I've been doing some minor testing with my game I just finished and it seems to work okay so far... Quote:
I'm still working on what their bonuses are going to be, but I've got some ideas... Quote:
By the way, the starting armies and spells are now randomized. This gives you a chance to start with a totally different set of units. It is fully customizeable, and can add and remove units to pick from (I'll be implementing this feature in AP / CW sooner or later). Quote:
I got the pictures implemented and am now working on bringing in the item description labels, etc. I'll have to check the Artifact / Regalia slots of the hero classes and companion and see what the max Tome slots would be. With Mage and Elenhel you get 5 slots... /C\/C\ |
As for making tomes artifact/regalia, hm . . . why not set it different type of items ; army/dmg type like Crag Hack goes and such to weapon, defense bonus shield/belt/armor , mostly -lds% regalia . . . So you can have them in all slots not just 2 type of slots in hero inventory. As you plan it now warrior will be at most disadvantage, and mage will be able to carry with Elenhel 6 tomes (artifact, belt/artifact , shield/artifact , regalia/artifact and 2 in Elenhel). Or best to make it as metamorphic axel, all tomes same (since kids in KB-tL didnt choose where to appear, just show up on random wife slot and that was it)? |
Good points...
The general idea, though, is to make it as fair as possible for all hero class / companion combinations so you can equip 4-5 items. We'll see how it goes... /C\/C\ |
Implementation of new start varibility added
I've still been working on my mod, but it is has been slow going due to my limited time and (until recently) the lack of the capability to reference the LUA library.
Nonetheless, I've been making good progress with the implementation of the tomes and some other ideas. Notably, I've finished implementing the capability that I added in my TL H3 Babies mod: random starting armies and spells for the 3 different hero classes. I've also augmented this system with random item generation as well including containers (i.e. eggs, etc.) and a select list of level 1 items for each class. Some screenshots are attached below, but essentially, each hero class's sections have been augmented to increase variability of starting units, spells, and items and each part is implmented via:
I've also added some new item combination slots to give more variability to each class's item choices as well as to ensure that each hero class has at least 3 artifact / regalia slots for Tomes (which are both artifacts and regalia and therefore equipable in either slot). The new combination slots are: 1) artefact,belt (i.e. Artifact/Belt), 2) shield,regalia (Shield/Regalia), and 3) artefact,gloves (Artifact/Gloves). The first two were in The Legend, but removed for some reason in AP/CW, whereas the third one is new that I just created. Look for these icons in the attached pictures below. I've also tweaked the experience and leadership tables such that they have a consistent growth throughout the game (whereas the previous lists had inconsistent growth in a few spots). Here are the class-specific sections for the armies, spells, items, and slots (note that commented sections have a starting "//"): Warrior: Code:
