actually only sacrifice can replenish undead -> spell necro call, as well the ability of necromancer works but only if your whole stack has died, and if your stack was bigger then the HP strength of your spell or necromancers ability, the difference is again restockable by sacrifice. Sad that good old ANIMATE DEAD is missing
WOK pan? You sure mean WOG... Equilibrium? You sure mean Equlibris... |
You keep mentioning that out of control stacks don't hit your own forces unless playing on impossible.
When using sacrifice in my previous game, if I exceeded my leadership with a stack they would hit my own forces without remorse. Am I missing something? |
I am not certain, but I plan to test this out in a future game, but I think there is a point above your leadership where they are "out of control" like berserkers are "always out of control", and then there is a point above that one in which they are "rebelious" and they attack your units as well. perhaps "out of control" is 1-10% above leadership and 10%+ is rebelious; I don't know... perhaps someone can confirm this? I am planning on making an undead army my next game as a warrior and I am sure it will be an issue; hopefully one I can manage. |
After reaching 150% of leadership limit unit turns hostile.
I play a lot with ghosts and it happened few times (actually i play ONLY with undead, mage lvl 27, and it's been very effective [i love vampires]) |