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Both answers are yes, however I need to enhance the script. I hope I have time to do this next week.
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This is really a great piece of work and has totally revitalized No.401 Squadron in a big way. We hope to use this script to help bring a CO-OP campaign to fruition. We're testing with the current version and signs are really good.
Pilot #1 (9:40 hours flying time, 3/0/1 Fighters, 7/2/0 Bombers). RIP No.401 Squadron Forum ![]() ![]() ![]() Using ReconNZ's Pilot Log Book |
Very nice..Tried this and looks very promising only problem for me is if I use your script, Triggers and Actions seem to stop working? or am I doing something wrong?
Last edited by Punch_145; 10-27-2012 at 10:33 PM. |
I am unable to get the script to work, I've downloaded the example mission and loaded on my host machine (not dedicated server), started the mission as multiplayer (coop) and then have a client try and join the mission. The host is able to select an aircraft but the client, typing any of the three commands sees nothing. An following error is shown on the client machine: *WPF.Unavailable puppet place error. I'm not sure if I am doing this correctly so any help would be appreciated.
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[rts] scriptAppDomain = 0 Is there any entry in the log file? |
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public override void OnTrigger(int missionNumber, string shortName, bool active) { base.OnTrigger(missionNumber, shortName, active); AiAction action = GamePlay.gpGetAction(ActorName.Full(missionNumber, shortName)); if (action != null) { action.Do(); } } ![]() |
That was it, added the RTS scriptAppDomain and it worked like a charm. Thanks
Thank you Kodiak, Much appreciated
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Sorry, when You say "before last bracket" do you mean like so?
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using maddox.game; using maddox.game.world; //$reference parts/core/gamePlay.dll public class Mission : AMission { public override void OnBattleInit() { base.OnBattleInit(); if (GamePlay is GameDef) { (GamePlay as GameDef).EventChat += new GameDef.Chat(Mission_EventChat); } } void Mission_EventChat(IPlayer from, string msg) { if (msg.StartsWith("!help")) { Chat("Commands: !aircraft, !select#", from); } if (msg.StartsWith("!aircraft") || msg.StartsWith("!select")) { List<Tuple<AiAircraft, int>> aircraftPlaces = new List<Tuple<AiAircraft, int>>(); if (GamePlay.gpArmies() != null && GamePlay.gpArmies().Length > 0) { foreach (int army in GamePlay.gpArmies()) { if (GamePlay.gpAirGroups(army) != null && GamePlay.gpAirGroups(army).Length > 0) { foreach (AiAirGroup airGroup in GamePlay.gpAirGroups(army)) { if (airGroup.GetItems() != null && airGroup.GetItems().Length > 0) { foreach (AiActor actor in airGroup.GetItems()) { if (actor is AiAircraft) { AiAircraft Aircraft = actor as AiAircraft; for (int place = 0; place < Aircraft.Places(); place++) { aircraftPlaces.Add(new Tuple<AiAircraft, int>(Aircraft, place)); } } } } } } } } if (msg.StartsWith("!aircraft")) { int i = 0; foreach (Tuple<AiAircraft, int> aircraftPlace in aircraftPlaces) { string playerName = ""; Player player = aircraftPlace.Item1.Player(aircraftPlace.Item2); if (player != null) { playerName = " " + player.Name(); } Chat("#" + i + ": " + aircraftPlace.Item1.Name() + " " + aircraftPlace.Item1.TypedName() + " " + aircraftPlace.Item1.CrewFunctionPlace(aircraftPlace.Item2) + " " + playerName, from); i++; } } else if (msg.StartsWith("!select")) { msg = msg.Replace("!select", ""); int i = -1; if (int.TryParse(msg, out i) && i < aircraftPlaces.Count) { Tuple<AiAircraft, int> aircraftPlace = aircraftPlaces[i]; if (aircraftPlace.Item1.Player(aircraftPlace.Item2) == null) { from.PlaceEnter(aircraftPlace.Item1, aircraftPlace.Item2); } else { Chat("Place occupied.", from); } } else { Chat("Please enter a valid aircraft number, e.g. !select0, !select1, !select2, ...", from); } } } } public void Chat(string line, IPlayer to) { if (GamePlay is GameDef) { (GamePlay as GameDef).gameInterface.CmdExec("chat " + line + " TO " + to.Name()); } } public override void OnTrigger(int missionNumber, string shortName, bool active) { base.OnTrigger(missionNumber, shortName, active); AiAction action = GamePlay.gpGetAction(ActorName.Full(missionNumber, shortName)); if (action != null) { action.Do(); } }} Last edited by Punch_145; 10-28-2012 at 12:09 PM. |
Thx again for your work Banks.
Is there a way to limit the player spawn? Means as soon as a player got shot, he is out. Or better , can I seperate playable flights from non playable? Would that only be possible by adding AI flights by loading submissions? Last edited by Nephris; 10-28-2012 at 02:01 PM. |
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