// New! Just list the units and a random number within the hero's leadership will be selected army=peasant,sprite_lake,thorn,thorn_warrior,dragonfly_lake,sprite,dragonfly_fire,devilfish,spider_venom,skeleton,spider_undead,archer,spider,robber,hyena,miner,dryad,pirat,snake_green,graywolf,robber2,snake,zombie,barbarian,barbarian2,footman,goblin,zombie2,goblin2,priest,bowman,satyr,pirat2,footman2,werewolf,snake_royal,bear,ghost,elf,bear2,orc,vampire,dwarf,griffin,priest2,druid,ghost2,catapult,unicorn,orc2,elf2,bear_white,unicorn2,blackknight,knight,vampire2,horseman,archmage,necromant,shaman,cannoner,paladin,alchemist,ent,griffin2,kingthorn,ogre,ent2,bonedragon,cyclop,giant,greendragon,runemage,reddragon,blackdragon // New! Chance of getting a spell if it is set to 0 spell_chance=5 // New! Chance that a random spell is a scroll scroll_chance=75 // New! Set spell = 0 for a random spell / scroll at start based on chance above spells { spell_healing=0 spell_defenseless=0 spell_stone_skin=0 // spell_last_hero=0 spell_dragon_arrow=0 spell_magic_axe=0 spell_bless=0 spell_adrenalin=0 spell_pacifism=0 spell_anger_management=0 spell_accuracy=0 spell_haste=0 spell_slow=-1 spell_reaction=0 spell_berserker=0 // spell_shroud=0 spell_target=0 spell_dragon_wake=0 spell_trap=0 spell_ghost_sword=0 spell_fire_arrow=0 spell_smile_skull=0 // spell_oil_fog=0 spell_fire_breath=0 spell_weakness=0 spell_kamikaze=0 spell_totem_adrenalin=0 spell_balance=0 spell_armor=0 spell_splash=0 } // army=bowman|3|footman|5|bear|2 // spells { // spell_haste=-1 // } items { time_clock=1 picture_inspirit=1 rage_potion=2 black_dragon_egg=-1 // negative values mean chance and max number of that item bonedragon_egg=-1 red_dragon_egg=-2 dragon_egg=-1 dfly_egg=-40 ent_seed=-5 griffin_egg=-10 skeleton_grave=-40 snake_egg=-20 spider_egg=-40 thorn_seed=-50 vampire_grave=-10 simple_helm=-1 warrior_helm=-1 shtopir=-1 simple_sword=-1 round_shield=-1 shield=-1 chain=-1 leather_armor=-1 chief_belt=-1 boots=-1 graceful_boots=-1 valor_sign=-1 beast_rage_book=-1 guard_braces=-1 ball_dress=-1 } slots { // slot name in the interface types of items that can be added in a comma-separated list // Do not forget to use important combinations hero.txt -> slot_bgs 1=helmet 2=weapon 3=armor,dress 4=boots 5=shield,regalia 6=weapon,shield 7=artefact,gloves 8=regalia,belt wife=wife } Code:
// New! Just list the units and a random number within the hero's leadership will be selected army=peasant,sprite_lake,thorn,thorn_warrior,dragonfly_lake,sprite,dragonfly_fire,hyena,miner,dryad,graywolf,barbarian,barbarian2,footman,priest,bowman,satyr,footman2,werewolf,bear,elf,bear2,dwarf,griffin,priest2,druid,unicorn,elf2,bear_white,unicorn2,knight,horseman,archmage,paladin,alchemist,ent,griffin2,kingthorn,ent2,cyclop,giant,greendragon,runemage,reddragon,blackdragon // New! Chance of getting a spell if it is set to 0 spell_chance=10 // New! Chance that a random spell is a scroll scroll_chance=50 // New! Set spell = 0 for a random spell / scroll at start based on chance above spells { spell_dispell=0 spell_healing=1 spell_defenseless=0 spell_stone_skin=0 // spell_last_hero=0 spell_dragon_arrow=0 spell_magic_axe=0 spell_bless=1 spell_adrenalin=0 spell_pacifism=0 spell_dragon_slayer=0 spell_phoenix=0 spell_animal_call=0 // spell_gifts=0 spell_demon_slayer=0 spell_lightning=0 spell_resurrection=1 spell_divine_armor=0 spell_holy_rain=0 spell_angel_avenger=0 spell_accuracy=0 spell_haste=0 spell_reaction=0 spell_exorcism=0 spell_totem_adrenalin=0 spell_balance=0 spell_armor=0 spell_orb=0 spell_icethorn=0 spell_gizmo=0 } //army=gorguana|50|blackdragon|20|griffin2|5|griffin_spirit|12|paladin|15 // army=footman|4|peasant|28|bowman|2 // spells { // spell_bless=1 // spell_healing=1 // spell_pacifism=-1 // } items { time_clock=1 picture_inspirit=1 mana_potion=1 rage_potion=1 black_dragon_egg=-1 red_dragon_egg=-1 dragon_egg=-2 dfly_egg=-45 ent_seed=-10 griffin_egg=-20 thorn_seed=-50 concentration_bandage=-1 guard_helm=-1 simple_helm=-1 warrior_helm=-1 simple_sword=-1 round_shield=-1 shield=-1 chain=-1 simple_belt=-1 steel_band=-1 graceful_boots=-1 steel_boots=-1 valor_sign=-1 beast_rage_book=-1 guard_braces=-1 ball_dress=-1 walking_dress=-1 } slots { 1=helmet 2=weapon 3=armor,dress 4=boots 5=regalia,artefact 6=shield,gloves 7=shield,regalia 8=belt,regalia wife=wife } Code:
