Is there any work around to the Fly the Banner quest? I am using 6250 and the patch notes on the first page says it should be fixed but it is not, Knud gives me no option to complete the quest.
I've had constant crashes every second time I use Chosha's Initiation skill. Any help because that's my favorite unit? I use v1.3.1 build 6280. Thanks!
I've fixed the bug when Warrior Maidens were resurrecting minions that died during past 2 moves, not rounds. Not it strictly follows its description.
For Warriors of North 1.3.1: http://borodean.com/pub/kingsbounty/..._vallhalla.kfs For Ice and Fire 1.3.1: http://borodean.com/pub/kingsbounty/..._vallhalla.kfs To make it work, extract the *.kfs file from the archive and put it to the sessions\addon directory. |
Ice Nympf:
I've noticed it gives more than 8% chance of getting another turn with another creature (12% for males). I have a druid that could attack 3 times in all, happens very often. Same with White Werewolves and the level 3 shooter in the same Frost race. I don't know if it has been posted before. Also I'm playing it in my mod, Bonfire, but we haven't touched the Ice Nympf in the modding. |
Indefinite damage with mask of envy
It looks like I'm the first who was able to catch that bug. When you attack, the damage is indefinite (zero).
The code for this mask is in arena.lua line 859-884 and looks like this: Code:
-- маска Зависти if hero_item_count2("sp_bonus_level_damage", "count") > 0 then if attacker ~= nil and receiver ~= nil and damage > 0 then local atk_level = Attack.act_level(attacker) if Attack.act_feature(attaker,"pawn") then atk_level = 3 if Attack.act_feature(attaker,"boss") then atk_level = 5 end end local rec_level = Attack.act_level(receiver) if Attack.act_feature(receiver,"pawn") then rec_level = 3 if Attack.act_feature(receiver,"boss") then rec_level = 5 end end if atk_level > rec_level then damage = damage * (1 + (atk_level - rec_level) * hero_item_count2("sp_bonus_level_damage", "count")/100) addrage = addrage * (1 + (atk_level - rec_level) * hero_item_count2("sp_bonus_level_damage", "count")/100) end end end Last edited by webfischi; 05-24-2020 at 10:45 PM. Reason: removed idea |
The damage never yields 0 (unless damage was <= 0 to begin with), but yes, it does yield 0 damage bonus in most cases. Item allows wearer to hit weaker enemies with increased damage. So, I think that's the idea. That said, it looks ok to me. |
I'll add a savegame to try and investigate, because every attack in this example will be zero.
Just found out how to enable dev mode with the Steam version, and the debugger seems to be unhappy with "nil" in line 861, so there is the main issue. Now I am pretty sure they never playtested the DLC when the game is screeming at me, that this is wrong.
Hi, webfischi, can you explain how to enable dev mode, please? Thanks!
So, first, make sure you have a shortcut to the game on your desktop. After that, right-click and press properties. After \kb.exe" section in Target, add " -dev", like this: \kb.exe" -dev (don't put comas after dev). Now, press Apply and then Ok. You can now play in dev mode by starting the game from the shortcut.