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Star Wolves 3D space RPG with deep strategy and tactical elements

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Old 03-20-2010, 12:28 PM
Nanaki Nanaki is offline
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Comparing with the X series, would be nice if some capital ships were on sale as well. Or capturable to be even better.
Agree! More Mothership choices are always good, especially since the existing choices are pretty bland...

I'd also like to see more random battles involving hostile capital ships, fighting mere fighters as I go along gets boring after a while.
Also agree.

Please PM me the link on this mod

No, because they are too linear. I want to do what I WANT to do, and not what someone else is telling (or pretty much forcing) me into doing. I want to be able to just runaway and not take a side, I want to be able to play as a pirate, or a merc, or help the patrols!
I would be happy with just repeatable optional missions.
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Old 03-30-2010, 01:00 PM
BuilderX BuilderX is offline
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After having finished the game in Hard mode and pulled my hairs out lot of time here's my wish list

1- like stalker said bring back the star wolves 1 music, but in fact there are pretty cool songs in each star wolves episodes. Would be cool to have a mix of all the old songs in the 4th.

2- SLI enabled ! Star Wolves is one of few games i have played which isn't supporting my 8600M GT SLI on my laptop. Even Dragon Age Origins the latest RPG game supports it ! And for players like me who aren't feeling good about changing their computers right now, SLI disabled is a lot of Fps Firepower drop !

3- As i said i finished the game in Hard mode but would have like to be warned that the final mission, was actually... the final Mission ! Because i didn't know about the fact that i was earning largely less XP, unless of course i went to this forum to know it. But nothing at the beginning of the game told me about it when i choosed the difficulty. And so if i had knew it, i would surely had explored the galaxy longer than i did, and would not have finished the game with only 4th tier fighters, as my team was far from the 5th tier skills in terms of XP ! so i felt a little frustrated at the end, that the game just stopped after the Berserk mothership exploded.

(needless to say i had a really hard time finishing this last mission with 4th tier fighters and 4th tier skills team... with no precursor weapons or alien turrets mounted... of course i had not the skills to do so )

All in all i still had a great fun playing SW3, it kinda renewed with the quality of the first episode.
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Old 06-21-2010, 08:18 AM
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I know there's already a sticky thread for the upcoming expansion/sequel, but there are some nice ideas in here.

>> Previous games' music
The game keeps track of the music in a script conveniently called PlayLists.script, adding music is a simple matter of copying the files to the music folder and adding their names to the entry in the script file. It would be a nice touch if mothership interface could access this script dynamically (so you could add/remove tracks on-the-fly).

>> Freedom to do what you want
This is a mixed bag. I've played many space sims and nothing gets boring real fast like having no goal. This depends heavily on WHAT can be accomplished outside of the story scripts. Currently the game has little to offer besides looting and skilling up your team - nothing else. If the game had plenty of side quests and random missions, then yes I would absolutely love free time. Heck, even meaningless achievement medals or trophies would be a step up. The thing is, as it currently stands free time is only good enough for grinding exp and looting. Once you've had your fill of that, there's nothing to do.

Basically, "freedom to do what I want" must include the premise that "there are plenty of things to do outside of the scripted missions".

>> Bridge crew
I never got to play SW2 but my impression was that like in SW3 you just stuffed a free pilot into the mothership cockpit instead of a fighter. I'm kinda ambivalent on this one too. On one hand, I agree it would make sense to have specialist crews help run the mothership. On the other hand, I haven't seen any game pull this off well.

It would be great if any big ship (assuming the player could purchase large ships and not just single-seater fighters) could have several crew slots. Then we could have the option of hireable specialist crews.

>> Trade
This is a huge missing chunk from traditional space sims. However, the game economics need to be re-scaled carefully if we want balanced trade. In most space sims you general fly around in a crappy tub hauling cargo until you can afford a decent fighter, at which point most people turn into FPS zombies and blast everything in sight and declare that they've "won" the game.