// New! Just list the units and a random number within the hero's leadership will be selected army=sprite_lake,thorn,thorn_warrior,dragonfly_lake,sprite,dragonfly_fire,devilfish,spider_venom,archer,spider,dryad,snake_green,graywolf,spider_fire,snake,goblin,goblin2,priest,bowman,satyr,werewolf,snake_royal,elf,griffin,priest2,druid,catapult,beholder,unicorn,elf2,unicorn2,knight,beholder2,horseman,archmage,necromant,shaman,cannoner,paladin,alchemist,ent,griffin2,kingthorn,ent2,bonedragon,cyclop,giant,greendragon,runemage,reddragon,blackdragon // New! Chance of getting a spell if it is set to 0 spell_chance=15 // New! Chance that a random spell is a scroll scroll_chance=25 // New! Set spell = 0 for a random spell / scroll at start based on chance above spells { spell_dispell=0 spell_healing=-1 spell_defenseless=0 spell_stone_skin=0 // spell_last_hero=0 spell_dragon_arrow=0 spell_magic_axe=0 spell_bless=0 spell_adrenalin=0 spell_pacifism=0 // spell_dragon_slayer=0 // spell_phoenix=0 spell_animal_call=0 spell_anger_management=0 // spell_gifts=0 // spell_demon_slayer=0 // spell_lightning=0 // spell_resurrection=0 // spell_divine_armor=0 // spell_holy_rain=0 spell_angel_avenger=0 spell_accuracy=0 spell_haste=0 spell_slow=0 spell_reaction=0 spell_berserker=0 spell_shroud=0 spell_pain_mirror=0 spell_target=0 spell_magic_source=0 spell_dragon_wake=0 spell_trap=0 // spell_invisibility=0 spell_ghost_sword=0 // spell_phantom=0 // spell_teleport=0 // spell_pygmy=0 // spell_blind=0 // spell_hypnosis=0 // spell_geyser=0 spell_exorcism=0 // spell_time_return=0 spell_fire_arrow=1 spell_smile_skull=0 spell_scare=0 // spell_oil_fog=0 // spell_plague=0 spell_fire_breath=0 spell_magic_bondage=0 spell_ice_serpent=0 spell_fire_ball=0 spell_sacrifice=0 spell_weakness=0 // spell_evilbook=0 spell_kamikaze=0 spell_crue_fate=0 // spell_ram=0 // spell_demonologist=0 spell_fire_rain=0 // spell_necromancy=0 // spell_zlogn=0 // spell_armageddon=0 // spell_death_star=0 // spell_inferno_dragon=0 spell_totem_adrenalin=0 spell_balance=0 spell_fishes=0 spell_rockfall=0 // spell_quake=0 spell_armor=0 spell_splash=0 // spell_orb=0 spell_icethorn=0 // spell_gizmo=0 // spell_souldrain=0 // spell_darkhole=0 } // army=sprite|11|peasant|20|dragonfly_lake|11 // spells { // spell_fire_arrow=1 // spell_slow=1 // spell_fire_ball=-1 // spell_healing=-1 // } items { time_clock=1 picture_inspirit=1 mana_potion=2 black_dragon_egg=-2 bonedragon_egg=-1 red_dragon_egg=-1 dragon_egg=-1 dfly_egg=-40 ent_seed=-5 griffin_egg=-10 skeleton_grave=-40 snake_egg=-20 spider_egg=-40 thorn_seed=-50 vampire_grave=-10 concentration_bandage=-1 straw_hat=-1 disciple_staff=-1 road_staff=-1 leather_armor=-1 boots=-1 graceful_boots=-1 old_boots=-1 white_slippers=-1 fisher_net=-1 inkpot=-1 snake_ring=-1 warm_gloves=-1 novice_dress=-1 } slots { 1=helmet 2=weapon 3=armor,dress 4=boots 5=regalia,artefact 6=shield,artefact 7=belt,gloves 8=artefact,belt wife=wife } Images:
Nice good news
Si you decided in the end to make tomes artifact/regalia type of item, instead metamorphosis. How did testing of Bill Gilberts portrait went ? Odes it work as you stated here, after 1/2/4/8/16 ... battles gives you random tome item? And posting some partial mod would be nice for testing purposes |
I think Artifact / Regalia is a good start so that you'll only be able to equip 3 on your hero and I'm going to rework the companion slots down the road so that you'll get another 2 or 3 between them and they'll have a lot more dual slots.
