Furbs, Tree and Falstaff...The COD killers... |
Hehe, suprised you didn't pick up on the odd clipping as he turned over land near the end, hedges and stuff being clipped out directly underneath. Other than that it was a very good video and very nice to see no stuttering, nice dynamic sounds and everything else it showed
Bzzzzt, whiiirrrrrr, beeeep... error, does not compute!
damn, i nearly fell of my chair when i read that tree
Almost makes me want to take you off my ignore list again, Tree.
Wow! I always knew that the game was going to turn out amazing. Just not this amazing!!!
- 2500k @ 4.8Ghz Lapped IHS - AsRock P67 Extreme4 Gen3 - MSI GTX 560 Ti 2Gb - Crutial M4 SATA3 64Gb SSD - 8Gb Corsair Vengeance DDR3 1600Mhz @ 8-8-8-21 RAM - Silverstone 750w Fully Modular PSU - Antec 1200 ATX Case - Zalman 9700 Cooler - Win7 Ultimate x64 - |
What the.... |
Finally a video showing a crash on land, although i hope this is not final, there were no particles, torn wings, whatsoever, even '46 has that.
Nice find though keep em coming. |
And the smoke coming out of the wreck is totally taken from '46.
Doesn't fit to the rest which looks awesome. (except the water which looks too repetitive imo) |
Meh.. I've seen two ground impacts and so far, the effects look better, but all of a sudden all the smoke disappears, and we have that black tornado-looking smoke rising from the small crater. No burning debris spread around or fireball moving in the direction of the crash...
Like this one I'm sorry for the pilot, but I'm just saying there are ways to implement this that aren't too FPS heavy... Create something that looks like a napalm attack... length depending on speed and angle... instead of an explosion where everything comes from the crater and blows straight up into the air like a fountain... Other than THAT.. It's looking very very good. Sounds AWESOME. I think cannon sounds are realistic.. anyone who's been in a plane, with a helmet/headset, and having all that engine noise around you, should know that this is probably not far from the real thing.. Graphics are stunning Tracer smoke looks awesome. Everything is going to be OK guys! |