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Cryostasis First-person shooter meets survival horror set on a frozen Soviet ice-breaker trapped in the ice on the North Pole.

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Old 09-18-2007, 02:12 PM
Evgeny Evgeny is offline
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Default What do you think about the game?

We are very interested in your opinion on our games and wish you tell us what you think about Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason. What are you wating from this game? How do you like graphics, gameplay, sound, advantages, disadvantages and so on. Feel free to express your thoughts.
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Old 09-18-2007, 03:57 PM
Soviet Soviet is offline
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Look's kinda creepy, which i like
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Old 09-21-2007, 12:12 AM
AGP AGP is offline
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Well what does push you into making an account on an official forum, and post?

The fact that the ideas that some developers have are wonderfully risky, and more then interesting. And i wanted to say that here cause C. is that kind of IP.

Cryostasis is one of my most analyzed games of the last months.
Sure, lot of hype behind the ultra-budget titles, but what about intelligent ideas? What about atmosphere and interesting plot? What about thrilling exploration more then an ultra violent, action, bulletspamming over used approach and greasy aliens and hearoes saving the world?

Bioshock (finally)proved it, Stalker did it too in a certain way - make a game that has intelligent premises, a coherent realization, a charismatic aestetic appeal, and some original features, and the game will be the choiche of lot of people that just don't want halo 3 but some thinking's man stuff THAT can appeal also your adrenalin needs.AND sells too.

The way Cryostasis is winning into my interest:

- the weapon choiche seems from the videos based on just different kind of old, rusty, corroded, broken, slow weapons. The rifle is single shot and takes a while to reload the chamber. As the Rail Gun in Quake, when a shot is powerful, small and reloading is slow, the tension grows up exponentially during a combat session.
You have a good shot, but if you miss it, you'll pay.GREAT.

- The cold system is not only a pseudo feature like in the mediocre Lost Planet. Here you have to find, activate, produce and DEPEND on warm sources. This is so atmospheric, realistic, and wonderfully inspiring that reminds me of the earlier decisions in STALKER to put hunt-for-food, or the way in ARX FATALIS you cook to survive.It's like John Carpenter's The Thing, you can almost feel the cold.

- The Mental echoes potential is enormous. If the game screenwriter is going to tell some very interesting stories and last minutes to the people that died, it will be amazing also in the story part.You guys gave the world Solaris, come on.Let's show the world that this meadium can be really serious.

- Sound seems amazing, just be sure to add tons of different claustrophobic sounds and stuff like this.

- Graphics seems pretty stylish.Be sure to polish the game well or it will look rough around the edges, one of the main reasons of why Stalker was criticized too much.

NOW, let me add you the only thing that i consider preatty weak.

Gamespot says in the Leipzig Convention HAnds ON:
"With the unique mental echoes system, as well as environmental temperature dynamics, Cryostasis should present the player with puzzles and scenarios never before seen in a video game. Of course, on top of that is regular combat with guns against, what else, zombies."

THey said it: REGULAR combat with, WHAT ELSE, ZOMBIES.
Come on, they clearly told you that and they are making fun of it:
1 - regular shooting is boring, with or without a machine gun or a granade launcher.
2 - shooting zombies is the WORST VIDEOGAME CLICHE EVER.

This is going to lower your possible success if you just fill the ship with ice zombies and this cheap stuff. Noone want to shoot zombies anymore except the geeks that will buy "Left 4 Dead" for this reason. Silent Hill 2, Bioshock again confirmed that a game to be scary has to feature well thought, stylish monster design and needs to provide you with a motivation better then "oh, the nasty evil zombie will kill me so i'll shoot and shoot again".
In Bioshock the people you fought could'nt be reduced to a word like "enemies" or "monsters".ANd the key to this was making them..human (in behaviour and expression too), and so... ambiguous.

What do you think of those things? Will the developers read this posts?
ANd one question more: who writes the story and events for Cryostasis? Did you hire a professionale writer?
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Old 09-21-2007, 05:42 AM
Anatoly Anatoly is offline
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Hi, and first of all thanks for the interest in our game. We are putting a lot of effort in this one.

Originally Posted by AGP
Gamespot says in the Leipzig Convention HAnds ON:
"With the unique mental echoes system, as well as environmental temperature dynamics, Cryostasis should present the player with puzzles and scenarios never before seen in a video game. Of course, on top of that is regular combat with guns against, what else, zombies."

