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IL-2 Sturmovik The famous combat flight simulator.

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Old 06-22-2009, 02:39 AM
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Default oleg, you better hurry, RoF is releasing a ww-2 sim next

there is many things wrong with RoF (mostly because they are starting to sell it before many of the problems with it are resolved, and it has a very cumbersome and inconvenient online-only play mode), but i just noticed a few comments in the last weeks from its staff that they are planning to release a ww-2 sim next, and that they will do this "soon" (not in a few years, could be as soon as a few months)

right now they sell a game with 2 flyable aircraft only as a ww-1 flightsim, and they have completed the work on their scenery and grafix engine. to now create two ww-2 flyable planes and slightly change their scenery to suit the battle of brittain era would take them very little effort imo.

they also provided some degree of openness in their game environment where they want to get their customers involved in creating game objects and addon planes and scenery

oleg, you might want to consider releasing BoB sooner then later imo. RoF looks very good (probably not as good as BoB will be, but close ?), and if to many flightsimmers get distracted by it this could well take some of your customers away

your loyal supporters know you are working on a grand masterpiece that will set new standards in flightsim performance and features, but there is only a limited number of aviation fans out there as a customer base. the sooner you can releases your sim, the more wind you will be able to take out of their sails

Last edited by zapatista; 06-22-2009 at 02:43 AM.
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Old 06-22-2009, 06:21 AM
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This has got to be the funniest post I've seen in a long time. Very nice, zapatista! Hope to see more funny stuff from you.

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Old 06-22-2009, 07:41 AM
Chivas Chivas is offline
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ROF does look very good, but still needs alot of work before they could ever release a WW2 map and aircraft. In other words there is no chance the ROF developers could release another flight sim in the next months or even years for that matter.
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Old 06-22-2009, 11:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Chivas View Post
ROF does look very good, but still needs alot of work before they could ever release a WW2 map and aircraft. In other words there is no chance the ROF developers could release another flight sim in the next months or even years for that matter.
thats what i thought to

but when in the last weeks i did more background reading on what the RoF creators themselves actually said, about their current game, their sales model, and the way they plan to go forward, i got a different perspective on what they are doing

look at it this way, would anybody here really consider buying a full price aviation sim with only 2 flyable planes that are not even historically matched as opponents in the sky, one small map, only daytime weather, static cloud displays and static weather patterns, an empty in game world with only the odd token few trucks or tanks in one spot as mission objectives, "famed" flight modeling that produces takeoff and landing distances 4x longer then real life, only summer season for all maps, etc.... add to that you need to be 24/7 online to even play offline single missions, no real dynamic campaign, only 5 against 5 online servers where you have to wait your turn to rejoin a game after getting killed, no coop servers, no campain servers..........need i go on further ?

the obvious answer is no, we wouldnt.

but that is exactly what they are selling right now at the price of a normal full game

and here is the kicker, to get more maps, more planes, more objects, more seasons, you will have to pay for each item.

then i saw several specific posts from several RoF employees themselves, and this indicated that the missing content in the current game is very deliberate and could have been included from the start, for ex most of their main addon planes for RoF are already finished and they will put them for sale in a gradual manner to keep generating income, and here is the surprising part, that their next project is already started and will focus on ww-2

the main problem i see is that RoF really lowers the standard of what we expect from a decent flightsim, however good it looks and might fly. add to that a limited customer base for flight sims in general, and it can reduce the rapidity that olegs new product can penetrate the market. we have been incredibly lucky with oleg's products in the last years it seems, and if this RoF crap is going to be considered normal in the new future as a game, we'r all in trouble as flightsimmers.

Last edited by zapatista; 06-22-2009 at 11:46 AM.
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Old 06-22-2009, 12:45 PM
Bearcat Bearcat is offline
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Originally Posted by zapatista View Post

and here is the kicker, to get more maps, more planes, more objects, more seasons, you will have to pay for each item.

then i saw several specific posts from several RoF employees themselves, and this indicated that the missing content in the current game is very deliberate and could have been included from the start, for ex most of their main addon planes for RoF are already finished and they will put them for sale in a gradual manner to keep generating income, and here is the surprising part, that their next project is already started and will focus on ww-2

the main problem i see is that RoF really lowers the standard of what we expect from a decent flightsim, however good it looks and might fly. add to that a limited customer base for flight sims in general, and it can reduce the rapidity that olegs new product can penetrate the market. we have been incredibly lucky with oleg's products in the last years it seems, and if this RoF crap is going to be considered normal in the new future as a game, we'r all in trouble as flightsimmers.
Not as long as 1C is still in the picture.. I don't think that 1C will allow the standards to drop but so low... and they will certainly raise them higher than they are now.... I have not gotten RoF.. even the demo.... I cant speak for anyone else.. but for me the prospect of a limited theater, limited planeset sim with limited online capabilities, by an unproven developer is not a threat to 1C at this point... I think any real simmer is just filling a void until SoW is released.. and once it is released I have little doubt it will do what 1C sims have been doing for almost the last 10 years..