Trading needs to allow you to buy gear at a decent pace: not so fast that you can immediately retire after 2-3 hauls, but not so slow that it would be faster to just fight pirates and loot. Speaking of loot, it makes the game too easy when you can simply score perfectly-working items from destroyed craft. I know I'll get a lot of hate for this, but it is a totally unrealistic concept.

I'd prefer it if ships actually did just blow up and you had to work for your gear. Tractor beaming escape pods and the occasional cargo module some guy ejected is fine (hell, make it so that ships can eject cargo - this can be used for pickup missions, etc). Grabbing perfectly working modules from combat debris is not.

This would actually make random missions more desireable instead of simply shooting people up to get rich. You'd need to remain in good standing with some people to make money off of their missions. Blowing things up is fun, blowing them up for profit is even better.

p.s.> @Nanaki: the hero was a trader, until the incident forced him to sell off his company. However, it's true the starting missions make it sound like you get to trade. But if you pay attention closely to the dialog, he and Alex have some unrealistic expectations: one trade and they think he can change his starting tug boat for a decent ship? They really need to seriously think about item prices if they implement trade. Otherwise I only need to haul cargo 3-4 times until I can afford a few fighters for my pilots and then just start shooting pirates like now.

>> Random missions
This. PLEASE. Other players have posted very good suggestions. If you've played any number of space sims you'll know this feature is a common request. Why? Because it lets players "do what they want to do" without giving them too much freedom that they get bored, and without straightjacketing them to a scripted storyline. I could go on and on about the types of random missions but this should have its own thread to do it justice.

Be creative. Missions don't need to reward only money. You could win reputation, for example. Better rep = access to better missions. Or even top-tier equipment not found outside of faction territory.

>> Equipment availability
The age-old question: should stuff be easy to find or hard? In SW3 the answer is generally "easy". Visit 1-2 stations and re-dock with each of them repeatedly, and you'll find nearly every item available in the game (with very few exceptions). This is bad. Sure, it gives new players an exciting look at the best equipment, but it also reduces incentive to explore. Why go far into the unknown and possible danger, when you can just grind at the local system until you can buy The Best Items (tm) and then immediately own everything when you finally start travelling beyond your home systems? Nothing kills the exploring spirit faster than this. "Why should I visit X, Y, or Z? I already have the best gear."

>> Easier controls
I really have no idea how much easier you can get. It's a point and click game, what else do you want to throw out? Sorry but maybe I didn't understand the intention of this suggestion.

>> Auto-escort mothership when launched
Agreed, I don't understand why this isn't the default. Why would pilots just drift and let the mothership fly away?

>> autosave on new system
I'm a rabid save abuser so this isn't a big deal for me. It would be a nice (and easily coded in) feature though. Toss it in the options screen.

>> random events
Having looked through the scripts it appears like they were supposed to be available, but taken out - except for those random annoying pirate extortion encounters. Perhaps they didn't have enough time to debug them. There's always the hope of another sequel...

>> faction handling
This will need the game to have a pretty huge overhaul. It's not just about factions and reputation. A lot of scripts have hardcoded stuff regarding this. Spawning flights, for one. Which is unfortunate, as Freelancer, a decade-old game, has one of the better faction & reputation handling I've ever seen in a game.

A lot of SW3's problems are hardcoded stuff, really. Things like hardcoded perk checks, internal XML schema definitions, etc.

>> mothership stopping when fighters dock
To be fair, it's not easy to land on a moving target. Of course, it would help if the mothership only stopped moving when the fighter was already in the landing zone - not stopping when the fighter is half a system away.

>> remembering flight groups
If the launch-all shortcut was clicked or the option "launch immediately when entering system" was checked, I agree the game should remember previous flight groups. I very rarely formed teams so it wasn't a problem for me but I agree this is a useful feature.

>> hotkey to mothership bay
To launch the fighter in each bay? Yeah, this would be useful. It's annoying to have to click on the tiny double-arrow icon to launch them.

p.s.> @Nanaki: i remember reading one of the journal entries (or was it mail items) that mentioned 1 fighter cannot jump through portal so it had to wait for big ship. Always thought that to be odd because patrols appear to violate it all the time...

