A: You have created a new Info window. These highly customizable windows allow you to set up your own user interface in-game. Due to the fact that the game also features clickable cockpits, our solution to having distinct clickable elements that possibly overlay each other is making the cockpit elements selectable with a regular left-click, and the interface overlay windows selectable with an alt-click.
So, hold the Left ALT key down(it is the key for “Interact with Interface Overlay” which I have set to X key) and hold the Left Mouse key down and move the mouse cursor over the info box. When you do it should become more of a bold color meaning that it is selected. You can then let go of the 'left ALT key and left MOUSE key. You can now drag the box around the screen and maybe re-size it. Now just right click in the box to customize it or to close it.
This can also be done with all standard interface elements, including no-cockpit gauge overlays. Or you can right-click anywhere on your screen and add new Info windows to your interface layout.