Not only that... I for one am not crazy about the idea of paying peicemeal for things that should be in a sim IMO. 1C has raised the bar... any real contenders will have to meet it or go home.

Last edited by Bearcat; 06-22-2009 at 12:49 PM.
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Old 06-22-2009, 02:25 PM
RCAF_FB_Orville RCAF_FB_Orville is offline
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Hmmm. Mixed feelings about Rise of flight at the moment. I was initially very enthusiastic about the sim, having much interest in that era......But recent things coming to light are making me think again. The AI looks incredibly unresponsive when under attack judging from a lot of YT vids I have watched, sometimes it looks like it has taken them an eon to realise they are under fire. The also seem to suffer from the "gang bang" mentality on the friendly side, ala at times IL-2, with 2-3 friendly AI getting in the way of player shots, and seemingly recklessly risking collision with you. Maybe this is harsh, and I do not know how configurable AI difficulty settings are.....Its possible that the makers of these vids had them on "lower" settings, I would hope, as they are just getting used to a new sim.

Now I'm no Physics "Major", but as impressive as some of the effects look, some of them do not look quite right to me. A plane diving at a collosal speed regardless of its weight is going to build up a lot of mass and energy, right? It just seems sometimes that they just crumple like the paper aeroplanes I used to throw at my maths teacher as a kid, when they were'nt looking Maybe I am wrong about this, but I would expect for example them to be impaled into the ground in this scenario, if coming down at speed at a 90 degree angle. Like I say, maybe due to their relatively light weight this would be correct, someone please correct me if this is so.

RE the paying for add ons scenario, I understand the POV that more should be included in the original release, but consider this. Haven't we as simmers been perhaps "spoiled" over the years with free addons, particularly from Oleg and Co? Lets make no mistake, they are in this to make money, and more accurately HAVE to make money, or they will go under like so many before them. A flight sim company succeeding is good news for all of us I believe, because this genre is small enough and arguably endangered as it is.

I guess I fall into the "wait and see" box, I will keep tabs on user opinions as to be honest I don't really know enough about it as of yet. I'll play the demo when it is released, and take it from there.

Like Fox Mulder, I WANT TO BELIEVE, lol.....But by nature have always been a bit of a doubting Thomas

Last edited by RCAF_FB_Orville; 06-22-2009 at 02:33 PM.
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Old 06-24-2009, 09:06 AM
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*waves flag with black shark on it*

There's a couple of great sims out at the moment, I think we're very fortunate. 1C would appear to be the benchmark now, but I don't think we can dismiss others as filler.

And as has been said earlier, flight sims just get harder and more expensive to produce as time goes by, and sell to fewer people. I wish we wouldn't whine so hard, when the alternative is considered.
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Old 06-22-2009, 07:12 PM
KG26_Alpha KG26_Alpha is offline
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Originally Posted by zapatista View Post
the main problem i see is that RoF really lowers the standard of what we expect from a decent flightsim, however good it looks and might fly. add to that a limited customer base for flight sims in general, and it can reduce the rapidity that olegs new product can penetrate the market. we have been incredibly lucky with oleg's products in the last years it seems, and if this RoF crap is going to be considered normal in the new future as a game, we'r all in trouble as flightsimmers.
The problem is ............ we have been spoilt by Oleg & 1c in the past with free updates, aircraft, maps and ground objects.

The Author of IL2 has surpassed any other genre of flight sim support wise and I hope it continues.

As for Rise of Flight........... I loose interest half way through saying its title.

Last edited by KG26_Alpha; 06-22-2009 at 07:18 PM.
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Old 06-22-2009, 07:29 PM
Rama Rama is offline
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Can't believe the amount of false rumors and crap information I read in this thread....

Neoqb has no intention to developp a WWII sim in the near future (in the next years).
The actual map isn't small by any standard, and took more than 2.5 years to developp, and building the planes and objects took a lot of time also.
Neoqb is now working hard to developp new planes and new features for their game.

AND... There's absolutly NO competition between ROF and SOW:BOB. Most of RoF purchaser will, lile myself, buy SoW:BOB as soon it will be released.

Good Job Zapatista, trying to build a useless "sim fight" on lies and mean false rumors!!!!
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Old 06-23-2009, 01:27 AM
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Originally Posted by KG26_Alpha View Post
The problem is ............ we have been spoilt by Oleg & 1c in the past with free updates, aircraft, maps and ground objects.

The Author of IL2 has surpassed any other genre of flight sim support wise and I hope it continues.

As for Rise of Flight........... I loose interest half way through saying its title.

You are right...and by the looks of things (even with our infrequent up-dates have been) Oleg is planning on giving us value for our dollar in the future. We know he has been working on 3rd party development tools...this in itself suggests a vibrant modding community. The ROF people will have to work pretty hard to equal the work (& options) Oleg has been talking about.
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