![]() |
I spent a short bit of time looking at the new Beta API for a 'Mission Menu' and figuring out how to direct traffic. When you crash you can call for an ambulance.
Details and test mission download here: http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.ph...ml#Post3387861 The interesting part of the script is here: Code:
else if (menuItemIndex == 6) { GamePlay.gpHUDLogCenter("Ambulance Dispatched!"); Player[] all = { player }; AiActor amb = GamePlay.gpActorByName("0_Chief"); // Our ambulance, defined as first vehicle in mission if (amb != null) { AiGroup g = (AiGroup)amb; // Everything with waypoints is always in groups AiWayPoint[] waypoints = g.GetWay(); // Get the waypoints it had foreach (AiWayPoint waypoint in waypoints) { //GamePlay.gpLogServer(all, "waypoint: x=" + waypoint.P.x.ToString() + " y=" + waypoint.P.y.ToString(), null); x = waypoint.P.x; y = waypoint.P.y; z = waypoint.P.z; // Remember this for late, as we need a good height from somewhere } Player me = GamePlay.gpPlayer(); AiActor where = me.Place(); Point3d pos = where.Pos(); // Get our position, i.e. where to send the ambulance Point3d target = new Point3d(pos.x, pos.y, z); // Set our target to be us //GamePlay.gpLogServer(all, "me: x=" + pos.x.ToString() + " y=" + pos.y.ToString() + " z=" + pos.z.ToString(), null); // Note: Set the z height to be the last waypoint height rather than it's real height, Pos seems a PoS Point3d last_known = new Point3d(amb.Pos().x, amb.Pos().y, z); AiGroundWayPoint[] newWaypoints = { new AiGroundWayPoint(ref last_known, 50.0, 0.0, 10.0), new AiGroundWayPoint(ref target, 50.0, 0.0, 10.0) }; g.SetWay(newWaypoints); // Off we go, on new route! AiWayPoint[] resetWaypoints = g.GetWay(); // Just diagnostics, i.e. can be removed but basically to check they took foreach (AiWayPoint waypoint in resetWaypoints) { //GamePlay.gpLogServer(all, "New waypoint: x=" + waypoint.P.x.ToString() + " y=" + waypoint.P.y.ToString(), null); } } setMainMenu(player); } |
Nice Idea
'SAAAAANNNNNIIIIII' ![]() With the new command menu feature, we got a very interesting feature. |
This is insanely kewl.
What happens if one crash in enemyland and call for ambulance. ![]() |
"... new Beta API for a 'Mission Menu' ..." ???
Where do you access/get a copy of the API? |
The API is part of the beta patch.
As for if you called it from far away, I've not tried it - but waypoint-wise it would just keep trucking till it got to you. |
You should use the "GamePlay.gpFindPath()" method to let the game engine calculate the waypoints. This way the car will not cross water and use roads and bridges.
As the calculation of the waypoints is done asynchronous (in a different thread) you have to wait until the calculation is finished: Code:
IRecalcPathParams pathParams = GamePlay.gpFindPath(start, 10.0, end, 20.0, PathType.GROUND, groundGroup.Army); // start is the start coordinate, end it the end coordinate, 10.0 and 20.0 how much the calculated way is allowed to differ from start and end point. while (pathParams.State == RecalcPathState.WAIT) { Game.gpLogServer(new Player[] { Game.gpPlayer() }, "Wait for path.", null); // This is not a good idea, I think this would stop the game thread. Better check if the path calculation is finished within the OnTick() method. System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } if (pathParams.State == RecalcPathState.SUCCESS) { Game.gpLogServer(new Player[] { Game.gpPlayer() }, "Path found (" + pathParams.Path.Length.ToString() + ").", null); groundGroup.setWay(pathParams.Path) } else if(pathParams.State == RecalcPathState.FAILED) { Game.gpLogServer(new Player[] { Game.gpPlayer() }, "Path not found.", null); } Look for navyr's tank war example how to check the result of the path calculation within the OnTick() method. Last edited by 41Sqn_Banks; 09-12-2011 at 08:01 AM. |
Thankyou fearlessfrog. Maybe the routine could be reworked so that instead of the pilot calling an ambulance via after-crash menu, an ambulance could arrive "automatically".
