KB2 Dragons
I almost forgot. Since this is a thread about King's Bounty 2, did you ever read that interview with the devs from gamescom 2019 in which they showcased the griffins and other creatures, including an armored dragon (gotta be honest, that dragon looked pretty dope, and no, it's not the one from trailer, I think it was rusty-colored)? I'm asking this because I can't seem to find it anymore, and all my history from before december is gone since I re-installed Windows.
If it helps, I think one of the guys from the interview was called "John" or something similar. They also showed differences between KB2 and older games. |
Eek, focus on immersion.
Well, this game can be either incredibly awesome or just not my kind of game anymore. The focus on immersion has me worried since resources are going to be put into silly things I don't care much about. Sure we had "fetch quests" but to slow that down anymore would drive me up the wall especially with forced 1st person view. <shudders> I sort of like the idea that you have to adjust your armies later, but we shall see how that plays out. Sometimes there is an allure to using that super peasant army, but I get a feeling that meta will be gone for good. I did like the idea of terrain being used to your advantage, but too much "fluff" in a combat heavy game doesn't add value, it just adds toil. I am hopeful but also expecting it to not be the type of game I want to continue to play. Man. The old 1C King's Bounty games were really something, eh? Going to miss them. |
I was just too lazy to post the Dev Diary, so thanks. It's not like it contained something that was not said before (everything in it was known for months, weeks), and the only different part was game duration, which changed (according to older sources and this dev diary) from 20-30 hours to 30-40 hours, but it still has a lot of information for someone who won't start googling every russian site (for hours, not joking), gaming blog and all steam comments in search of all the details . |
We should remember that the old Katauri team is long gone, and I doubt that any of the original creators are working on the new game.
1C aren't the most trustworthy company either, just remember what flops WotN and Dark Side were. Those games were mostly just milking the original engine, and felt more like an amateur mod for Legend/AP, than an actual game in the series. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed playing them, but they were nowhere near the quality of the original games. I'd recommend setting expectations rather low, if at all. |
Actually, this is not the same team that made the last two KBs. This is a new one, that made only one game before, if I remember right. Some russian game called II Sturmovik 2 or something like that. Last edited by Space Knight; 03-13-2020 at 10:20 AM. Reason: Music |
Look, this is the link I found on 3rd page: http://www.gamer.ru/everything/king-...voe-znakomstvo Edit: I just started to frantically search through the internet archives... Edit 2: No luck. The page had no archive yet. Last edited by Space Knight; 03-16-2020 at 04:19 PM. |
Ah the forums are back at last. I tried a few times and they were down like a month ago.
Not really liking the new game so far. It did away with the units system (now every unit is just 1 unit, not a stack of units), dialed back the colorful fantasy elements, and the units revealed so far are almost all just boring variation of human fighter and archer. No magic so far either. The graphics are OK but boring grey/brown realistic medieval... not the Heroes of Might and Magic 1-2-3-4 look that King's Bounty expanded upon. And who the heck ever wanted a Dragon Age style NPC discussion system from King's Bounty? The bread and butter of the game was always tactical combat. If I wanted to play an RPG I'd play an RPG. A TBS just needs a storyline with a few dialogue trees every now and then... All in all this looks more like a sequel to Blackguards than KB. Quote:
KB2 units are not THAT boring, at least if you have read russian blogs with images of interviews. You probably didn't read the entire discussion, where I said they are gonna include griffins, elementals, a really good-looking dragon (quite the only really wonderful thing in the game right now), but I don't blame you, since we talked a lot. And yeah, TBS -> RPG is totally not the way; they should have done something like Knight's Bounty or something instead of a sequel. |
Also, Dev Diary 2 was released!
https://steamcommunity.com/app/1135300 This is when you can see someone repair a golem like those in HoMM7: https://youtu.be/Aki19o0iHW8?t=402 Edit: I found a dragon troop in this video about KB2: https://youtu.be/7JxNWELTKaI?t=815 The dragon is here: https://youtu.be/7JxNWELTKaI?t=838 It seems to be the same as the one I was talking before. Battledogs (clearer image) are also shown, together with the wolves, bears, stonemen, skeletons, dual-wielding black-haired protagonist (does that flag something?), thieves, more skeletons, Resurrection spell, Lightning Bolt, rocs (brown eagles, like those in HoMM3), a crossbow (skeleton wields it). Edit 2: Also, is anyone here? Steam is relatively active, to be honest, but the official forum is all dormant. Edit 3: ... Last edited by Space Knight; 04-04-2020 at 06:48 PM. |