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Old 05-27-2011, 06:37 PM
SEE SEE is offline
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Default Single 'Dynamic' Mission - Liberation


Liberationv2.zip - 426.03 KB

The original version has been updated following feedback. The new File includes, Map, Spoiler (see below), Briefing file and new MIS file. If you wish to update just copy and paste the new MIS file into your Missions/Single folder and overwrite the exiting one.

1. Corrected Multiple Spawning of BF110's

2. Reduced the number of enemy ground units on the map and the three on airstrip are now located closer to hangers.

3. Reduced the time to complete the mission.

4. Ignore 'Mission Failed' if it pops up- I have no idea why it does that so just carry on!

BF109's can be prevented from scrambling by eliminating the Command and Control vehicle. If you have 'roads' ON, this vehicle (and a Armour column) will be on it (from the only bridge in the vicinity). With roads OFF, they are more difficult to spot and included in the new download is a picture spoiler that will give you a clue as to their whereabouts. You will have around 5 minutes to locate it before it sets off to the airfield.

Your priority is still to eliminate at least two of the three occupying enemy ground units on the AIRSTRIP before moving on to the ones nearby and then those furthest away.

Unzip and extract/copy all files to the Singles Folder located

(C:\mydocuments)\1Csoftclub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover\missions\Single

No Script coding embedded or used.

A 'dynamic' single mission with three phases, each of which determines the outcome of the next. Difficulty and time to complete will depend on your realism settings. I have only tested on full realism other than for 'unlimited Ammo' due not being able to land and re-arm.

The video is my first (and probably last attempt).

The video describes the mission mechanics, objectives and strategy for each phase using mission footage recorded while testing.

Phase One

Requires you to work closely with ground units to achieve their objectives and is thus a ground attack mission. If the allied ground attack is successful, the player will release air assets to help in the next stage (as per the story line). How many will depend on the degree of success in your skills at eliminating enemy ground threats to the allied attacking units.

Phase Two

Requires you to balance ground atacks with the threat of imminent and real Luftwaffe air attacks. This is a 'protect and consolidate won assets' objective.

Phase Three

'Escort' but the difficulty of this final phase is determined by the success/failures of the previous two.

Mission Notes

1. Mission success is the safe arrival of two Ansons ferrying pilots. In order to accomplish, each phase has its own objective. (The Anson was not my first choice but in the absence of anything else it will have to do). You should try and be in close escort to the ANSONS once they head out to open sea!

2. A mission tactical map will appear in your opening mission screen and is included in the zip file.

3. As much as I would have liked to set the combat area closer to Dunkirk, I found fps an issue and therefore the mission is set further south where fps is good due the low number of buildings.

2. Video settings can affect Ground unit behaviour and having trees 'off' exposes enemy units - best to have trees on medium if possible. The mission was tested with land details, textures HIGH and Building amount Medium. Not sure wether this will cause problems but best to mention it.

3. The mission uses Action Trigger commands and Air units spawn when a particular unit moves into a defined area, some are just 50 metre radius. Ground units will halt when confronted with opposing forces, it is essential that these opposing forces are eliminated for that ground unit to progress. When, and if arriving at a pre defined area, additional air assets are released as per the story line. Failure to arrive will prevent these assets spawning and scrambling.

4. The Anson is very slow and escorting them a 'pain in the ass', if they spawn, they will hot foot it out of the combat area. You should be able to catch them up if necessary. Failure of the Ansons to spawn will increase the difficulty of you getting back home based on an argument that the RAF will not send escorts - you will be on your own with any surving allied ac.

5. Once the command of players AI is fixed, the player will be able to assign duties to his AI co-pilots, at the moment they do very little to contribute other than act as ground/air target fodder. Spawned assets will assist however.

6. Allied units will never move out of the airfield perimeter once taken. Enemy units will flank and penetrate, avoid friendly kills as these may be the ones required to reach the objective area that enables allied ac to spawn on the ground.

7. Killing the lead vehicle in a armour unit can slow their progress as they try to move around it.

OK, does it work as a single mission concept? Hopefully yes, but feel free to give feedback.

thanks for downloading.....SEE

Last edited by SEE; 06-03-2011 at 12:56 AM.
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Old 05-27-2011, 07:34 PM
Fragal Fragal is offline
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Looks awesome gonna give it a whirl thanks!
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Old 05-27-2011, 10:44 PM
Seeker Seeker is offline
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Old 05-28-2011, 12:30 PM
Seeker Seeker is offline
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I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to do in this mission, I've tried it 3 or 4 times now.

The first time I just followed the waypoints, the Anson's appeared but got shot up on the runway

I've tried leaving it on auto pilot, but the Ansons rarely turn up

One time there was a seemingly endless supply of 110's appearing.

And of course the AI wingmen are bloody useless

Do you want to us to attack enemy armour in a Spit II?
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Old 05-28-2011, 12:48 PM
Ze-Jamz Ze-Jamz is offline
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Cool..nice one mate
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Old 05-28-2011, 02:30 PM
SEE SEE is offline
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Hi Seeker, thanks for the feedback, you shouldn't have wave after wave of BF110's, checked the MIS File and spotted a bug in the Script Target Passtrough commnd which can continually spawn a group under certain conditions (which you happen to have experinced) will correct and upload a new MIS file on Monday as I am away untill then.

Observations like yours are really appreciated and will help me get the balance right, iron out bugs, etc for this or any future missions I make.

The first few minutes is critical and has to be a decisive strike for the first two Huricanes to spawn and what happens after. The Ground units are relying on you (the RAF) taking out those three SDK's protecting the hangers.