Pseudocode: 1. On player crash-landing 2. Is crash-landing within home base radius? 3. If so, cycle through vehicle objects and see if there is an ambulance (&/or fire truck) 4. If an ambulance exists, Is the ambulance within the same home base radius as the crash landing? 5. If so, then send the ambulance to the crash site (calculate waypoints). |
Various emergency & service cars script by naryv posted an sukhoi.ru today.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using maddox.game; using maddox.game.world; using maddox.GP; public class Mission : AMission { public override void OnBattleStarted() { base.OnBattleStarted(); MissionNumberListener = -1; } Random rnd = new Random(); [Flags] internal enum ServiceType // тип обслуживающих машинок { NONE = 0, EMERGENCY = 1, FIRE = 2, FUEL = 4, AMMO = 8, BOMBS = 16, PRISONERCAPTURE = 32 } internal class TechCars { internal AiGroundGroup TechCar { get; set; } internal AiAirport BaseAirport { get; set; } internal IRecalcPathParams cur_rp { get; set; } internal int RouteFlag = 0; internal int cartype = 0; internal int servPlaneNum = -1; internal ServiceType CarType { get { return (ServiceType)cartype; } set { cartype = (int)value; } } public TechCars(AiGroundGroup car, AiAirport airoport, IRecalcPathParams rp) { this.TechCar = car; this.BaseAirport = airoport; this.cur_rp = rp; } } internal class PlanesQueue { internal AiAircraft aircraft { get; set; } internal AiAirport baseAirport { get; set; } internal int state = 0; internal ServiceType State { get { return (ServiceType)state; } set { state = (int)value; } } internal int Lifetime = 0; internal float health = 1; public PlanesQueue(AiAircraft aircraft, AiAirport baseAirport, int state) { this.aircraft = aircraft; this.baseAirport = baseAirport; this.state = state; } } internal List<TechCars> CurTechCars = new List<TechCars>(); internal List<PlanesQueue> CurPlanesQueue = new List<PlanesQueue>(); TechCars TmpCar = null; bool MissionLoading = false; internal double PseudoRnd(double MinValue, double MaxValue) { return rnd.NextDouble() * (MaxValue - MinValue) + MinValue; } public override void OnActorTaskCompleted(int missionNumber, string shortName, AiActor actor) { base.OnActorTaskCompleted(missionNumber, shortName, actor); AiActor ai_actor = actor as AiActor; if (ai_actor != null) { if (ai_actor is AiGroundGroup) for (int i = 0; i < CurTechCars.Count; i++) // если обслуживающая техника доехала до обслуживаемого самолёта, разрешаем ей освободиться { if (CurTechCars[i].TechCar == ai_actor as AiGroundGroup) if (CurTechCars[i].RouteFlag == 1) EndPlaneService(i); else CheckNotServicedPlanes(i); }; } } internal void CheckNotServicedPlanes(int techCarIndex) { for (int j = 0; j < CurPlanesQueue.Count; j++) { if (CurTechCars[techCarIndex].TechCar.IsAlive() && (CurPlanesQueue[j].baseAirport == CurTechCars[techCarIndex].BaseAirport) && ((CurTechCars[techCarIndex].CarType & CurPlanesQueue[j].State) != 0) && (CurTechCars[techCarIndex].servPlaneNum == -1)) { if (SetEmrgCarRoute(j, techCarIndex)) // отправляем машинку обслуживать найденный самолёт { return; } } } } internal void EndPlaneService(int techCarIndex) { if (CurTechCars[techCarIndex].cur_rp == null) return; CurTechCars[techCarIndex].cur_rp = null; // сбрасываем маршрут if (CurTechCars[techCarIndex].servPlaneNum >= 0) { CurPlanesQueue[CurTechCars[techCarIndex].servPlaneNum].State &= ~CurTechCars[techCarIndex].CarType; // убираем тип обслуживания у обслуживаемого самолёта, если он есть CurTechCars[techCarIndex].servPlaneNum = -1; // сбрасываем номер обслуживаемого самолёта Timeout(5f, () => { if (!MoveFromRWay(techCarIndex))// проверяем не стоим ли на взлётке, и уезжаем с неё если