Player Plane to have 1 and not << how ?
Full Mission Builder, #1 tab, choosing tactical marking 1 so as to fly 1 + - or 1 + l etc sees aircraft end up with << + - or << + l (and I did make sure player plane box was ticked before exiting and flying.)
What should I choose to get 1 + l ?
If I want << I would type << and page 53 of the manual says to do so for Gruppen Kommandeur but I dont want to be such a high rank, I want to be 1+l flying with my wingman 2+l
I also decided to try for being 9 + l incase its sees 1 as indicatio of high rank, still I end up with <<
There seems to be no way of flying as a number !
Last edited by BOBC; 01-04-2015 at 07:14 PM.