As far as the Bill Gilbert portrait numbering is concerned, I think it makes sense for 1, 3, 6, 10, etc. for playtesting so that you get more tomes sooner and can double check them to ensure they work. Whether it stays that way down the road, I'm not certain. I'll try to get an update soon, I'm in the process of implementing the spell system and so have made a lot of changes to the spells that I need to test and fix bugs, etc. I haven't fully implemented all the tomes yet, and so that is another area where a lot more work needs to be done so I'm starting to get to the point where a lot of work needs to be done to implement some of these new features, but I am making progress. I'd like to get the start variability changes released, though, so that people can simply try that part out - hopefully soon as I want to also apply that update to AP. There are quite a few differences between AP and CW and so it is hard to keep them synchronized, but I do try to implement changes in both where I can with the same set of files... /C\/C\ |
I can add an informative message, though, to indicate that it's working.
Brief Update...
Just want to give everyone a brief update...
I have finished the first cut of the tome bonuses and their descriptions. This task has literally been Herculean as I've been working on the system to generate the tomes and their descriptions since I initially posted this thread with the only breaks being my brief foray into WotN, my last H3B playthrough / development cycle, and Heart of the Swarm. Each item has 5 levels and there are 11 tome groups where you draw upon a tome from each group your first pass through (after 11 tome awards) and then after that any tome that hasn't been given is available. Currently the item logic is setup to give you a tome after the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 10th, 15th, 21st, etc. battles. This way you get a lot of tomes early for checking them out and ensuring they work. Once the alpha phase is complete I'll probably change it to give you a tome once every 15-20 battles. I think there are around 330 battles in AP (or is it CW?) so currently you should get around 24 tomes, whereas you'll get 16-22 depending on whether I implement 20 or 15 battles down the road. I still need to figure out how to transmute certain tomes to others (i.e. Rina -> Zombie Rina), but I'm going to worry about that a little bit more down the road. There are 180 tomes, although some of these are dual (i.e. Rina & Zombie Rina) and 5 levels for each tome giving you technically 900 new items! When you upgrade the tome to the next level, you fight the typical Gremlin Towers plus the HOMM3 / TL Hero for that item - that is the part I need to work on next is the HOMM3 / TL Enemy Hero files. These heroes will have their abilities from HOMM3 / TL for their level. Once this task is complete (hopefully within a month) I'll be able to provide the next alpha release since right now if you try to upgrade an item the game will crash since they don't exist. There are 180 new possible tomes (a few less due to dual tomes such as Rina / Zombie Rina) and giving 16-22 tomes per game should create a lot of re-playability. I'm really starting to get excited as I'm now close to a position where I can start adding the non-tome content from my H3B mod. Thanks for your patience as this kind of development work simply takes a long time! Matt /C\/C\ |
Wow, this looks awesome, and it's great to see it's still being worked on!
Another brief update
Another brief update...
Okay, I've generated the following files: 1. *.act files for the tomes 2. *.hero files for the tomes For both of the above this is 900 files (for a total of 1800!). These files are needed for the tome heroes when you suppress / upgrade the tomes. I now have all the tome files implemented in one fashion or another. This is the first cut, but it should be at least 80% of the way there. Right now I'm working on a common release for both AP & CW. The way this works is that I've determined which files are the same, which ones are different, and which are AP / CW only. The general idea is to edit the files that are the same between AP / CW (or nearly the same) first. This way I can maintain commonality between the two games as much as possible before the development forks. For example, ITEMS_MONSTER.TXT is the same for both games, so if I edit this file and have it include H3_TOMES.TXT, this will add the tome items to both games without me having to edit ITEMS.TXT, which are different for each game. When it comes to the *.LNG files, it doesn't matter if I have extra labels from CW so long as they don't improperly overwrite the AP ones. So I'm going to do my best here with respect to adding new labels that work with both games. I'm in the process of determining whether I can have bonuses for units that don't exist in AP. So for example if an item has a bonus to Orc Hunters, then I'm hoping that if I have it in AP the game won't crash. The work around would be to include the missing ATOM's in AP, but I want to avoid that if possible. So we'll see how all this goes, I'd still like to release an alpha update that is common to both games within a couple of weeks or sooner if possible... Matt /C\/C\ |