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Death to Spies Stealth action. Professional spy working for the Soviet counterintelligence service executes dangerous operations in the heart of German territory.

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Old 01-25-2008, 10:46 AM
nanoc nanoc is offline
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Hi everybody.

Haven´t finished the game yet, but playing when I have time to.

So far it´s being a great ride for me. I'm in the mission where you must take some pics of some kind of plans or something (last time played was in October).

Great atmosphere and really not that easy! A very nice challenge indeed!

I am a fan of stealth games, Thief series, Hitman series and Splinter Cell for instance.

So far, so good, lovin' it.

I rate it 7.8 out of 10.
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Old 01-30-2008, 03:03 PM
evolution evolution is offline
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I like the game very much, unfortunately some things i dont like are for instance:

When you wear a German Officer uniform you can still get in trouble by enemys that wear uniforms of lower ranked soldiers.

And the last one and most important one: you can't wear female uniforms
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Old 04-12-2008, 05:59 AM
samadriel samadriel is offline
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Well, this is an old thread, but then, it's a quiet forum, so I think I'll bump it to say the following, which has probably all been said before, but what the heck:

- It would be very nice if the game took a leaf from Splinter Cell's book, and gave the ability to swing a choked/chloroformed/throat-slit/stunned enemy straight onto one's back by holding down the attack key through the animation -- having our man laying his victim out on the ground in front of him every time he catches someone unrealistically inflates the difficulty.

- A connected issue to this would be removing the 'stowing weapon' animation when you try picking up a body while armed. The extra fraction-of-a-second this adds to the picking-up animation is frequently the difference between life and death, and there is no real reason for it. Perhaps keep the 'stowing animation' if the character is holding a rifle, but please abandon it for one-handed equipment and weaponry -- in real life, he could use his other arm to begin the lifting process at the same time he's stowing his pistol/knife/etc. You wouldn't necessarily have to 'blend' animations like that if it's too much of a technical nuisance -- just making the weapon vanish from his hand would work fine.

- It would be pretty neat to have many more 'contextual body-hiding spots' -- at the moment, there's just the backs of trucks, but it would be great to be able to roll people under beds, and stuff corpses into barrels (perhaps one could be prohibited from putting unconscious people in barrels, since they aren't as pliant as corpses). You wouldn't necessarily need to make new animations to do this -- add a context menu option to the hidingplace and use a quick fadeout like you do when stowing a body in a truck.

Speaking of context menus -- I'd REALLY LIKE to be able to pick up a body with a keypress, rather then the very awkward "hold down the use key and whisk my right hand over to the arrow keys to scroll down to wherever 'PICK UP BODY' is every time I want to move a body" process. Splinter Cell resolves this by opening the use-key menu with 'pick up body' already selected -- that way a quick keypress will immediately lift a body, but holding the key down will keep the menu open for 'normal' use. I wonder if it might be useful to have a quicker-but-noisier 'DRAG body' option, but I can't say I've thought that one through much, heh.

I like Death To Spies, it shows loads of promise; a few good tweaks to smooth out the process and it'll be even better.
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Old 04-12-2008, 09:52 AM
hykao hykao is offline
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You can hide the bodies in wooden boxes too. (Haven't you played the training?)
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Old 04-12-2008, 03:34 PM
samadriel samadriel is offline
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Oh yeah, the boxes are cool, I just think it would also be a neat bonus to be able to, for example, roll a body under a bed in the hotel or the embassy, using the same context-menu mechanism that allows one to hide bodies in trucks -- it's an option our fella would have available to him in life, after all.
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Old 03-14-2009, 11:32 PM
T_E_E T_E_E is offline
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The game was great. I loved the realistic WW2 setting, which was based on historical facts (Raul Wallenberg) - I don't think I've ever seen a concentration camp in a WW2 game before, which was both harrowing but fascinating at the same time - a WW2 game that touches the issue of the holocaust.

