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IL-2 Sturmovik The famous combat flight simulator.

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Old 01-09-2008, 09:21 AM
Rama Rama is offline
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I understand your feelings and frustration.... but could you stop your "Don Quixote vs Windmills" fight?
... it's becoming quite boring for eveybody I think... and useless... since windmills are here to stay... there's nothing you or anybody else can do against it.
Old 01-09-2008, 02:55 PM
Baron Baron is offline
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Originally Posted by Rama View Post
I understand your feelings and frustration.... but could you stop your "Don Quixote vs Windmills" fight?
... it's becoming quite boring for eveybody I think... and useless... since windmills are here to stay... there's nothing you or anybody else can do against it.

How about u do it the correct way and ask the "other" side of this issue to get lost or shut up (regarding this issue) instead of asking someone/anybody "defending" IL2 on a 1C official forum to put a sock in it.

Sound so much more reasoneble to me..dont u think? Or am i looking at it completly the wrong way?

Or are u scared people will call u insulting?

As soon as "they" will stop talking about soundmods/any mods in here this threadh will die on its own.

Its that simple.

Last edited by Baron; 01-09-2008 at 03:05 PM.
Old 01-09-2008, 04:01 PM
Rama Rama is offline
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I'm not scared about anything concerning forum behaviour.... I'm just trying to exit the useless pro/con usual name calling and to try to focus on real concerns.

Online real concern is online integrity... and people playing with whatever mods they want offline isn't really my concern. On a ethical point of view, I also find that "mods" are bad, and I don't play with them, neither online or offline.
But I'm not a moral moron, and I understand other peoples having other ethical point view, different from mine... and as long they can't force me to play with "mods"... I can ignore them and keep my play and my fun right toward my own ethic.

So the important thing IS the integrity of online play, and the only usefull thing to discuss about.
Mods are around and will stay around, staying blind (asking pro-modders to stop talking about, banning them from forums) and sticking blunt on the moral issue will have no effect except keeping open and undiscussed the principal problem "how to avoid player using unwanted mods online".... and is NOT a reasonable attitude (IMHO).

Intolerance never help in any case. Discussion about the problem could at least bring "pro-modders" to realise the problem, and to understand our concern, and that this concern isn't a claim of childish whinner.

Nothing is "that simple", there wouldn't be so much discussion if it was.
Old 01-09-2008, 07:04 PM
Baron Baron is offline
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Originally Posted by Rama View Post
I'm not scared about anything concerning forum behaviour.... I'm just trying to exit the useless pro/con usual name calling and to try to focus on real concerns.

Online real concern is online integrity... and people playing with whatever mods they want offline isn't really my concern. On a ethical point of view, I also find that "mods" are bad, and I don't play with them, neither online or offline.
But I'm not a moral moron, and I understand other peoples having other ethical point view, different from mine... and as long they can't force me to play with "mods"... I can ignore them and keep my play and my fun right toward my own ethic.

So the important thing IS the integrity of online play, and the only usefull thing to discuss about.
Mods are around and will stay around, staying blind (asking pro-modders to stop talking about, banning them from forums) and sticking blunt on the moral issue will have no effect except keeping open and undiscussed the principal problem "how to avoid player using unwanted mods online".... and is NOT a reasonable attitude (IMHO).

Intolerance never help in any case. Discussion about the problem could at least bring "pro-modders" to realise the problem, and to understand our concern, and that this concern isn't a claim of childish whinner.

Nothing is "that simple", there wouldn't be so much discussion if it was.

I agree with most of what u say,( exept the part where u assume that the modders them selfse will be the key to solving the problem and only if "we" say pretty please) but as Zap pointed out before, this and the other "sound mod" threadh has taken over a 100 pages to get the modfriendlies to relize ( yah, right) what most people with half a brain have known from the get go. (The fact that more than one mod has known what "we" known all along and still keeps fueling the fire doesnt help one bit)

It has been spelled out in 100 differant shades of grey from here till sunday and still it goes on and on and on.

Its starting to look to me like "they" are going to keep at it til Twilight Zone becomes reality or everyone says "yes u are right" or "pretty please, save us" even though they aint right...and never will be.

Personally im gonna remove myselfe from any further comments about the issue, since its like u say, no point.

Last edited by Baron; 01-09-2008 at 07:19 PM.
Old 01-10-2008, 12:14 AM
Bearcat Bearcat is offline
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This silly argument has been going on from day one and what has it done? You all need to just hush. You need to stop with the little kiddie chest thumping and poturing and if you can't talk solutions then you need to just be quiet.

What is so hard to understand about.. the issues at hand?

NONE of those issues are about any of us or our opinions... this whole issue at it's core from everyones point of view is about the sim... it is ALL about the sim.

So if as so many of you claim on both sides of this issue care so much about the sim then you need to pour your energy into solutions instead of rehashing the same old BS over and over.

Anhticheat measures are in the works... I have said from the outset that anyone who expects these mods to go away is crazy... it isn't going to happen. Anyone who expects those who prefer to fly online whether exclusively or part time, to just roll over and accept these mods knowing the potential for cheating that mods bring (since all modders are NOT cheaters... but most cheaters will use mods to cheat..) is crazy.... it isn't going to happen.

Solutions folks... some kind of app that will let those server admins who want to screen mods on their servers do so... and if they dot mind mods then the ability to at least screen out the mods that have so many shorts in knots.. those FM/DM/WEPS mods.. (Just because they aren't widespread yet doesn't mean they wont be some day.. fore warned is fore armed) that is the only viable solution. If you aren't talking about that then you really don't give a rat's @ss about the sim or the community.. just your own point of view. Smell that coffee people.
Old 01-10-2008, 01:27 AM
stalkervision stalkervision is offline
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Bearcat, obviously your in the wrong place...This is the "Argument Clinic"

Old 01-10-2008, 06:21 AM
Evgeny Evgeny is offline
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I think, that's enough, guys. It was a rather hot thread, but I think it survived usefulness already, so i'm closing it.
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