так. { CurTechCars[techCarIndex].RouteFlag = 0; CheckNotServicedPlanes(techCarIndex); // и смотрим, нет ли ещё необслуженных самолётов } }); } else Timeout(5f, () => { CurTechCars[techCarIndex].RouteFlag = 0; CheckNotServicedPlanes(techCarIndex); // и смотрим, нет ли ещё необслуженных самолётов }); } internal bool MoveFromRWay(int carNum) { bool result = false; if ((GamePlay.gpLandType(CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar.Pos().x, CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar.Pos().y) & LandTypes.ROAD) == 0) return result; Point3d TmpPos = CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar.Pos(); while (((GamePlay.gpLandType(TmpPos.x, TmpPos.y) & LandTypes.ROAD) != 0)) { TmpPos.x += 10f; TmpPos.y += 10f; }; Point2d EmgCarStart, EmgCarFinish; EmgCarStart.x = CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar.Pos().x; EmgCarStart.y = CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar.Pos().y; EmgCarFinish.x = TmpPos.x; EmgCarFinish.y = TmpPos.y; CurTechCars[carNum].servPlaneNum = -1; CurTechCars[carNum].RouteFlag = 0; CurTechCars[carNum].cur_rp = null; CurTechCars[carNum].cur_rp = GamePlay.gpFindPath(EmgCarStart, 10f, EmgCarFinish, 10f, PathType.GROUND, CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar.Army()); result = true; return result; } public bool SetEmrgCarRoute(int aircraftNumber,int carNum) { bool result = false; if (CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar != null) { CurTechCars[carNum].servPlaneNum = aircraftNumber; // устанавливаем номер обслуживаемого самолёта if (CurTechCars[carNum].cur_rp == null) { Point2d EmgCarStart, EmgCarFinish, LandedPos; LandedPos.x = CurPlanesQueue[aircraftNumber].aircraft.Pos().x; LandedPos.y = CurPlanesQueue[aircraftNumber].aircraft.Pos().y; int Sign = ((carNum % 2) == 0) ? 2 : -2; EmgCarStart.x = CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar.Pos().x; EmgCarStart.y = CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar.Pos().y; EmgCarFinish.x = LandedPos.x - PseudoRnd(2f, 5f) * ((LandedPos.x - EmgCarStart.x) / (Math.Abs(LandedPos.x - EmgCarStart.x))) - Sign; EmgCarFinish.y = LandedPos.y - PseudoRnd(2f, 5f) * ((LandedPos.y - EmgCarStart.y) / (Math.Abs(LandedPos.y - EmgCarStart.y))) - Sign; CurTechCars[carNum].cur_rp = GamePlay.gpFindPath(EmgCarStart, 10f, EmgCarFinish, 10f, PathType.GROUND, CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar.Army()); result = true; } } return result; } public override void OnMissionLoaded(int missionNumber) { base.OnMissionLoaded(missionNumber); if (missionNumber > 0) { List<string> CarTypes = new List<string>(); CarTypes.Add(":0_Chief_Emrg_"); CarTypes.Add(":0_Chief_Fire_"); CarTypes.Add(":0_Chief_Fuel_"); CarTypes.Add(":0_Chief_Ammo_"); CarTypes.Add(":0_Chief_Bomb_"); CarTypes.Add(":0_Chief_Prisoner_"); AiGroundGroup MyCar = null; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < CarTypes.Count; j++) { MyCar = GamePlay.gpActorByName(missionNumber.ToString() + CarTypes[j] + i.ToString()) as AiGroundGroup; if (MyCar != null) { TmpCar = new TechCars(MyCar, FindNearestAirport(MyCar), null); TmpCar.CarType = (ServiceType)(1 << j); TmpCar.cur_rp = null; if (!CurTechCars.Contains(TmpCar)) CurTechCars.Add(TmpCar); MissionLoading = false; }; } } } } public override void OnTickGame() { base.OnTickGame(); try { if (Time.tickCounter() % 64 == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < CurPlanesQueue.Count; i++) { CurPlanesQueue[i].Lifetime++; if ((CurPlanesQueue[i].State == ServiceType.NONE) || (CurPlanesQueue[i].aircraft == null) || (CurPlanesQueue[i].Lifetime > 200)) { for (int j = 0; j < CurTechCars.Count; j++) if (CurTechCars[j].servPlaneNum == i) EndPlaneService(j); CurPlanesQueue.RemoveAt(i); } }; for (int i = 0; i < CurTechCars.Count; i++) { TechCars car = CurTechCars[i]; if ((car.TechCar != null && car.cur_rp != null) && (car.cur_rp.State == RecalcPathState.SUCCESS) ) { if (car.TechCar.IsAlive() && (car.RouteFlag == 0)/* && (car.servPlaneNum != -1)*/) { car.RouteFlag = 1; car.cur_rp.Path[0].P.x = car.TechCar.Pos().x; car.cur_rp.Path[0].P.y = car.TechCar.Pos().y; car.TechCar.SetWay(car.cur_rp.Path); //if (car.servPlaneNum != -1) car.RouteFlag = 0; } double Dist = Math.Sqrt((car.cur_rp.Path[car.cur_rp.Path.Length - 1].P.x - car.TechCar.Pos().x) * (car.cur_rp.Path[car.cur_rp.Path.Length - 1].P.x - car.TechCar.Pos().x) + (car.cur_rp.Path[car.cur_rp.Path.Length - 1].P.y - car.TechCar.Pos().y) * (car.cur_rp.Path[car.cur_rp.Path.Length - 1].P.y - car.TechCar.Pos().y)); if (car.servPlaneNum != -1) { if (Dist < ((CurPlanesQueue[car.servPlaneNum].aircraft.Type() == AircraftType.Bomber) ? 20f : 10f)) EndPlaneService(i); } else if (Dist < 15f) { EndPlaneService(i); } } if ((car.cur_rp == null) && (car.RouteFlag == 0) && (car.servPlaneNum != -1)) { EndPlaneService(i); }; }; } } catch (Exception e) {} } internal AiAirport FindNearestAirport(AiActor actor) { AiAirport aMin = null; double d2Min = 0; Point3d pd = actor.Pos(); int n = GamePlay.gpAirports().Length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { AiAirport a = (AiAirport)GamePlay.gpAirports()[i]; if (!a.IsAlive()) continue; Point3d pp; pp = a.Pos(); pd.z = pp.z; double d2 = pd.distanceSquared(ref pp); if ((aMin == null) || (d2 < d2Min)) { aMin = a; d2Min = d2; } } if (d2Min > 2250000.0) aMin = null; return aMin; } internal ISectionFile CreateEmrgCarMission(Point3d startPos, double fRadius, int portArmy, int planeArmy, AircraftType type, float health, Point3d aircraftPos) { ISectionFile f = GamePlay.gpCreateSectionFile(); string sect; string key; string value; string ChiefName1 = "0_Chief_" + (health < 1f ? "Fire_" : "Fuel_"); string ChiefName2 = "0_Chief_" + (health < 1f ? "Emrg_" : "Ammo_"); string ChiefName3 = "0_Chief_" + (health < 1f ? "Bomb_" : "Bomb_"); if (portArmy == planeArmy) //свой прилетел { switch (portArmy) { case 1: if (health < 1f) { sect = "CustomChiefs"; key = ""; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 $core/icons/tank.mma"; //Пожарка f.add(sect, key, value); value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1 $core/icons/tank.mma";//Скорая f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0"; key = "Car.Austin_K2_ATV"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "TrailerUnit.Fire_pump_UK2_Transport"; value = "1"; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1"; key = "Car.Austin_K2_Ambulance"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Chiefs"; key = "0_Chief_Fire_0"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 gb /skin0 materialsSummer_RAF"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "0_Chief_Emrg_1"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1 gb /skin0 materialsSummer_RAF"; f.add(sect, key, value); } else { sect = "CustomChiefs"; key = ""; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 $core/icons/tank.mma"; f.add(sect, key, value); value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1 $core/icons/tank.mma"; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0"; // заправщики key = "Car.Albion_AM463"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); if (type == AircraftType.Bomber) // для бомберов больше горючки и бомбы подвозим { key = "Car.Fordson_N"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "TrailerUnit.Towed_Bowser_UK1_Transport"; value = "1"; f.add(sect, key, value); } sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1"; // Оружие