6, a women -> a woman
7, magic tower -> the magic tower 8, here there lives one artist -> there lives an artist |
a few more before I move on to the elven lands.
9, the griffin's -> the griffins' 10, could -> can 11, to this -> with this 12, griffin's king -> the griffin king or the griffins' king 13, a picture -> the picture |
14, will observe -> observe (although
15, the huge egg -> a huge egg (right click on the griffin egg found in the cave) 16, magic power -> the magic power |
1, world of death -> land of death
2, if I got -> if I get 3, necrocom castle -> castle necrocom 4, will listen -> listen and one more in eng_chat_1660253872_1032973069.lng. I forgot to take a shot and couldn't get the conversation to appear again. What kind of a Tree it is? -> is it? |
a ton of stuff but I'm at haas' labyrinth now, so only 2 areas left (that and murock).
1, recipe -> the recipe (in the highlighted text) 2, it -> It 3, happy, comma, princess 4, orinoko castle -> castle orinoko 5, tree of Life -> Tree of Life |
6, lady -> Lady (although it might not be her title, it still looks better this way), house of -> House of
7, lady -> Lady 8, elves -> the elves 9, run out -> runs out 10, that Tree's life -> that the Tree's life |
11, one of many where it says dragon's labyrinth instead of dragons' labyrinth
12, the same, twice 13, orcs -> the orcs (twice) + to demons -> to the demons 14, same as #11-12 15, by this key -> with |
16, sixth -> the sixth
17, Close -> close (also, Key might be key) 18, labyrinth. -> labyrinth (there's a period after the name) |
final batch, I've finished the game (it was awesome).
1, dragon's -> dragons' (as mentioned previously) 2, even won't -> won't even 3, titan/Titan inconsistency 4, what -> what's (2x) 5, bagud, comma (in the highlighted text) |
6, no one other -> no other (yeah, he speaks broken english but this somehow still bugs me )
7, of the huge, huge turtle -> of a huge... 8, made -> makes the end, as far as I'm concerned |