THey said it: REGULAR combat with, WHAT ELSE, ZOMBIES.
Come on, they clearly told you that and they are making fun of it:
1 - regular shooting is boring, with or without a machine gun or a granade launcher.
2 - shooting zombies is the WORST VIDEOGAME CLICHE EVER.

This is going to lower your possible success if you just fill the ship with ice zombies and this cheap stuff. Noone want to shoot zombies anymore except the geeks that will buy "Left 4 Dead" for this reason. Silent Hill 2, Bioshock again confirmed that a game to be scary has to feature well thought, stylish monster design and needs to provide you with a motivation better then "oh, the nasty evil zombie will kill me so i'll shoot and shoot again".
In Bioshock the people you fought could'nt be reduced to a word like "enemies" or "monsters".ANd the key to this was making them..human (in behaviour and expression too), and so... ambiguous.

What do you think of those things? Will the developers read this posts?
ANd one question more: who writes the story and events for Cryostasis? Did you hire a professionale writer?
Second thing I would like to mention is that the enmies are NOT just REGULAR zombies. There is a whole story behind this game. And these are actually former crew members that lost their battle and gave in to the COLD. We will definetely epxplain more abouth these characters on the official web site of the game which is due to open pretty soon.

The members of the dev team will definitely be visitng this forum and answering your questions. Moreover we are of course in permanent contact with the developers, so our staff will also try to help you out with the questions.

Russian MTV has recently shown a program called Video Game Icon which was dedicated to Cryostasis. We have plans to tranlsate this one in English and it will available for download on the web site. I guess this TV feture should answer a lot of questions about the game.
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Old 09-21-2007, 05:06 PM
AGP AGP is offline
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Originally Posted by Anatoly
Hi, and first of all thanks for the interest in our game. We are putting a lot of effort in this one.
You deserve it

Originally Posted by Anatoly
Second thing I would like to mention is that the enmies are NOT just REGULAR zombies. There is a whole story behind this game. And these are actually former crew members that lost their battle and gave in to the COLD. We will definetely epxplain more abouth these characters on the official web site of the game which is due to open pretty soon.
Well, every Zombie has a whole story behind it. In RE, in Stalker, in DeaD Rising, etc. there's a reason developed in the story for it, that's a standard - zombies don't pop up from nowhere.
But fact is, what do you fight is a slow, dumb and straight-forward AI, characterized by being cheap-scary, moaning, and similar to the same archetype.
And most of all, is a "Monster", something quite primitive in concept.

I really suggest the team to rethink the choiche, cause the rest of the game is really awesome in comparison.
I would really like to hear form the development team what do they think about it.

I mean: their design is cool, and they look carismatic and enigmatic, way the opposite of what you think when you see the classic zombie in a game like, let's say, the upcoming Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles. But surely the type of creature it is, gameplay talking, is what it is - the damn zombie. Put a zombie in the game, and that will be the lamest commercial excuse for a story ever, IMHO.Like Aztec cults, or a giant mech spider.
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Old 09-24-2007, 05:28 AM
Anatoly Anatoly is offline
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All I can tell right now is that these are not just ice-cold zombies. We will definitely be able to tell more about the enemies on the web site which is due to open in a couple of weeks.
I'm sure the dev team will be able to tell a lot more about each one of them.
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Old 10-02-2007, 04:22 AM
SmellyJelly SmellyJelly is offline
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So far I'm interested in this game, although I haven't been tracking it very closely. Still, once it get's closer to release and more info announced, I will keep watch on it.
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Old 10-11-2007, 01:25 AM
Tyrant Tyrant is offline
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I think this game looks beautifal. Environment and "creatures" look creepy which is good. I think you should add some melee action with blocking. I would assume ammuntion on a ship would be limited. I would want a "creature" to limp after i shot it in leg since they're so damn resilent. Other than that, the game looks gorgeous! The ship would be so small how would you be able to make a game out of that? Unless you can go out into the icebergs or board a rescue ship or sumthing.

graphics: hot
gameplay: little stale (like being mauled by dude with axe though)
sound:good (could be better by adding weezeing breathing/people talkin to selves)
advantages/disadvantages: im not aware of any actually

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Old 11-03-2007, 05:08 PM
4eVeR 4eVeR is offline
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Lets hope 1C will release it before Rig N Roll ...
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Old 11-09-2007, 09:02 AM
number9ark number9ark is offline
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Is there a trailor for this game yet ? I cannot seem to find 1 .
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