 = outsideViewFollow
22 = outsideViewFriendAir
23 = outsideViewFriendGround
24 = outsideViewNext
25 = outsideViewNextArmament
26 = outsideViewNextEnemy
27 = outsideViewNextEnemyGround
28 = outsideViewNextEnemyPlane
29 = outsideViewNextEnemyShip
30 = outsideViewNextGround
31 = outsideViewNextPlane
32 = outsideViewNextShip
33 = padlockView
34 = padlockViewForward
35 = padlockViewFriend
36 = padlockViewFriendGround
37 = padlockViewGround
38 = padlockViewNext
39 = toggleShowCabin
40 = padlockViewPrev
41 = prevCabin
42 = toggleAim
43 = toggleShowMirror
44 = toggleUp

[HotKey viewSet] category 6

01 = DashBoard
02 = FOV
03 = fov30
04 = fov70
05 = fov90
06 = Len
07 = Offset
08 = Reset
09 = Rotate
10 = StartStop
11 = TrackIR

[HotKey viewPan] category 7

1 = PanDown
2 = PanLeft
3 = PanLeft2
4 = PanLeft3
5 = PanReset
6 = PanRight
7 = PanRight2
8 = PanRight3
9 = PanUp

[HotKey viewSnap] category 8

01 = Snap_0_0
02 = Snap_0_1
03 = Snap_0_2
04 = Snap_0_m1
05 = Snap_0_m2
06 = Snap_1_0
07 = Snap_1_1
08 = Snap_1_m1
09 = Snap_2_0
10 = Snap_2_2
11 = Snap_2_m2
12 = Snap_3_0
13 = Snap_3_1
14 = Snap_3_m1
15 = Snap_m1_0
16 = Snap_m1_1
17 = Snap_m1_m1
18 = Snap_m2_0
19 = Snap_m2_2
20 = Snap_m2_m2
21 = Snap_m3_0
22 = Snap_m3_1
23 = Snap_m3_m1
24 = SnapPanSwitch

[HotKey timeSpeed] category 9

1 = timeSpeedDown
2 = timeSpeedUp
3 = timeSpeedNormal

[HotKey orders] category 10

1 = activate
2 = Backspace
3 = deactivate
4 = Enter
5 = expand
6 = order0
14 = order9
15 = select

[HotKey chat] category 11

1 = recipients
2 = send
3 = showHideNetStats
4 = toggleNetStats

[HotKey builder] category 12

01 = addBranch
02 = Backward
03 = battleArea
04 = break
05 = change-
06 = change--
07 = change+
08 = change++
09 = copy
10 = createRoads
11 = cursor
12 = cut
13 = delete
14 = delete+
15 = Forward
16 = freeView
17 = insert
18 = insert+
19 = land
20 = LoadMission
21 = normalLand
22 = objectMove
23 = paste
24 = PlayMission
25 = popupmenu
26 = Redo
27 = resetAngles
28 = resetTangage90
29 = select-
30 = select+
31 = showDist
32 = showinsert
33 = stepAzimut15
34 = stepAzimut-15
35 = stepAzimut30
36 = stepAzimut-30
37 = stepAzimut5
38 = stepAzimut-5
39 = straightSpline
40 = toLand
41 = Undo
42 = unselect
43 = worldZoom

[HotKey vehicle] category 13

1 = fire
2 = accelerate
3 = brake
4 = turn_left
5 = turn_right
6 = stop_movement
7 = start_movement
8 = toggle_dir
9 = toggle_hand_brake

Last edited by norulz; 03-30-2011 at 09:40 PM.
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Old 03-30-2011, 07:55 PM
Bertram W. Wooster Bertram W. Wooster is offline
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Thanks norulz, this is very helpful. I have been mapping my CH controllers to commands by hand editing the ini file and your list will help a lot.

To answer a couple of your questions:

elevatort_nup : t at the end of elevator, aileron and rudder denotes trim. The nup stands for 'nose up'.

uc: stands for undercarriage i.e. landing gear
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Old 03-30-2011, 08:32 PM
norulz norulz is offline
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I will try to do now the axes... the buttons are done... I hope I didn't made mistakes.

maybe it helps someone... till tomorrow
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Old 03-30-2011, 09:28 PM
norulz norulz is offline
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and the Axes


[HotKey pilotMove] Axes TAB

01 = 1aileron
02 = 1elevator
03 = 1rudder
04 = 1trimaileron
05 = 1trimelevator
06 = 1trimrudder
07 = 1flaps
08 = 1leslats
09 = 1underc
10 = 1brakes
11 = 1brakeslt
12 = 1brakesrt
13 = 1airbrake
14 = 1bombbaydoor
15 = 1impellerretr
16 = 1throttle
17 = 1throttle_wep
18 = 1pitch
19 = 1mix
20 = 1radiator
21 = 1oilradiator
22 = 1compressor
23 = 1carbheater
24 = 1throttle0
25 = 1throttle1
26 = 1throttle2
27 = 1throttle3
28 = 1throttle4
29 = 1throttle5
30 = 1throttle6
31 = 1throttle7
32 = 1mix0
33 = 1mix1
34 = 1mix2
35 = 1mix3
36 = 1mix4
37 = 1mix5
38 = 1mix6
39 = 1mix7
40 = 1radiator0
41 = 1radiator1
42 = 1radiator2
43 = radiator3
44 = 1radiator4
45 = 1radiator5
46 = 1radiator6
47 = 1radiator7
48 = 1oilradiator0
49 = 1oilradiator1
50 = 1oilradiator2
51 = 1oilradiator3
52 = 1oilradiator4
53 = 1oilradiator5
54 = 1oilradiator6
55 = 1oilradiator7
56 = 1compressor0
57 = 1compressor1
58 = 1compressor2
59 = 1compressor3
60 = 1compressor4
61 = 1compressor5
62 = 1compressor6
63 = 1compressor7
64 = 1carbheater0
65 = 1carbheater1
67 = 1carbheater2
68 = 1carbheater3
69 = 1carbheater4
70 = 1carbheater5
71 = 1carbheater6
72 = 1carbheater7
73 = 1tankselector0
74 = 1tankselector1
75 = 1tankselector2
76 = 1tankselector3
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Old 03-30-2011, 10:50 PM
Geronimo989 Geronimo989 is offline
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Thanks man this is very useful

Does anyone know how to turn those GUI windows back on? I lost the one with throttle and mixture and now I cant figure out how to turn it back on...
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Old 03-30-2011, 11:17 PM
BadAim BadAim is offline
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Thanks Mate! Very helpful.
I'm pretty much just here for comic relief.
Q6600@3.02 GHz, 4gig DDR2, GTX470, Win7 64bit
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