Btw I also prefer not to auto-launch, mothership makes for good tank in portal ambushes.

>> able to swap pilot order
Probably not important but it's annoying how when you dissolve a team, the pilot you just dragged out automatically becomes the last member. I'd prefer it if I could swap Hero back into slot 1, Ternie 2, Greyhair 3, etc.

>> long distance travel
Schweaty said it: either you take the auto-jump express which leaves you no time to visit a station to dock and rearm, or you're forced to crawl through half the systems in the entire game to reach the destination. There needs to be a middle ground.

@Binesi: aren't Freelancer's systems also self-contained? I distinctly remember jump gates. It's ironic that SW3 savegames contain system info - when I modded the fog clouds, my saves refused to load because they "remembered" the original configuration. Ironic that it remembers relatively useless stuff like that, instead of more important things like how I blew up a station but I come back and it's like nothing happened.

Even something as simple and basic as pilot chatter (be it text, let alone sound) is missing. If I'm not mistaken Nanaki told me triggers could be added but that would mean basically rescripting all the systems. That's probably not even considering trying to random the chatter text.

>> station defense
It's gratifying how stations will auto spawn a bunch of defenders when you start firing at them, but is that it? When you kill them, nothing else happens. Even the local patrols ignore the fact that you're committing mass murder (what do you think happens to all the station inhabitants...). I'd expect waves of reinforcements from other stations and portals from adjoining sympathetic systems. At the very least all the other related patrols should help with the defence, and earn yourself a huge negative rep for that faction.

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Old 06-21-2010, 11:32 AM
Nanaki Nanaki is offline
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>> Equipment availability
The age-old question: should stuff be easy to find or hard? In SW3 the answer is generally "easy". Visit 1-2 stations and re-dock with each of them repeatedly, and you'll find nearly every item available in the game (with very few exceptions). This is bad. Sure, it gives new players an exciting look at the best equipment, but it also reduces incentive to explore. Why go far into the unknown and possible danger, when you can just grind at the local system until you can buy The Best Items (tm) and then immediately own everything when you finally start travelling beyond your home systems? Nothing kills the exploring spirit faster than this. "Why should I visit X, Y, or Z? I already have the best gear."
This has actually been experimented with, somewhat. There are a few ship models (mainly the Black Stormcrow, Eraser, Templar ships) are only available from certain stations in the game.
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Old 06-21-2010, 11:49 AM
Rastix Rastix is offline
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I don't want to argue with forum's admin but as i sad before noone developer from core team are reading this forum.
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Old 06-22-2010, 12:18 AM
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Oh definitely, this is just a wish list. You find it on pretty much every space sim game's forum. There are plenty of reasons why.
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Old 06-22-2010, 09:26 AM
Rastix Rastix is offline
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Oh, it's just brain training Yep, I understood that now
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Old 07-03-2010, 09:35 AM
Marodeur Marodeur is offline
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I agree to most of the wishes... But i have another one...

- A star map i can print off would be useful

This link is dead. Is there an alternative?
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Old 07-03-2010, 10:31 AM
Stuka10000 Stuka10000 is offline
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I would just like to see the engine optimized better before anything else so that we are not down to 3 or 4 fps in large battles, even on higher end machines.
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Old 07-09-2010, 06:19 AM
altean altean is offline
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Originally Posted by Rastix View Post
Please PM me the link on this mod

SW is TACTICAL Squad-based with some RPG elements game

7 storylines aren't enough?
Yes , but half of them are broken, with lot of scripting errors, sometimes the conversations are just meager hints, other times endless meaningless chatty despite the warning of Ternie, that "everyone" can hear you in space.
Apparently they all have scanners..hrhehehe..
I haven't found 1 dude (pirate) saying that he just eves dropped on us and he's calling in reinforcements to rid us of the universe or just sell us out to some unknown party. lol
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