Where do scripts go?
I read all about adding scripts that send ambulances to crash sites and i copy the code but theres never any explanation of where to put it.
How do i get the mission to use these scripts? Where do i put it and what do i call it? Please explain it as though you were talking to a complete newbie. |
The script and the mission must have the same name.
If your Mission is named testmission1.mis the script file must have the name testmission1.cs (both in the same directory) |
\\\\i tried that over and over
I made a mission called Multattack. I copied and pasted the following code with notepad and renamed it Multattack.cs
I put the file in the same dir as the mission file and saved the mission. Nothing happens. |Its supposed to spawn ems vehicles toyour crash site. What am i doing wrong? Heres the script. Please help. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using maddox.game; using maddox.game.world; using maddox.GP; public class Mission : AMission { public override void OnBattleStarted() { base.OnBattleStarted(); MissionNumberListener = -1; } Random rnd = new Random(); [Flags] internal enum ServiceType // тип обслуживающих машинок { NONE = 0, EMERGENCY = 1, FIRE = 2, FUEL = 4, AMMO = 8, BOMBS = 16, PRISONERCAPTURE = 32 } internal class TechCars { internal AiGroundGroup TechCar { get; set; } internal AiAirport BaseAirport { get; set; } internal IRecalcPathParams cur_rp { get; set; } internal int RouteFlag = 0; internal int cartype = 0; internal int servPlaneNum = -1; internal ServiceType CarType { get { return (ServiceType)cartype; } set { cartype = (int)value; } } public TechCars(AiGroundGroup car, AiAirport airoport, IRecalcPathParams rp) { this.TechCar = car; this.BaseAirport = airoport; this.cur_rp = rp; } } internal class PlanesQueue { internal AiAircraft aircraft { get; set; } internal AiAirport baseAirport { get; set; } internal int state = 0; internal ServiceType State { get { return (ServiceType)state; } set { state = (int)value; } } internal int Lifetime = 0; internal float health = 1; public PlanesQueue(AiAircraft aircraft, AiAirport baseAirport, int state) { this.aircraft = aircraft; this.baseAirport = baseAirport; this.state = state; } } internal List<TechCars> CurTechCars = new List<TechCars>(); internal List<PlanesQueue> CurPlanesQueue = new List<PlanesQueue>(); TechCars TmpCar = null; bool MissionLoading = false; internal double PseudoRnd(double MinValue, double MaxValue) { return rnd.NextDouble() * (MaxValue - MinValue) + MinValue; } public override void OnActorTaskCompleted(int missionNumber, string shortName, AiActor actor) { base.OnActorTaskCompleted(missionNumber, shortName, actor); AiActor ai_actor = actor as AiActor; if (ai_actor != null) { if (ai_actor is AiGroundGroup) for (int i = 0; i < CurTechCars.Count; i++) // если обслуживающая техника доехала до обслуживаемого самолёта, разрешаем ей освободиться { if (CurTechCars[i].TechCar == ai_actor as AiGroundGroup) if (CurTechCars[i].RouteFlag == 1) EndPlaneService(i); else CheckNotServicedPlanes(i); }; } } internal void CheckNotServicedPlanes(int techCarIndex) { for (int j = 0; j < CurPlanesQueue.Count; j++) { if (CurTechCars[techCarIndex].TechCar.IsAlive() && (CurPlanesQueue[j].baseAirport == CurTechCars[techCarIndex].BaseAirport) && ((CurTechCars[techCarIndex].CarType & CurPlanesQueue[j].State) != 0) && (CurTechCars[techCarIndex].servPlaneNum == -1)) { if (SetEmrgCarRoute(j, techCarIndex)) // отправляем машинку обслуживать найденный самолёт { return; } } } } internal void EndPlaneService(int techCarIndex) { if (CurTechCars[techCarIndex].cur_rp == null) return; CurTechCars[techCarIndex].cur_rp = null; // сбрасываем маршрут if (CurTechCars[techCarIndex].servPlaneNum >= 0) { CurPlanesQueue[CurTechCars[techCarIndex].servPlaneNum].State &= ~CurTechCars[techCarIndex].CarType; // убираем тип обслуживания у обслуживаемого