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IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey Famous title comes to consoles.

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Old 10-23-2009, 05:37 PM
Tudorp15 Tudorp15 is offline
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This may be arrogant, I don't know.. But, I do give kudos to all veterans that fought in the war regardless of country, victory or loss. But, I also believe that the war could not have been won without the US support. I also believe that we could not have won it by ourselves for that matter either... Every soldier that fought in that war, regardless of which side, thought they were the good guys...
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Old 10-23-2009, 05:37 PM
Lexandro Lexandro is offline
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I mean no offence here to the US peeps, but dont you there are enough US-centric games on the market as it is? Granted some of the big publishing houses are based in the US so some bias towards that market it to be expected.

I find it refreshing that for once the US have to take a backseat in a games story, where the focus is on how the UK and Russia faired in the war.

I dont want to bellitle the war effort of the US servicemen but the pacific campaign was not a very stellar enviroment for aerial combat. The actual scenery would consist largely of open ocean and on the odd occasion an island. Its not the greatest setting for a game with such great landscaping effects and other visual treats.

However adding in more missions from the US airforce campaign over Europe would be in keeping with the games feel and I would support it.

Last edited by Lexandro; 10-23-2009 at 06:01 PM.
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Old 10-23-2009, 05:58 PM
Crispus222 Crispus222 is offline
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I should also state that I don't mean to downplay any of the American's that fought in the war. Many lost there lives and we must respect those who fought for our freedom!
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Old 10-23-2009, 06:02 PM
Panzergranate Panzergranate is offline
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IL-2 Korea sounds appealing.

Stormoviks were flown by the North Koreans and there were still a fair few prop jobs doing most of the ground attack work, new fangled jets being too vulnerable to FlaK damage and expensive.

Dogfighting a Mig-15 with a Royal Navy Hawker Sea Fury turbo prop fighter would make for an ineresting experience.

Ditto flying an F8 Skyraider on a ground attack mission.

B-36 bombers with an F-86 Sabre or Goblin mini-fighter slung under the belly.

Early semi-blind SAM missiles coming up at ya....

North Korean dumb fire rocket FlaK....

All those crappy early post WW2 US Navy jet fighters with the underpowered and unreliable Westinghouse J-34 jet powerplant....

Sounds better the more I think about it....
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Old 10-23-2009, 06:04 PM
Vulcan607 Vulcan607 is offline
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Most war games on the market have an American campain, fair dos you were in WWII and saved us Limeys skins, and cheers for that, but do you honestly think that those games would have sold aswell if they hadnt got a US campain mode?

Most of my favorite XBL quote came for Americans
"I dont know why you guys call it English, we invented it".
"Do you Know the Queen?" (one of the most common)
"England, what state is that in?"

but to be fair there are some damn fine chaps from the US out there.
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Old 10-23-2009, 06:11 PM
FOZ_1983 FOZ_1983 is offline
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Ok to answer as many as i can...

yes the Brits were in Burma/NZ/Singapore etc but the japanese gave us a good kicking so we struggled in this theatre, this was more an american scenario, your bigger than us remember were only a small country, we were busy in europe/africa

The americans entered the war in 1941 after pearl harbour. Though a small amout did fly for the RAF during 1940

A game basd in korea.... im not so keen. Its the border between old and new and its just going to be awkward i think. Im happy with WW2 flying games

I would like to see the inclusion of more skins for planes, and some single missions in africa maybe? this could include the italians/germans/french/brits/yanks and could offer something different.

Cant be that hard to create a desert either surely and i'd get to fly the hurricane with 4 cannons hopefully or huge gun pods under the wing for anti tank duty (though seriously messing up speed and manouverability).

I can wish though eh?
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Old 10-23-2009, 06:18 PM
FOZ_1983 FOZ_1983 is offline
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Originally Posted by Vulcan607 View Post
Most war games on the market have an American campain, fair dos you were in WWII and saved us Limeys skins, and cheers for that, but do you honestly think that those games would have sold aswell if they hadnt got a US campain mode?