I loved the fact that you had to think. I love the fact that this game is HARD. you need to time your actions, you need patience, and patience pays. it's a great sensation, finally getting that deserted kill, that deserted officer's uniform.

I loved the german marches/Jazz/swing music that was played on various missions, however, it's too bad that this was almost the only things the makers invested in to immerse the player in the enviroment.

a few of my gripes with this beautiful game:

- The plot : it was good but it was very lacking. the interrogation sequences were made very nicely and depicted a gritty early-1950's after-the-war soviet reality, however, I do think there was space for much more evolvement and a deepening of the plot.

- Consenquences of missions : the introduction of the missions was very anemic and phlegmatic. sometimes it felt like you're just a robot. i know that with the fact that strogov was a SMERSH operative, he was assigned to many different missions, whether if linked one into each other or not, but some more background on the missions (time, date, introduction scenes) would really contribute to the feeling that you're doing something. another thing would be more Feedback from your actions - say you go in a base, and kill three top officers, and then you just sneak away and leave. you go to your next mission without no word about the consenquences of your latter mission. it makes you feel a bit empty. it would be nice if you could get a glimpse of the german response, maybe in a newspaper article, or just a narrator telling about what happened and what implications your actions had on the german army and on the war.

- Atmosphere : periodical music was very good, but not enough! you have to include conversations between guards. maybe sometimes, frequent calls from the speakers in the bases, random stuff going on. it felt really weird to see a german officer and a german frau (madame) just sitting in a room, not talking, lifelessly. you could make them speak, or just have some ambient german-speaking background sound whenever you go there.

- Violence : I do not like excessive amounts of blood and do not play computer games for such things, but the lack of blood was quite experience-taking for me. i do not ask for Soldier of Fortune gore, but if you would include a bloody bullet-hole wherever we shot the enemy, it could be very nice. also - i've played with the pack that adds swastikas and all the stuff, just couldn't do without it. i understand the necessity of removing these kinds of things (game being sold in deutschland and stuff) but i do not understand the coercing of the policy on all of us. let the gamers choose if they want swastikas and hitler portraits!

- Gameplay : First-person view is a must! sometimes when you're in dense places, it's very hard to aim at the enemies.
it's needed to have places in which the player can hide bodies of foes. hiding them in secluded areas usually works fine, but the addition of shoving them into a box/fridge (a-la-hitman-style) would be a real nice addition.

- Day/Night cycle : I guess i'm taking on a big one here, but in the future games, which i sure do hope will come (and the english version of the moment of truth) - I imagine the possibilty of the players ability to choose if to carry out his mission at daytime or at night, with each having it's cons and pro's. seeing that the guards and base inhabitants have their "Lives", sleeping, switching guard-shifts, eating lunch, attending the morning line-up. the game had some of those, but it was very "scripted". it could be nice if the game focused more also on the aspect of time.

that's all for now.
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Old 03-23-2009, 05:57 PM
slamelov slamelov is offline
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The game is great, but there is some points should be improved.

- AI. When you kill a soldier, his comrades should be alerted if they see the corpse or hear the shoot.
- Multiplayer cooperative, to play cooperatively with your friends like Hidden and Dangerous games. That should be mandatory for a game like this.

I would like first person, more inmersive.
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Old 03-24-2009, 08:31 AM
Jason Jason is offline
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Originally Posted by slamelov View Post
- Multiplayer cooperative, to play cooperatively with your friends like Hidden and Dangerous games. That should be mandatory for a game like this.
I strongly agree
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Old 03-24-2009, 08:50 AM
Nike-it Nike-it is offline
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Right now, there are no plans about coop multiplayer.
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Old 03-24-2009, 09:22 AM
slamelov slamelov is offline
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Originally Posted by Nike-it View Post
Right now, there are no plans about coop multiplayer.
So, start to make those plans inmediatly

Why not cooperative?. You will increase the game life, specially with an editor and SDK.
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