[edit: Yes, I found this]: http://forums.ubi.com/showthread.php...2005%29-Forums .
All CoD screenshots here: http://s58.photobucket.com/albums/g260/restranger/ __________ Flying online as Setback. |
Good thing they won...I love these people!!
There is an insurance incentive to have a video camera active in your car. It mitigates blame - according to some of the You Tube postings i've read.
Camera clearly shows IMO
That camera guy has music on not consentrating on his driving as he overtakes whithout a clear road. Think the footage would go against him lol. Bet he didnt post that Vid until after his settlement Hope he had airbags and belt on |
That horse had right of way.
And knew to use the pedestrian crossing- Smart horse
And knew to use the pedestrian crossing- Smart horse
People there have developped crazy survival skills
I'm always amazed at how some guys can be lucky. |
The guy who gets through the windshield in the accident between the three trucks...
A whole generation of pilots learned to treasure the Spitfire for its delightful response to aerobatic manoeuvres and its handiness as a dogfighter. Iit is odd that they had continued to esteem these qualities over those of other fighters in spite of the fact that they were of only secondary importance tactically.Thus it is doubly ironic that the Spitfire’s reputation would habitually be established by reference to archaic, non-tactical criteria. |
or the guy who almost got ran over by a trolley....i was surprised at how fast that thing was able to stop...