самолёта, если он есть CurTechCars[techCarIndex].servPlaneNum = -1; // сбрасываем номер обслуживаемого самолёта Timeout(5f, () => { if (!MoveFromRWay(techCarIndex))// проверяем не стоим ли на взлётке, и уезжаем с неё если так. { CurTechCars[techCarIndex].RouteFlag = 0; CheckNotServicedPlanes(techCarIndex); // и смотрим, нет ли ещё необслуженных самолётов } }); } else Timeout(5f, () => { CurTechCars[techCarIndex].RouteFlag = 0; CheckNotServicedPlanes(techCarIndex); // и смотрим, нет ли ещё необслуженных самолётов }); } internal bool MoveFromRWay(int carNum) { bool result = false; if ((GamePlay.gpLandType(CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar.Pos().x, CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar.Pos().y) & LandTypes.ROAD) == 0) return result; Point3d TmpPos = CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar.Pos(); while (((GamePlay.gpLandType(TmpPos.x, TmpPos.y) & LandTypes.ROAD) != 0)) { TmpPos.x += 10f; TmpPos.y += 10f; }; Point2d EmgCarStart, EmgCarFinish; EmgCarStart.x = CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar.Pos().x; EmgCarStart.y = CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar.Pos().y; EmgCarFinish.x = TmpPos.x; EmgCarFinish.y = TmpPos.y; CurTechCars[carNum].servPlaneNum = -1; CurTechCars[carNum].RouteFlag = 0; CurTechCars[carNum].cur_rp = null; CurTechCars[carNum].cur_rp = GamePlay.gpFindPath(EmgCarStart, 10f, EmgCarFinish, 10f, PathType.GROUND, CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar.Army()); result = true; return result; } public bool SetEmrgCarRoute(int aircraftNumber,int carNum) { bool result = false; if (CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar != null) { CurTechCars[carNum].servPlaneNum = aircraftNumber; // устанавливаем номер обслуживаемого самолёта if (CurTechCars[carNum].cur_rp == null) { Point2d EmgCarStart, EmgCarFinish, LandedPos; LandedPos.x = CurPlanesQueue[aircraftNumber].aircraft.Pos().x; LandedPos.y = CurPlanesQueue[aircraftNumber].aircraft.Pos().y; int Sign = ((carNum % 2) == 0) ? 2 : -2; EmgCarStart.x = CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar.Pos().x; EmgCarStart.y = CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar.Pos().y; EmgCarFinish.x = LandedPos.x - PseudoRnd(2f, 5f) * ((LandedPos.x - EmgCarStart.x) / (Math.Abs(LandedPos.x - EmgCarStart.x))) - Sign; EmgCarFinish.y = LandedPos.y - PseudoRnd(2f, 5f) * ((LandedPos.y - EmgCarStart.y) / (Math.Abs(LandedPos.y - EmgCarStart.y))) - Sign; CurTechCars[carNum].cur_rp = GamePlay.gpFindPath(EmgCarStart, 10f, EmgCarFinish, 10f, PathType.GROUND, CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar.Army()); result = true; } } return result; } public override void OnMissionLoaded(int missionNumber) { base.OnMissionLoaded(missionNumber); if (missionNumber > 0) { List<string> CarTypes = new List<string>(); CarTypes.Add(":0_Chief_Emrg_"); CarTypes.Add(":0_Chief_Fire_"); CarTypes.Add(":0_Chief_Fuel_"); CarTypes.Add(":0_Chief_Ammo_"); CarTypes.Add(":0_Chief_Bomb_"); CarTypes.Add(":0_Chief_Prisoner_"); AiGroundGroup MyCar = null; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < CarTypes.Count; j++) { MyCar = GamePlay.gpActorByName(missionNumber.ToString() + CarTypes[j] + i.ToString()) as AiGroundGroup; if (MyCar != null) { TmpCar = new TechCars(MyCar, FindNearestAirport(MyCar), null); TmpCar.CarType = (ServiceType)(1 << j); TmpCar.cur_rp = null; if (!CurTechCars.Contains(TmpCar)) CurTechCars.Add(TmpCar); MissionLoading = false; }; } } } } public override void OnTickGame() { base.OnTickGame(); try { if (Time.tickCounter() % 64 == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < CurPlanesQueue.Count; i++) { CurPlanesQueue[i].Lifetime++; if ((CurPlanesQueue[i].State == ServiceType.NONE) || (CurPlanesQueue[i].aircraft == null) || (CurPlanesQueue[i].Lifetime > 200)) { for (int j = 0; j < CurTechCars.Count; j++) if (CurTechCars[j].servPlaneNum == i) EndPlaneService(j); CurPlanesQueue.RemoveAt(i); } }; for (int i = 0; i < CurTechCars.Count; i++) { TechCars car = CurTechCars[i]; if ((car.TechCar != null && car.cur_rp != null) && (car.cur_rp.State == RecalcPathState.SUCCESS) ) { if (car.TechCar.IsAlive() && (car.RouteFlag == 0)/* && (car.servPlaneNum != -1)*/) { car.RouteFlag = 1; car.cur_rp.Path[0].P.x = car.TechCar.Pos().x; car.cur_rp.Path[0].P.y = car.TechCar.Pos().y; car.TechCar.SetWay(car.cur_rp.Path); //if (car.servPlaneNum != -1) car.RouteFlag = 0; } double Dist = Math.Sqrt((car.cur_rp.Path[car.cur_rp.Path.Length - 1].P.x - car.TechCar.Pos().x) * (car.cur_rp.Path[car.cur_rp.Path.Length - 1].P.x - car.TechCar.Pos().x) + (car.cur_rp.Path[car.cur_rp.Path.Length - 1].P.y - car.TechCar.Pos().y) * (car.cur_rp.Path[car.cur_rp.Path.Length - 1].P.y - car.TechCar.Pos().y)); if (car.servPlaneNum != -1) { if (Dist < ((CurPlanesQueue[car.servPlaneNum].aircraft.Type() == AircraftType.Bomber) ? 20f : 10f)) EndPlaneService(i); } else if (Dist < 15f) { EndPlaneService(i); } } if ((car.cur_rp == null) && (car.RouteFlag == 0) && (car.servPlaneNum != -1)) { EndPlaneService(i); }; }; } } catch (Exception e) {} } internal AiAirport FindNearestAirport(AiActor actor) { AiAirport aMin = null; double d2Min = 0; Point3d pd = actor.Pos(); int n = GamePlay.gpAirports().Length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { AiAirport a = (AiAirport)GamePlay.gpAirports()[i]; if (!a.IsAlive()) continue; Point3d pp; pp = a.Pos(); pd.z = pp.z; double d2 = pd.distanceSquared(ref pp); if ((aMin == null) || (d2 < d2Min)) { aMin = a; d2Min = d2; } } if (d2Min > 2250000.0) aMin = null; return aMin; } internal ISectionFile CreateEmrgCarMission(Point3d startPos, double fRadius, int portArmy, int planeArmy, AircraftType type, float health, Point3d aircraftPos) { ISectionFile f = GamePlay.gpCreateSectionFile(); string sect; string key; string value; string ChiefName1 = "0_Chief_" + (health < 1f ? "Fire_" : "Fuel_"); string ChiefName2 = "0_Chief_" + (health < 1f ? "Emrg_" : "Ammo_"); string ChiefName3 = "0_Chief_" + (health < 1f ? "Bomb_" : "Bomb_"); if (portArmy == planeArmy) //свой прилетел { switch (portArmy) { case 1: if (health < 1f) { sect = "CustomChiefs"; key = ""; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 $core/icons/tank.mma"; //Пожарка f.add(sect, key, value); value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1 $core/icons/tank.mma";//Скорая f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0"; key = "Car.Austin_K2_ATV"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "TrailerUnit.Fire_pump_UK2_Transport"; value = "1"; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1"; key = "Car.Austin_K2_Ambulance"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Chiefs"; key = "0_Chief_Fire_0"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 gb /skin0 materialsSummer_RAF"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "0_Chief_Emrg_1"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1 gb /skin0 materialsSummer_RAF"; f.add(sect, key, value); } else { sect = "CustomChiefs"; key = ""; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 $core/icons/tank.mma"; f.add(sect, key, value); value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1 $core/icons/tank.mma"; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0"; // заправщики key = "Car.Albion_AM463"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); if (type == AircraftType.Bomber) // для бомберов больше горючки и бомбы подвозим { key = "Car.Fordson_N"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "TrailerUnit.Towed_Bowser_UK1_Transport"; value = "1"; f.add(sect, key, value); } sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1"; // Оружие value = ""; key = "Car.Bedford_MW_open"; f.add(sect, key, value); if (type == AircraftType.Bomber) // для бомберов