We are working on the skill choices you get after leveling up, in Hylfire you could get from 0 to many, meaning the whole screen could be filled so you couldn't choose NO SKILLS and int/att ETC. Instead you get 1 random skill to choose between from each skill tree. 3 in all plus the chance of att/def/int/gold/mana/rage.
The original games was made with main quests, that you in some way had to follow to succeed.. the Islands were mainly on a string following the quest.. this was really linear.. now you have a random world, with random places to go.. can travel ok fast to the first map you get.. all the enemies are random.. sometimes they are allies.. every new game, is a new experience.. as Eucrysty found out.. the game is most fun for me replaying it just after lvl. 6-7 at most.. then start new hero, get new tactics, new creatures, skills, items.. it is very fun that way.. But thank you for your help - the random enemy growth is not something I think we will mess with as the entire world in Bonfire depends on it. Hope you will reconsider http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/images/.../icon_cool.gif |
What does mean "3 max rage limit" when leaning Rage arrows? I had 26 max limit before learning and has 26 after learning.
It should mean +3 rage to your max rage. What is Rage Arrows? An altar?
no, when learning new skill from Crista's dialog
I have artifactor-3, magic rune-1, 35 mana and two recipe of Scaly Bracelet and Splinter of Darkness but I can produce them, why?
Blind rage medal's hint say: Rage used 1603/1500, but the medal to be 1 lvl not 2 lvl
Scaly bracelet is level 4, I suppose you need level 4 artifactor. I think it is the same with the other item, isn't it?
Únzip and overwrite in the ice'n fire\ses.rar - same directory as files before. Fixes the bug. medals.zip |
if it is her skills, seems we described it wrong... isn't it the rage skill that creates balls on the battle field with mana/rage?