Originally Posted by Kwiatek
These test show how far from RL data are CLOD Spitfire MK II up to 20 000 ft, not even mention that above 20 000 ft difference will be even more.
Yeah, I cut off the testing at 20K -- climb rates for the CoD Spit was painfully slow by 20K.
Originally Posted by Kwiatek
FSX flight model engine is not so good so i think it is not really good base for test.
I don't like the FSX flight engine very much, nor their graphics, even after purchasing the aftermarket enhancements. But I am impressed by the huge detail that A2A put into their Wings of Power 3 aircraft, which includes the flight data of the Spitfire MK1 and MK2. Although I would not say they are the authority for flight data, I wouldn't write them off, either. On this you and I will disagree.
Originally Posted by Kwiatek
I'm really impressed with DCS engine and how they manage to model P-51. It is very close to RL data and flight model is also very good ( much better then CLOD and sometimes it seemed to be more difficult then IRL  ).
Yes!! +1000! Especially with their latest retail version which finalized some engine settings & effects. It is a challenging plane to fly, but very rewarding. And it has guns, bombs, and rockets! Hear that, A2A? LOL