Your first objective therefore, is to eliminate the three SDK's. Two at the end of the runway and one moving towards the hanger end (you should spot this one as you approach (a small moving dot in the centre of the field) take it out in your approach. The SDK is pretty easy to knock out with the Spitfire and probably one will be elimated by the ground attack anyway.

The allies seem to capture the Anson Hanger without your help. You can check that they have later when the Hurris are airborne and assisting you.

Success in the first few minutes and knocking out these three SDK;s will now allow you to be selective and you can just use a circling pattern and look for any nearby SDKs that are trying to counter attack. Some will be wiped out by ground forces and if necessary you can strike at any tthat are still moving.

You can then deal with a small group of SDK's in close proximity approaching the Hangers at the end of the runway whilst keeping an eye on the allied armoured cars hot footing it to the hanger.

Only one of the allied units has to get to the hanger area intact for two Hurricanes to scramble and assist.

If any survive from the other attack (straight down the centre of the airstrip) and also reach the hanger arae, then the other two Hurris will spawn and scramble. The Hurris will help with air threats.

From here on you can either eliminate any other threats, check on the progress of the RAF convoy (it does not need your help and usually arrives OK) or gain altitude and harras/eliminate the two BF110's and two BF109's (If they spawn).

Once the Ansons Spawn you decide wether to clear the skies of enemy AC (Four Max) and all of you fly out and escort the Ansons or you may decide to leave the combat area and shadow the Ansons and hope the others do the job the catch you up.

If the Ansons survive you will have an Escort group join you on the journey home - you will need them! If they get killed or fail to spawn, you are on your own with any remaining allied aircraft that made it out.

Its a lengthy mission and takes about 30 minutes to complete

AirStrike Tactics.

As you approach and get over the runway you will be aware of enemy fire from your left, straffe your target and look for others but I turn/climb opposite to where enemy ground units may be if planning a second pass having spotted a target of opportunity.

Low level straffing needs you to have clear and confirmed sighting and plenty of time to level out and steady your approach. I avoid Rapid Turn and burn for low level straffing.

In the video I also sometimes climb high and swoop down almost vertically.

I set my convergence with four guns at 150m and 4 at around 200m but use whatever works best for you.

I prefer to have my ac trimmed slightly nose up for low level straffing attacks, once again use whats best for you.

Last edited by SEE; 05-28-2011 at 03:10 PM.
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Old 05-28-2011, 04:04 PM
Seeker Seeker is offline
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Originally Posted by SEE View Post

The first few minutes is critical and has to be a decisive strike for the first two Huricanes to spawn and what happens after. The Ground units are relying on you (the RAF) taking out those three SDK's protecting the hangers..
Aha! So that's the deal. I thought it might be, as it did seem logical to wipe the axis off the airfield, but I was expecting a dogfight mission.

I know Spit's were used very heavily as ground attack later in the war, I was just not expecting to take on ground forces with a early war 303 armed Spit

Might I suggest that if you've found what was triggering the multiple 110 spawn you publish the bug? I can see it's a bug in this context, but it may turn out to be a useful tool for offline practise/quick missions.

Thanks for your efforts, we need more content desperately.
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Old 05-28-2011, 08:02 PM
Rattlehead Rattlehead is offline
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Thanks for the mission. Much appreciated.
I must say, I enjoyed playing it, even if the first time around I got shot down.
(I don't use icons, so it was only after getting shot at that I realised which ground forces the Jerries were.)

The second time around, unfortunately I was unable to stop German forces taking over the airfield.
I got involved in a dogfight with a BF110, and sustained some damage to my aircraft and also got wounded.
This is what I was seeing for most of the mission:

I did manage to shoot down the 110, before flying around looking for the Ansons for a while.
I eventually saw an Anson and was escorting it for a while before getting tangled up with 109's. I was almost out of ammo and decided to let the Anson get out of there whilst myself and my wingman kept the 109s busy.

Because of my lack of success during the 1st phase, the remainder of the mission was pretty difficult and eventually I crash landed near the airfield where the Anson had landed.

I liked the mission a lot, and I think it would have been better had the comms been working. The AI was also at it's irritating worst, doing rollls like crazy...not your fault of course. Just saying.

If I may suggest something, I think it would have been nice to be forewarned that the player starts in the air. I was scrambling for the radiator lever in a mild panic at first.
Also, perhaps it would have been nice to have some AA cover at the airfield where the player is supposed to land.
After tussling with several enemy aircraft, and having being shot to hell, I was dismayed that after my mad scramble to the airfield with three 109's on my tail, that there was not the slightest bit of help forthcoming from the airfield.

But I did appreciate the fact that the mission's difficulty was dependant on the players own actions, and certainly it was pretty intense throughout.

I'm not sure if I was successful in the mission or not...I didn't see any messages confirming it. One Anson landed, one didn't...it may have been shot down, I'm not sure.

Last edited by Rattlehead; 05-28-2011 at 08:10 PM.
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Old 05-28-2011, 08:08 PM
Rattlehead Rattlehead is offline
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Originally Posted by Seeker View Post

Might I suggest that if you've found what was triggering the multiple 110 spawn you publish the bug?
It may not be something that is within his power to change. It might be in the actual code. It's happened to me in several missions that I've made as well, and I don't know how to stop it from happening.
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Old 05-29-2011, 07:16 AM
335th_GRAthos 335th_GRAthos is offline
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Originally Posted by Rattlehead View Post

reat work, I am looking forward to download and try it!

Rattlehead, what is the name of the information window you have on your screen (the airplane damage information)?

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