бомбы подвозим { sect = "CustomChiefs"; key = ""; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_2 $core/icons/tank.mma"; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_2"; value = ""; key = "Car.Fordson_N"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "TrailerUnit.BombLoadingCart_UK1_Transport"; value = "1"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "TrailerUnit.BombLoadingCart_UK1_Transport"; f.add(sect, key, value); }; sect = "Chiefs"; key = "0_Chief_Fuel_0"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 gb /skin0 materialsSummer_RAF"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "0_Chief_Ammo_1"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1 gb /skin0 materialsSummer_RAF/tow00_00 1_Static"; f.add(sect, key, value); if (type == AircraftType.Bomber) { key = "0_Chief_Bomb_2"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_2 gb /tow01_00 2_Static/tow01_01 3_Static/tow01_02 4_Static/tow01_03 5_Static/tow02_00 6_Static/tow02_01 7_Static"; f.add(sect, key, value); } sect = "Stationary"; key = "1_Static"; value = "Stationary.Morris_CS8-Bedford_MW_CargoAmmo3 gb 0.00 0.00 0.00"; f.add(sect, key, value); if (type == AircraftType.Bomber) // бомбы грузим { key = "2_Static"; value = "Stationary.Weapons_.Bomb_B_GP_250lb_MkIV gb 0.00 0.00 0.00"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "3_Static"; value = "Stationary.Weapons_.Bomb_B_GP_250lb_MkIV gb 0.00 0.00 0.00"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "4_Static"; value = "Stationary.Weapons_.Bomb_B_GP_250lb_MkIV gb 0.00 0.00 0.00"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "5_Static"; value = "Stationary.Weapons_.Bomb_B_GP_250lb_MkIV gb 0.00 0.00 0.00"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "6_Static"; value = "Stationary.Weapons_.Bomb_B_GP_500lb_MkIV gb 0.00 0.00 0.00"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "7_Static"; value = "Stationary.Weapons_.Bomb_B_GP_500lb_MkIV gb 0.00 0.00 0.00"; f.add(sect, key, value); }; }; break; case 2: sect = "CustomChiefs"; //Пожарка key = ""; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 $core/icons/tank.mma"; f.add(sect, key, value); value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1 $core/icons/tank.mma";//Скорая f.add(sect, key, value); if (health < 1f) { sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0"; key = "Car.Renault_UE"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "TrailerUnit.Foam_Extinguisher_GER1_Transport" ; value = "1"; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1"; if (PseudoRnd(0f, 1f) < 0.5f) { key = "Car.Opel_Blitz_med-tent"; } else { key = "Car.Opel_Blitz_cargo_med"; }; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Chiefs"; key = "0_Chief_Fire_0";// "0_Chief_emrg"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 de "; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "0_Chief_Emrg_1";// "0_Chief_emrg"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1 de "; f.add(sect, key, value); } else { sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0"; key = "Car.Opel_Blitz_fuel"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1"; key = "Car.Renault_UE"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "TrailerUnit.Oil_Cart_GER1_Transport"; value = "1"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "Car.Renault_UE"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "TrailerUnit.Anlasswagen_(starter)_GER1_Transport" ; value = "1"; f.add(sect, key, value); if (type == AircraftType.Bomber) // бомбы грузим { sect = "CustomChiefs"; key = ""; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_2 $core/icons/tank.mma"; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_2"; key = "Car.Renault_UE"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "TrailerUnit.HydraulicBombLoader_GER1_Transpor t"; value = "1"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "Car.Renault_UE"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "TrailerUnit.BombSled_GER1_Transport"; value = "1"; f.add(sect, key, value); } sect = "Chiefs"; key = "0_Chief_Fuel_0"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 de"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "0_Chief_Ammo_1"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1 de"; f.add(sect, key, value); if (type == AircraftType.Bomber) { key = "0_Chief_Bomb_2"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_2 de /tow01_00 1_Static/tow03_00 2_Static"; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Stationary"; key = "1_Static"; value = "Stationary.Weapons_.Bomb_B_SC-250_Type2_J de 0.00 0.00 0.00"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "2_Static"; value = "Stationary.Weapons_.Bomb_B_SC-1000_C de 0.00 0.00 0.00"; f.add(sect, key, value); }; }; break; default: break; } } else { switch (portArmy) { case 1: if (health < 1f) { sect = "CustomChiefs"; key = ""; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 $core/icons/tank.mma"; //Пожарка f.add(sect, key, value); value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1 $core/icons/tank.mma";//Скорая f.add(sect, key, value); value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_2 $core/icons/tank.mma";//Броневик f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0"; key = "Car.Austin_K2_ATV"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "TrailerUnit.Fire_pump_UK2_Transport"; value = "1"; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1"; key = "Car.Austin_K2_Ambulance"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_2"; key = "Car.Beaverette_III"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Chiefs"; key = "0_Chief_Fire_0"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 gb /skin0 materialsSummer_RAF"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "0_Chief_Emrg_1"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1 gb /skin0 materialsSummer_RAF"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "0_Chief_Prisoner_2"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_2 gb "; f.add(sect, key, value); ChiefName3 = "0_Chief_Prisoner_"; } else { sect = "CustomChiefs"; key = ""; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 $core/icons/tank.mma"; //Пожарка f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0"; key = "Car.Beaverette_III"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Chiefs"; key = "0_Chief_Prisoner_0"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 gb "; f.add(sect, key, value); ChiefName1 = "0_Chief_Prisoner_"; }; break; case 2: if (health < 1f) { sect = "CustomChiefs"; key = ""; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 $core/icons/tank.mma"; //Пожарка f.add(sect, key, value); value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1 $core/icons/tank.mma";//Скорая f.add(sect, key, value); value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_2 $core/icons/tank.mma";//Броневик f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0"; key = "Car.Renault_UE"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "TrailerUnit.Foam_Extinguisher_GER1_Transport" ; value = "1"; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1"; key = "Car.Opel_Blitz_cargo_med"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_2"; key = "Car.SdKfz_231_6Rad"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Chiefs"; key = "0_Chief_Fire_0"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 de"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "0_Chief_Emrg_1"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_1 de"; f.add(sect, key, value); key = "0_Chief_Prisoner_2"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_2 de /marker0 1940-42_var1"; f.add(sect, key, value); ChiefName3 = "0_Chief_Prisoner_"; } else { sect = "CustomChiefs"; key = ""; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 $core/icons/tank.mma"; //Пожарка f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0"; key = "Car.SdKfz_231_6Rad"; value = ""; f.add(sect, key, value); sect = "Chiefs"; key = "0_Chief_Prisoner_0"; value = "Vehicle.custom_chief_emrg_0 de /marker0 1940-42_var1"; f.add(sect, key, value); ChiefName1 = "0_Chief_Prisoner_"; }; break; default: break; }; } Point3d TmpStartPos = startPos; TmpStartPos.x += PseudoRnd(-30f, 30f) + fRadius; TmpStartPos.y += PseudoRnd(-30f, 30f) + fRadius; Point3d BirthPos = EmrgVehicleStartPos(TmpStartPos, startPos); sect = ChiefName1+"0" + "_Road"; key = ""; value = BirthPos.x.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureIn fo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " " + BirthPos.y.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureIn fo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " " + BirthPos.z.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureIn fo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " 0 92 5 "; f.add(sect, key, value); BirthPos.x -= 50f * ((BirthPos.x - aircraftPos.x) / Math.Abs(BirthPos.x - aircraftPos.x)); BirthPos.y -= 50f * ((BirthPos.y - aircraftPos.y) / Math.Abs(BirthPos.y - aircraftPos.y)); value = BirthPos.x.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureIn fo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " " + BirthPos.y.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureIn fo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " " + BirthPos.z.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureIn fo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat); f.add(sect, key, value); TmpStartPos = startPos; TmpStartPos.x += PseudoRnd(-30f, 30f) - fRadius; TmpStartPos.y += PseudoRnd(-30f, 30f) + fRadius; BirthPos = EmrgVehicleStartPos(TmpStartPos, startPos); //BirthPos = TmpStartPos; sect = ChiefName2+"1" + "_Road"; key = ""; value = BirthPos.x.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureIn fo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " " + BirthPos.y.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureIn fo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " " + BirthPos.z.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureIn fo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " 0 92 5 "; f.add(sect, key, value); BirthPos.x -= 50f * ((BirthPos.x - aircraftPos.x) / Math.Abs(BirthPos.x - aircraftPos.x)); BirthPos.y -= 50f * ((BirthPos.y - aircraftPos.y) / Math.Abs(BirthPos.y - aircraftPos.y)); value = BirthPos.x.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureIn fo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " " + BirthPos.y.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureIn fo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " " + BirthPos.z.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureIn fo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat); f.add(sect, key, value); TmpStartPos = startPos; TmpStartPos.x += PseudoRnd(-30f, 30f) + fRadius; TmpStartPos.y += PseudoRnd(-30f, 30f) - fRadius; BirthPos = EmrgVehicleStartPos(TmpStartPos, startPos); sect = ChiefName3 + "2" + "_Road"; key = ""; value = BirthPos.x.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureIn fo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " " + BirthPos.y.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureIn fo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " " + BirthPos.z.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureIn fo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " 0 92 5 "; f.add(sect, key, value); BirthPos.x -= 50f * ((BirthPos.x - aircraftPos.x) / Math.Abs(BirthPos.x - aircraftPos.x)); BirthPos.y -= 50f * ((BirthPos.y - aircraftPos.y) / Math.Abs(BirthPos.y - aircraftPos.y)); value = BirthPos.x.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureIn fo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " " + BirthPos.y.