Most of my favorite XBL quote came for Americans
"I dont know why you guys call it English, we invented it".
"Do you Know the Queen?" (one of the most common)
"England, what state is that in?"

but to be fair there are some damn fine chaps from the US out there.
How did they save us? They helped us win the war (thanks for that) but im not so sure they saved us. We kept the third reich at bay after 1940, granted we couldnt of invaded europe on our own but we could of survived ourselves as an island.

Unless the atlantic convoys comes under saving us? if so then yes i agree they did save us with those, giving us much needed supplies. Again - thanks for that

Another quote you failed to mention

"hey you british fag, we won the war of independence, we havn't lost a war yet" - clearly vietnam must slip your mind?

"Hey you british fag, we won the civil war" - well yeah naturally!!! you were fighting yourselves you dick

The above 2 quotes are usually aimed at me by americans under the age of 15, though the occasional "adult" will use them to. On the whole though the americans i do talk to are a great bunch who dont **** about.

Us brits are just as bad sometimes unfortunately.
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Old 10-23-2009, 06:21 PM
xX-SiLeNcE-Xx xX-SiLeNcE-Xx is offline
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"Hey you british fag, we won the civil war" - well yeah naturally!!! you were fighting yourselves you dick
LOL That's awesome.

O, and Canada FTW! lol
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Old 10-23-2009, 06:29 PM
Doktorwzzerd Doktorwzzerd is offline
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Originally Posted by Crispus222 View Post
Actually, this is kind of an arrogant request imo. The developers did a great job on this game and your telling them that they need more US in it. Play any other WWII game and you'll most likely get American missions. Even though you guys were originally gonna stay out of the war until you got attacked by the Japanese in 1943 (Is that correct, 1943?). That's like me asking for a Canadian perspective for once. You think your misrepresented! We're not represented... I think it's refreshing to have a WWII game with a low American presence for once. Yes, the US helped win the war, but so did everyone else, and they fought for much longer. The perspective that is put out there is that you guys won the war and without you it could not happen. The game is great, so stop complaining. (I guess you just can't please them all though right... Everyone always wants something more...)
Again Let Me Re-State For The Reflexively Ameri-phobic:

BoP is great and seeing the eastern front and BoB portrayed in-depth is awesome, I understand that the Devs are Russian and hence have a particular interest in the eastern front, but being that variety is the spice of life, wouldn't it be nice to have a major side of the ETO air war, that has not yet been portrayed in BoP, be available as DLC? Edit to clarify: I don't want American pre-eminence or expect it, but more is more right? Wouldn't everyone like to play a side of the air war and planes not yet in the game regardless of ones nationality? BTW asking for DLC isn't a complaint, DLC exists precisely for the purpose of giving players more.

Furthermore the Canadian experience is represented, the Battle of Britain and Sicilian campaigns are all there with lots of aircraft and missions. Being that Canada at the time was a part of the British Empire many of the sorts of missions and aircraft flown by Canadians are there, just turn down the sound and imagine the pilots saying "eh" and "hoser" alot instead of "crikey" or "blighter" and you will be all set.

Though if you want I am totally down to petition for some Battle of the Atlantic anti-submarine missions, which were particularly Canadian jobs.

But lets not kid ourselves, while I would not argue that the courage and gallantry of Canadian pilots is in anyway less that that of Americans, comparing the scale of the RCAFs activity in the ETO and that of the USAAF is just plain silly. The USAAF played a *major* role (from 1943-45 perhaps THE major role) in the European air war and having some USAAF DLC would make the experience of BoP much more complete.

Also if you aren't sure as to whether or not the US entered the war in 1943 you might want to tone down the accusations of arrogance. BTW the U.S. entered the war on December 7, 1941, just a few months after Russia converted from being an ally of Germany to a foe, so much for "they fought for much longer".

Last edited by Doktorwzzerd; 10-23-2009 at 06:52 PM.
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Old 10-23-2009, 06:43 PM
Tudorp15 Tudorp15 is offline
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Foz... Why were they calling you a British cigarette?

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