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Old 11-03-2007, 12:43 PM
Kolorabi Kolorabi is offline
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Default Ascension to the Throne - bad bug, game unwinnable?


I've been enjoying Ascension to the Throne, but now I've hit what seems to be a nasty bug. I'm on my way to Giantville (Anneroth) to see the valkyrie woman again, and in order to get there I have to pass through a narrow valley.

After the gate and the first group of enemies, I met another group blocking my way. I can't pass them, and beating them (which is easy - they don't manage to kill any of my soldiers) only result in them respawning, and my hero saying "Gods! The dead are rising again" or something. Then some evil sorcerer say "behold the power of the dark magic" or something, and my hero says "I'll kill you as many times as I have to".

Problem is, the sorcerer isn't among the enemies, and killing them again only results in the same cut-scene again, until I'm thrown back into the same battle - over and over and over. I must have tried killing them ten times or so before finally giving up.

So now what? I can't get any further in the game unless I pass this group, which is impossible as they can not be defeated.

I'm using the latest patch.
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Old 11-03-2007, 06:22 PM
Kolorabi Kolorabi is offline
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I read the walkthrough, and it turns out Enaya was supposed to meet me after the first battle, together with a few units. She didn't do that originally, but on a hunch, I dismissed three of my units before going into battle, and this caused her to arrive (as there were now enough room in my army for her and her units).

In other words, problem solved, but I would still consider this a serious bug. Had I not read the walkthrough, I would have never worked out what to do, as there were no signs that I couldn't proceed with a full army.

I suppose the developers were perhaps thinking that players would eventually lose enough soldiers on their own, but seeing as almost all the units in my army are very fast, the enemy never really got to hit any of them. As a result I could replay the fight an unlimited amount of times without ever losing a single soldier.
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Old 05-04-2008, 11:31 PM
dvorin dvorin is offline
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I had this bug too and gave up after 6th round After downloading walkthrough I found out that Enya is joining me again so I grouped some units to make place for her.
But imagine a situation that you are player which is satisfied with autosave and doesn´t use normal save. In this case this bug would cause, that you would have to play the whole game again from the start. It is a horrible thought.

Instead of the bug above, there is another which prevents to continue in the game. In warland when you get to Rafael, he joins your army immediately after first conversation. To save my authority I wanted to hire some furies before this, because It doesn´t matter if the authority is minus something. So because of no portal I used the spell to get to activated portal and went to hire some furies. When I came back I defeated all enemy around the castle and then the enemy inside the castle. After that Rafael joined my army without asking and Rafael quest was completed. But now I still have "The Defence of Warland" quest. Unfortunately I defeated all group before joining Rafael so there is no more enemy to kill. So I can´t continue and have to load some older save which bother me so much.

I really wonder how is it possible that there are still at least 2 big bugs (protecting game to continue) after instaling Patch

Last edited by dvorin; 05-04-2008 at 11:33 PM.
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Old 04-23-2009, 06:05 PM
sivka333 sivka333 is offline
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can anybody tell me where are the 5 obelisks located??
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Old 07-21-2010, 09:30 AM
SinXJhetto SinXJhetto is offline
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Default Grindstone

how to find the grindstone?
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Old 08-07-2010, 08:23 AM
kicker9125 kicker9125 is offline
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i think i've found a bug as well.
i'm at the part where i have to defeat wolfguard but all my men are dead and i only have 20 authority, so i go out and kill some small armies but when i defeat them i don't get any authority can someone please tell me why?
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