value = ""; key = "Car.Bedford_MW_open"; f.add(sect, key, value); if (type == AircraftType.Bomber) // для бомберов бомбы подвозим { sect = "CustomChiefs"; key = ""; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_2 $core/icons/tank.mma"; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_2"; value = ""; key = "Car.Fordson_N"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "TrailerUnit.BombLoadingCart_UK1_Transport"; value = "1"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "TrailerUnit.BombLoadingCart_UK1_Transport"; f.add(sect, key, value); }; sect = "Chiefs"; key = "0_Chief_Fuel_0"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 gb /skin0 materialsSummer_RAF"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "0_Chief_Ammo_1"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1 gb /skin0 materialsSummer_RAF/tow00_00 1_Static"; f.add(sect, key, value); if (type == AircraftType.Bomber) { key = "0_Chief_Bomb_2"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_2 gb /tow01_00 2_Static/tow01_01 3_Static/tow01_02 4_Static/tow01_03 5_Static/tow02_00 6_Static/tow02_01 7_Static"; f.add(sect, key, value); } sect = "Stationary"; key = "1_Static"; value = "Stationary.Morris_CS8-Bedford_MW_CargoAmmo3 gb 0.00 0.00 0.00"; f.add(sect, key, value); if (type == AircraftType.Bomber) // бомбы грузим { key = "2_Static"; value = "Stationary.Weapons_.Bomb_B_GP_250lb_MkIV gb 0.00 0.00 0.00"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "3_Static"; value = "Stationary.Weapons_.Bomb_B_GP_250lb_MkIV gb 0.00 0.00 0.00"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "4_Static"; value = "Stationary.Weapons_.Bomb_B_GP_250lb_MkIV gb 0.00 0.00 0.00"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "5_Static"; value = "Stationary.Weapons_.Bomb_B_GP_250lb_MkIV gb 0.00 0.00 0.00"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "6_Static"; value = "Stationary.Weapons_.Bomb_B_GP_500lb_MkIV gb 0.00 0.00 0.00"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "7_Static"; value = "Stationary.Weapons_.Bomb_B_GP_500lb_MkIV gb 0.00 0.00 0.00"; f.add(sect, key, value); }; }; break; case 2: sect = "CustomChiefs"; //Пожарка key = ""; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 $core/icons/tank.mma"; f.add(sect, key, value); value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1 $core/icons/tank.mma";//Скорая f.add(sect, key, value); if (health < 1f) { sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0"; key = "Car.Renault_UE"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "TrailerUnit.Foam_Extinguisher_GER1_Transport"; value = "1"; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1"; if (PseudoRnd(0f, 1f) < 0.5f) { key = "Car.Opel_Blitz_med-tent"; } else { key = "Car.Opel_Blitz_cargo_med"; }; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Chiefs"; key = "0_Chief_Fire_0";// "0_Chief_emrg"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 de "; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "0_Chief_Emrg_1";// "0_Chief_emrg"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1 de "; f.add(sect, key, value); } else { sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0"; key = "Car.Opel_Blitz_fuel"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1"; key = "Car.Renault_UE"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "TrailerUnit.Oil_Cart_GER1_Transport"; value = "1"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "Car.Renault_UE"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "TrailerUnit.Anlasswagen_(starter)_GER1_Transport"; value = "1"; f.add(sect, key, value); if (type == AircraftType.Bomber) // бомбы грузим { sect = "CustomChiefs"; key = ""; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_2 $core/icons/tank.mma"; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_2"; key = "Car.Renault_UE"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "TrailerUnit.HydraulicBombLoader_GER1_Transport"; value = "1"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "Car.Renault_UE"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "TrailerUnit.BombSled_GER1_Transport"; value = "1"; f.add(sect, key, value); } sect = "Chiefs"; key = "0_Chief_Fuel_0"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 de"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "0_Chief_Ammo_1"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1 de"; f.add(sect, key, value); if (type == AircraftType.Bomber) { key = "0_Chief_Bomb_2"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_2 de /tow01_00 1_Static/tow03_00 2_Static"; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Stationary"; key = "1_Static"; value = "Stationary.Weapons_.Bomb_B_SC-250_Type2_J de 0.00 0.00 0.00"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "2_Static"; value = "Stationary.Weapons_.Bomb_B_SC-1000_C de 0.00 0.00 0.00"; f.add(sect, key, value); }; }; break; default: break; } } else { switch (portArmy) { case 1: if (health < 1f) { sect = "CustomChiefs"; key = ""; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 $core/icons/tank.mma"; //Пожарка f.add(sect, key, value); value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1 $core/icons/tank.mma";//Скорая f.add(sect, key, value); value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_2 $core/icons/tank.mma";//Броневик f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0"; key = "Car.Austin_K2_ATV"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "TrailerUnit.Fire_pump_UK2_Transport"; value = "1"; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1"; key = "Car.Austin_K2_Ambulance"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_2"; key = "Car.Beaverette_III"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Chiefs"; key = "0_Chief_Fire_0"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 gb /skin0 materialsSummer_RAF"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "0_Chief_Emrg_1"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1 gb /skin0 materialsSummer_RAF"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "0_Chief_Prisoner_2"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_2 gb "; f.add(sect, key, value); ChiefName3 = "0_Chief_Prisoner_"; } else { sect = "CustomChiefs"; key = ""; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 $core/icons/tank.mma"; //Пожарка f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0"; key = "Car.Beaverette_III"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Chiefs"; key = "0_Chief_Prisoner_0"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 gb "; f.add(sect, key, value); ChiefName1 = "0_Chief_Prisoner_"; }; break; case 2: if (health < 1f) { sect = "CustomChiefs"; key = ""; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 $core/icons/tank.mma"; //Пожарка f.add(sect, key, value); value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1 $core/icons/tank.mma";//Скорая f.add(sect, key, value); value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_2 $core/icons/tank.mma";//Броневик f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0"; key = "Car.Renault_UE"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "TrailerUnit.Foam_Extinguisher_GER1_Transport"; value = "1"; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1"; key = "Car.Opel_Blitz_cargo_med"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_2"; key = "Car.SdKfz_231_6Rad"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Chiefs"; key = "0_Chief_Fire_0"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 de"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "0_Chief_Emrg_1"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1 de"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "0_Chief_Prisoner_2"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_2 de /marker0 1940-42_var1"; f.add(sect, key, value); ChiefName3 = "0_Chief_Prisoner_"; } else { sect = "CustomChiefs"; key = ""; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 $core/icons/tank.mma"; //Пожарка f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0"; key = "Car.SdKfz_231_6Rad"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Chiefs"; key = "0_Chief_Prisoner_0"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 de /marker0 1940-42_var1"; f.add(sect, key, value); ChiefName1 = "0_Chief_Prisoner_"; }; break; default: break; }; } Point3d TmpStartPos = startPos; TmpStartPos.x += PseudoRnd(-30f, 30f) + fRadius; TmpStartPos.y += PseudoRnd(-30f, 30f) + fRadius; Point3d BirthPos = EmrgVehicleStartPos(TmpStartPos, startPos); sect = ChiefName1+"0" + "_Road"; key = ""; value = BirthPos.x.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " " + BirthPos.y.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " " + BirthPos.z.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " 0 92 5 "; f.add(sect, key, value); BirthPos.x -= 50f * ((BirthPos.x - aircraftPos.x) / Math.Abs(BirthPos.x - aircraftPos.x)); BirthPos.y -= 50f * ((BirthPos.y - aircraftPos.y) / Math.Abs(BirthPos.y - aircraftPos.y)); value = BirthPos.x.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " " + BirthPos.y.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " " + BirthPos.z.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat); f.add(sect, key, value); TmpStartPos = startPos; TmpStartPos.x += PseudoRnd(-30f, 30f) - fRadius; TmpStartPos.y += PseudoRnd(-30f, 30f) + fRadius; BirthPos = EmrgVehicleStartPos(TmpStartPos, startPos); //BirthPos = TmpStartPos; sect = ChiefName2+"1" + "_Road"; key = ""; value = BirthPos.x.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " " + BirthPos.y.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " " + BirthPos.z.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " 0 92 5 "; f.add(sect, key, value); BirthPos.x -= 50f * ((BirthPos.x - aircraftPos.x) / Math.Abs(BirthPos.x - aircraftPos.x)); BirthPos.y -= 50f * ((BirthPos.y - aircraftPos.y) / Math.Abs(BirthPos.y - aircraftPos.y)); value = BirthPos.x.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " " + BirthPos.y.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " " + BirthPos.z.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat); f.add(sect, key, value); TmpStartPos = startPos; TmpStartPos.x += PseudoRnd(-30f, 30f) + fRadius; TmpStartPos.y += PseudoRnd(-30f, 30f) - fRadius; BirthPos = EmrgVehicleStartPos(TmpStartPos, startPos); sect = ChiefName3 + "2" + "_Road"; key = ""; value = BirthPos.x.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " " + BirthPos.y.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " " + BirthPos.z.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " 0 92 5 "; f.add(sect, key, value); BirthPos.x -= 50f * ((BirthPos.x - aircraftPos.x) / Math.Abs(BirthPos.x - aircraftPos.x)); BirthPos.y -= 50f * ((BirthPos.y - aircraftPos.y) / Math.Abs(BirthPos.y - aircraftPos.y)); value = BirthPos.x.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " " + BirthPos.y.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " " + BirthPos.z.