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IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Latest instalment in the acclaimed IL-2 Sturmovik series from award-winning developer Maddox Games.

View Poll Results: Capture the flag as an online play mode option?
Wow! Sounds like a great idea! 55 44.00%
Pffft! What a garbage idea! 53 42.40%
OMG! The pilots are still .03% too small!!! Whhhaaa! 17 13.60%
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Old 03-01-2011, 02:52 AM
Blackdog_kt Blackdog_kt is offline
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Originally Posted by White Owl View Post
There's a time for fanatically faithful historical re-enactment, that can be a lot of fun, and then there's a time for just playing around in cool airplanes with your buddies. Good idea.
My sentiments exactly, if not much else it would definitely help display to our fiends that we sim fans are not all freaks obsessed about science and history but like to have fun too. Now i don't really care what my gamer friends think of my taste in games, but i'm planning to do a demonstration for CoD at one of our small lan parties as soon as i have it installed on my PC and such fast-paced competitive gaming modes would be a very good way to get them interested.

I have already managed to bring one of them back to flight sims and his girlfriend is apparently interested too, plus there are two more guys who are very much into WWII history but think that learning to fly simulated aircraft is too difficult. They sure have no problem coping with complex real time strategy games on the PC or racing games like gran turismo 5 on the PS3 however (which, to my amazement, actually seems on the sim side of things if you disable the driving helper tools), so i'm planning to show them that you can learn flight sims easily if you are willing to scale down the difficulty a bit and turn it back up as you gradually become familiar with the basics.

Having an action packed multiplayer mode like this and giving it a go on some server with relaxed difficulty settings would be a perfect way to get them to try it out.

I see you guys are running wild with this, there's some excellent proposals and variations on the original idea.
The Su-26 non-combat version would be a lot of fun, mainly due to everyone flying the same high performance aircraft with no means to disable the enemy (the outcome would rest completely on piloting skill and squeezing every bit of performance out of the aircraft).

I also liked the idea of altitude and zone limits, the options to have the flag respawn back in the hangar or be left in the position it was dropped (imagine trying to pick up a flag inside a valley with enemies on your tail, flying 20m or less above ground at 400km/h) and finally, the bomber version.

It would make for some massive laughs having fully crewed bombers by human players trying to pass under a bridge or hangar while exchanging broadsides with their gunners
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Old 03-01-2011, 02:54 AM
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Ram the opposing Su-26 to get the flag? Really brings a whole new meaning to Red team and Blue team for an Il-2 game, doesn't it?

Also, I agree, the bomber version sounds excellent. Ponderous. I love that word.
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Old 03-01-2011, 01:23 PM
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Excellent idea for some good random fun!

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Old 03-01-2011, 02:31 PM
Gourmand Gourmand is offline
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i think in WoP/BoP they are a capture the base, with must landing...

but i don't play it.

maybe with cod and the "challenge" of a real landing it would be fun.
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Old 03-01-2011, 03:54 PM
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Great idea - and I also like the one Revvin proposes to copy the old Warbirds concept that works really well in all it's cheesiness Take out all ground defenses and fly a Ju52 with paratroopers to capture it Everyone else stole the concept from BF 1942 so why not steal with pride?

I think that MG has some new multi player modes up their sleeve though, and they can't all be realistic ones. For us with kids and a work that never ends it can really be hard to find the time for a "full real" co-op flying in formation for 30 minutes and then get shot down the first thing without even noticing where the enemy came from - realistic but painful if you just have 30 minutes for some online fun
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Old 03-02-2011, 11:30 PM
Heliocon Heliocon is offline
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Originally Posted by speculum jockey View Post
Had an idea for another miltiplayer mode that I'm sure a lot of people would enjoy. Capture the flag. Go to Unreal tournament, Quake III, lots of other older games that are still being played online after 10 years or more. One of the most popular play modes is capture the flag (CTF).

Two opposing sides on a smaller map. The rules are simple. Fly through the open hangar at the enemy's airfield and cap their flag. You'll have defending AA guns and planes trying to stop you, all the while the other team is trying to do the same thing. To score a point you have to fly through the enemy hangar and cap their flag, make it back to your base a fly through your hangar. If someone takes you flag you have to shoot them down to retake it.

I know it's not a realistic game mode, but no more "immersion killing" than most dogfight servers with their endlessly respawning planes.

We already have the planes, the maps, AA guns, and Hangars. All you need are two hangars with doors open at both sides and people who want a quick action-packed game without having to dedicate 3+ hours of their life to it. Sounds like it wouldn't be hard to implement for one of the many patches I'm sure we're going to see this year.

What say you Banana forums?

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Holy cow, I didnt even look at this thread all week because I thought it would be a flamefest/bad implementation of CTF. You sir (op) are brilliant (until later when I find an opportunity to call you other names )
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Old 03-03-2011, 10:26 AM
Ralith Ralith is offline
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This does indeed sound awesomely fun. I hope we can see it happen! Perhaps if the game had some sort of powerful scripting support this—and many other creative game modes—could be easily authored by the community and bundled into custom maps.

Last edited by Ralith; 03-03-2011 at 11:27 AM.
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Old 10-12-2011, 07:41 AM
Ataros Ataros is offline
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The only way I see it looking more or less attractive is capturing airfields by landing a supply plane on it after elimination of all the opposition. This is the good old Warbirds gameplay mode.

Otherwise only ground forces should capture territory (or a flag). Fortunatelly now we have an ingame Mission Menu and players or officers can command ground forces which flag to attack and issue other commands.

I hate CTF how it is done in RoF for instance, i.e. flying around a flag When I first saw it in RoF beta I deleted it immediately (came back only in 1 year, yes it hurt that much). But that's me

PS. Just imagine, each player is given one tank which he sends to capture some flags. Players would have to cooperate to to achieve success and cover their group of tanks together. It could be a fun sandbox mode.

Last edited by Ataros; 10-12-2011 at 07:44 AM.
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Old 10-12-2011, 08:18 AM
MD_Titus MD_Titus is offline
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I've seen the repka #2 server has naval and ground forces which can be supported or attacked as they capture airbases, is this not pretty much capture the flag?
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Old 10-12-2011, 09:40 AM
15.Span_Valalo 15.Span_Valalo is offline
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great idea, but i think that this not a problem to game...

SLI, Engine grapich, Full Screen, sounds. it is very important tips to will resolve...
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