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Very soon, we will be releasing an update video showcasing every flyable desert aircraft! If there will also be a variant of that aircraft, that will be included in text.
At the end of the video, we have listed every single flyable (model + all variants) aircraft in IL-2 Sturmovik Cliffs of Dover Blitz and the new expansion. The expansion will also feature aircraft that were not flown in the desert theatre, so check out that list to which which aircraft they are. We have listed the Blitz aircraft as well due to the requirement of owning Blitz in order to play the expansion. The list is very impressive in the amount of different aircraft players can fly. https://ibb.co/album/426FLy |
Are all the Team Fusion updates including this Desert one included in the DownLoad from Steam. And, how big is that going to be, I used up my WiFi last month Dl'ing a win10 ISO that did not end up working. That sucked.
I'm guessing it will be one long stream, not parts. And can I DL it onto a flash drive (go somewhere with free WiFi) and install it on my machine from there or does it need to be installed as it DL's? I can't find out anything because steam does not support XP, I can't even finish opening my account until I get my new machine. The Video card showed up today, but that won't work with XP either and is 64Bit so it's has to wait.. In Limbo. Cheers |
Excellent news!