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat); f.add(sect, key, value); return f; } internal Point3d EmrgVehicleStartPos(Point3d startPos, Point3d endPos) { Point3d TmpPos = startPos; while (((GamePlay.gpLandType(TmpPos.x, TmpPos.y) & LandTypes.WATER) != 0) ) { TmpPos.x -= (TmpPos.x - endPos.x) / 10f; TmpPos.y -= (TmpPos.y - endPos.y) / 10f; }; return TmpPos; } internal void CheckEmrgCarOnAirport(int aircraftNumber) { // Проверяем есть ли машинки в аэропорту AiGroundGroup MyCar = null; for (int i = 0; i < CurTechCars.Count; i++) { if (CurTechCars[i].TechCar != null ) { if (CurTechCars[i].TechCar.IsAlive() && CurTechCars[i].BaseAirport == CurPlanesQueue[aircraftNumber].baseAirport && (CurTechCars[i].CarType & CurPlanesQueue[aircraftNumber].State)!=0) { MissionLoading = false; MyCar = CurTechCars[i].TechCar; if ((CurTechCars[i].cur_rp == null) && (CurTechCars[i].RouteFlag == 0) && (CurTechCars[i].servPlaneNum == -1)) // если стоит без дела - отправим работать SetEmrgCarRoute(aircraftNumber, i); } } }; if ((MyCar == null) && !MissionLoading) { MissionLoading = true; int ArmyPos = 0; if (GamePlay.gpFrontExist()) { ArmyPos = GamePlay.gpFrontArmy(CurPlanesQueue[aircraftNumber].baseAirport.Pos().x, CurPlanesQueue[aircraftNumber].baseAirport.Pos().y); } else { ArmyPos = CurPlanesQueue[aircraftNumber].aircraft.Army(); }; // Создаём миссию с машинками GamePlay.gpPostMissionLoad(CreateEmrgCarMission(CurPlanesQueue[aircraftNumber].baseAirport.Pos(), (CurPlanesQueue[aircraftNumber].baseAirport.FieldR() / 4), ArmyPos, CurPlanesQueue[aircraftNumber].aircraft.Army(), CurPlanesQueue[aircraftNumber].aircraft.Type(),CurPlanesQueue[aircraftNumber].health, CurPlanesQueue[aircraftNumber].aircraft.Pos())); } return ; } public override void OnAircraftCrashLanded(int missionNumber, string shortName, AiAircraft aircraft) { base.OnAircraftCrashLanded(missionNumber, shortName, aircraft); Timeout(5, () => { aircraft.Destroy(); }); } public override void OnAircraftLanded(int missionNumber, string shortName, AiAircraft aircraft) { base.OnAircraftLanded(missionNumber, shortName, aircraft); AiAirport NearestAirport = FindNearestAirport(aircraft); if (NearestAirport != null) { PlanesQueue CurPlane = new PlanesQueue(aircraft, NearestAirport, 0); int ArmyPos = 0; CurPlane.health = (float)aircraft.getParameter(part.ParameterTypes.M_Health, -1); if (GamePlay.gpFrontExist()) { ArmyPos = GamePlay.gpFrontArmy(NearestAirport.Pos().x, NearestAirport.Pos().y); } else { ArmyPos = aircraft.Army(); }; if (CurPlane.health < 1f) { CurPlane.State |= ServiceType.EMERGENCY; CurPlane.State |= ServiceType.FIRE; } else if (aircraft.Army() == ArmyPos) { CurPlane.State |= ServiceType.FUEL; CurPlane.State |= ServiceType.AMMO; if (aircraft.Type() == AircraftType.Bomber) CurPlane.State |= ServiceType.BOMBS; }; if (!(aircraft.Army() == ArmyPos)) CurPlane.State |= ServiceType.PRISONERCAPTURE; if (!CurPlanesQueue.Contains(CurPlane)) { CurPlanesQueue.Add(CurPlane); CheckEmrgCarOnAirport(CurPlanesQueue.Count - 1); } else { for (int i = 0; i < CurPlanesQueue.Count; i++) if (CurPlanesQueue[i] == CurPlane) { CheckEmrgCarOnAirport(i); break; } } CurPlane = null; }; } } |
![]() maybe we could soon see a script who call supply truck to come...rearm us and go ![]() |
Thanks Banks for the FindPath - yep, as I just put down the vehicle on the field I'd just do a quick A->B but that way is far better.
Ataros - Excellent script from narvy, could have done with that yesterday ![]() It seems to do quite a lot, such as make sure the vehicles don't bump into the target aircraft (my ambulance was quite destructive) and dynamically spawn the vehicles in the airport dependent on the activity/closeness. I love that on landing it can decide whether to put out a fire, re-arm you or go capture you as an enemy. Good stuff - thanks. |
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