Theatre of War 2 map editor issue
First, thank you for creating a spectacular game, and for providing us with the editors and tools to make some new custom content.
I'm trying to create a new map for the game. I have created two files, saved into .tga format: a maintex.tga file, 2048 x 2048 pixels, and a farmaintex.tga file, 1024 x 1024 pixels.
However, in TOW2 those files are actually in IMF format (even though they have .tga filename extensions).
I need a way to convert the my custom tga files into the IMF format that the game will recognize. Please suggest a way to do this.
I have tried using a utility called Dr. Jones IMFViewer, but that tool will only convert IMF files to tga -- it can't convert tga files back into IMF.
You might suggest that I just use one of the existing maps that came with the game, and modify it using the map editor. But the problem is, I can't change any of the base textures because the maintex brush tool does not function in the TOW2 map editor. 2. I want to be able to import a realistic map based on a Google Earth image. This is the best way to have a truly authentic historical battlefield, with correct elevations, terrain colors, etc.
Thank you for any help you can provide!