So what Not every game must be a no-loss one 50 no-loss is enough.
It is true. I tried to play a Paladin but after you get your hands on one stack of Paladins the game is no challenge . Is way too easy.
Dobrev : i just forgot that . IN Ap no loss its not so tedious and boring like in legend so i just keep in mind only for no loss now lol.
And about easy with paladin ;p warior wuold be easier ;p you wont get 500 black nights with paladin ... and tis most devasting force in AP, my current max damage on baal is 74 K XD |
Well, I also have my mind set the same way - lose nothing. However, every now and then we can allow ourselves a little leeway Just for the fun of it!
Undead army with paladin sounds .. uhmm not realy good .. hes medal is from helaing blessing ressing .. and damage to paladins and inquis so .. of course its possible to do, but its definetly not what this char was made about ;p
Hmm... This game is confusing a lot of people. We will really need to set up a name or a hint to show whether someone is talking about a Paladin hero or a Paladin unit.
I was talking about the paladin hero all the time and his resurrection skill, which is Paladin-hero-only. It resurrects up to 100% of the casualties suffered by a certain troop. As such, you do recover their losses 100% - no matter whether the unit was Black Dragons or Black Knights.
I'm playing a lv 22 Paladin atm and wondering where I can find the resurrectionspell. Or is it just random apperance opn every scroll so I can be unlycky it hasnt spawned anywere?
random mostly, i heard its guaranted if u give back the inqusitor blades to its owner.
And where can I find the blade and its owner?