Fantasy Wars
Sometimes when running the game a window pops up saying that windows sycrinization manager has an error and needs to close. This crashes the game back to desktop. I am running a Pentium 4 with 2.66Ghz and 256 mb of ram with a Nvidea GE Force FX 5200 video card with the latest drivers. I have all the Graphics settings at low. If I try to set anything higher I get a warning message saying that there is only 128 mb of video ram. Also sometimes the game uses up my virtual memory and a popup appears saying that this is being corrected and might take a while while programs run slow. To add insult to injury occasionally when exiting the game my start menu fails to come up, leaving a black line along the bottom of the screen. DESPITE THESE PROBLEMS I LOVE YOUR GAME! I ALSO AM LOOKING FORWARD TO KINGS BOUNTY! SO, ANY IDEAS ON SOLVING THESE ISSUES? IS THERE A PATCH COMING OUT? Thanks much! Curt Daum