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureIn fo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + " " + BirthPos.z.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureIn fo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat); f.add(sect, key, value); return f; } internal Point3d EmrgVehicleStartPos(Point3d startPos, Point3d endPos) { Point3d TmpPos = startPos; while (((GamePlay.gpLandType(TmpPos.x, TmpPos.y) & LandTypes.WATER) != 0) ) { TmpPos.x -= (TmpPos.x - endPos.x) / 10f; TmpPos.y -= (TmpPos.y - endPos.y) / 10f; }; return TmpPos; } internal void CheckEmrgCarOnAirport(int aircraftNumber) { // Проверяем есть ли машинки в аэропорту AiGroundGroup MyCar = null; for (int i = 0; i < CurTechCars.Count; i++) { if (CurTechCars[i].TechCar != null ) { if (CurTechCars[i].TechCar.IsAlive() && CurTechCars[i].BaseAirport == CurPlanesQueue[aircraftNumber].baseAirport && (CurTechCars[i].CarType & CurPlanesQueue[aircraftNumber].State)!=0) { MissionLoading = false; MyCar = CurTechCars[i].TechCar; if ((CurTechCars[i].cur_rp == null) && (CurTechCars[i].RouteFlag == 0) && (CurTechCars[i].servPlaneNum == -1)) // если стоит без дела - отправим работать SetEmrgCarRoute(aircraftNumber, i); } } }; if ((MyCar == null) && !MissionLoading) { MissionLoading = true; int ArmyPos = 0; if (GamePlay.gpFrontExist()) { ArmyPos = GamePlay.gpFrontArmy(CurPlanesQueue[aircraftNumber].baseAirport.Pos().x, CurPlanesQueue[aircraftNumber].baseAirport.Pos().y); } else { ArmyPos = CurPlanesQueue[aircraftNumber].aircraft.Army(); }; // Создаём миссию с машинками GamePlay.gpPostMissionLoad(CreateEmrgCarMission(Cu rPlanesQueue[aircraftNumber].baseAirport.Pos(), (CurPlanesQueue[aircraftNumber].baseAirport.FieldR() / 4), ArmyPos, CurPlanesQueue[aircraftNumber].aircraft.Army(), CurPlanesQueue[aircraftNumber].aircraft.Type(),CurPlanesQueue[aircraftNumber].health, CurPlanesQueue[aircraftNumber].aircraft.Pos())); } return ; } public override void OnAircraftCrashLanded(int missionNumber, string shortName, AiAircraft aircraft) { base.OnAircraftCrashLanded(missionNumber, shortName, aircraft); Timeout(5, () => { aircraft.Destroy(); }); } public override void OnAircraftLanded(int missionNumber, string shortName, AiAircraft aircraft) { base.OnAircraftLanded(missionNumber, shortName, aircraft); AiAirport NearestAirport = FindNearestAirport(aircraft); if (NearestAirport != null) { PlanesQueue CurPlane = new PlanesQueue(aircraft, NearestAirport, 0); int ArmyPos = 0; CurPlane.health = (float)aircraft.getParameter(part.ParameterTypes.M _Health, -1); if (GamePlay.gpFrontExist()) { ArmyPos = GamePlay.gpFrontArmy(NearestAirport.Pos().x, NearestAirport.Pos().y); } else { ArmyPos = aircraft.Army(); }; if (CurPlane.health < 1f) { CurPlane.State |= ServiceType.EMERGENCY; CurPlane.State |= ServiceType.FIRE; } else if (aircraft.Army() == ArmyPos) { CurPlane.State |= ServiceType.FUEL; CurPlane.State |= ServiceType.AMMO; if (aircraft.Type() == AircraftType.Bomber) CurPlane.State |= ServiceType.BOMBS; }; if (!(aircraft.Army() == ArmyPos)) CurPlane.State |= ServiceType.PRISONERCAPTURE; if (!CurPlanesQueue.Contains(CurPlane)) { CurPlanesQueue.Add(CurPlane); CheckEmrgCarOnAirport(CurPlanesQueue.Count - 1); } else { for (int i = 0; i < CurPlanesQueue.Count; i++) if (CurPlanesQueue[i] == CurPlane) { CheckEmrgCarOnAirport(i); break; } } CurPlane = null; }; } }__________________ |
Load your mission in FMB, open the script window, look if there is your code, if not paste the code in this windows and save it. Then the FMB creates a cs-file with the correct name.
If there is code, start your mission and open the game console, then look for error messages. |
Yup...There was an error in the script.
Thanks. I guess i was doing it right with a broken script. Thanks for helping me to stop beating my head against the wall. |