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IL-2 Sturmovik The famous combat flight simulator.

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Old 11-27-2010, 01:14 AM
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Back on topic, I don't tend to associate the aircraft with the regimes very much. I like aircraft first and foremost. But I view them a little like one might look at animals. Lion vs tiger, stegosaurus vs T-rex etc. Being a bit of a softy, I prefer my weapons of human squander in museums, where they belong. Perhaps that's why I can't feel any enthusiasm for modern military equipment. Unless it's a minimum of fifty years old, I'd prefer not to mess with it.
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Old 11-27-2010, 01:45 AM
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Well there's all kinds on both sides. One funny thing I do notice is that on teamspeak Allied fliers tend to be more chatty than the Axis fliers. Poles and Czechs are fantastic pilots just like in real life and always fly Allied planes Many times if an Allied pilot fly's a 109 for the first time it always goes something like this.."Oh my god how do you shoot anything down in this thing"? One night back in the IL-2 2001 demo days two of my good friends UHOH7 and Herr_Spray ran into an intoxicated Swede named Burn. Burn spoke German very well and UHOH7 who was from the states also spoke German. So it was decided that Burn and UHOH7 would be the Luftwaffe side and I and Herr_Spray would be the Allies all on an open Roger Wilco channel. How hilarious it was listening to Burn and UHOH7 screaming and laughing in German, Burn crashing on the runway trying to get in the air and gradually getting more and more pissed until he could no longer fly and the conversation went on into general things happening in each of our lives. Those were fun times when IL-2 first came out in 2001, it was so far beyond anything else that any other companies had to offer. I loved it and still do. Storm Of War will have that same landmark effect I'm sure of it. So what I'm saying is we all have fun together. Are any people in this topic online fliers?

Last edited by Richie; 11-27-2010 at 02:37 AM.
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Old 11-27-2010, 07:46 AM
Ltbear Ltbear is offline
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Originally Posted by Richie View Post
Well there's all kinds on both sides. One funny thing I do notice is that on teamspeak Allied fliers tend to be more chatty than the Axis fliers. Poles and Czechs are fantastic pilots just like in real life and always fly Allied planes Many times if an Allied pilot fly's a 109 for the first time it always goes something like this.."Oh my god how do you shoot anything down in this thing"? One night back in the IL-2 2001 demo days two of my good friends UHOH7 and Herr_Spray ran into an intoxicated Swede named Burn. Burn spoke German very well and UHOH7 who was from the states also spoke German. So it was decided that Burn and UHOH7 would be the Luftwaffe side and I and Herr_Spray would be the Allies all on an open Roger Wilco channel. How hilarious it was listening to Burn and UHOH7 screaming and laughing in German, Burn crashing on the runway trying to get in the air and gradually getting more and more pissed until he could no longer fly and the conversation went on into general things happening in each of our lives. Those were fun times when IL-2 first came out in 2001, it was so far beyond anything else that any other companies had to offer. I loved it and still do. Storm Of War will have that same landmark effect I'm sure of it. So what I'm saying is we all have fun together. Are any people in this topic online fliers?
lol.....that one brings back memorys....

I flew Japanese in CFS2, but because me (danish, two of me other cfs2 friends "spanish (Luny) and a brit(Smudger)" can speak german we were assigned as the first IL2 Germans for the JFC online campaign.....Holy poopz i had problems with the 109 the first 4 months....landings, and then the front nose guns(Lead).....but awsome to fly around speaking German and listening to the allies asking us to stop screaming.....

I miss those days sometimes lol.....4 hour campaign maps over kursk...
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Old 11-27-2010, 08:19 AM
moilami moilami is offline
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Originally Posted by moilami View Post

I have to say I always admire those republican vs democrats shootouts. Someday I am gonna read what are the differences between them. Have to admit I really don't know

And sorry for the OT.
After sleeping good I can't believe I wrote that. I wont read about the differences anytime soon because I hate politics, and I don't know what I do with that information.
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Old 11-27-2010, 08:35 AM
moilami moilami is offline
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Originally Posted by proton45 View Post
Ok...now things have been stretched to the extreme. And a little bit of a ridiculous comment too. I dont think that anyone here was even suggesting that "bad people fly axis". It was my impression that we where talking about our personal feelings on the issue of flying Axis aeroplanes...

Lol...its kind of funny (to me) reading stuff like this, cuz things haven't really changed here that much. IN FACT, most of the "security changes" we have had here, have been mirrored in most of the 1st world. The UK, France, Germany, & Japan have all increased their "anti-terrorist" policies. They just call it something else their...

Too me...it sounds like you have been reading the "conspiracy theory"/ "Fringe political" blogs or something..."Guantanamo" aint filled with innocent tourists...rest assured.
Yeah, that question was very ridiculous. But what is hilarious is how that "homeland security" makes the country feel more insecure, the opposite it should be doing Anyway enough of politics.

I don't have problems flying Axis planes, especially Finnish planes which feel kind of "patriotic" to fly. With German planes I have to say I feel a little bit evil and more ruthless. I think it is because Bf 109 and FW-190 feel more like killer planes. Alliance planes are like "good school boy planes" when compared. Boring..

Russian planes had big problems first against Finland and I thought I would not be able to do it online. However after this discussion here I think I can do it, and of that I am happy.
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Old 11-27-2010, 08:52 AM
Ltbear Ltbear is offline
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[QUOTE=moilami;201162]I don't have problems flying Axis planes, especially Finnish planes which feel kind of "patriotic" to fly. With German planes I have to say I feel a little bit evil and more ruthless. I think it is because Bf 109 and FW-190 feel more like killer planes. Alliance planes are like "good school boy planes" when compared. Boring..QUOTE]

wooooot...i have it the same way....lmao.....its wierd...my flying style are more set by how i feel when im in the plane than what the plane realy is.....

In the 190 im like a tank....speeding ahead ramming through anything infront of me....in the 109 im more of a assasin of the skyes, here i am, now im gone...

In the P-40 i use alot of time trying to fight "clean, as with the hurry and spit etc...

The Japanese planes i fly more by reflexes and the "spine", i use the plane as a samurai, keeping to what i know, and fight with the spirit.....using the plane as a weapon and nothing else....

There is a few American planes that almost get me that "killar" state as the German ones the corsy and the cat....big mean maschines of war, but again, they need to be flown "clean".....

wierd actualy...well thats how i fly.....and right now i try hard to fly a "dirty" P-40 on my philipine map....for some reson im getting into that bird...

Online story..

109 then 190 *CFS1* then zero, George and at the end KI 84 *CFS2*

109 IL2, 190 *FB* then back to japanese planes with *PF*, into 109 and 190 *1946* and now after some time of IL2 im in the P-40.......and back into the pacific lol....
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Old 11-27-2010, 09:00 AM
moilami moilami is offline
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Originally Posted by Skoshi Tiger View Post
Or both, but you are on target there.

It's one of the reasons I fly in Il2.

Some games can be quiet serious, take military war games for example. Those games are used to develop strategy, teamwork and experience for the people involved.

Unfortunately due to my limited time I can't take it too seriously at the moment. I would not be able to commit the time for training and availability to join a serious squadron for example. Good luck to the people who can. It is one thing that I admire when I see a group of people cleaning up on a map because their using teamwork and skill to achieve their objectives.

Hey! Please wait a moment Sir..

I don't know what are the standards regarding recruitment here, but I don't think there is anything bad in trying to Ninja Recruit out of blind someone (or offer a home for orphaned pilot).

So if you are interested of very great squad, then consider joining =69.GIAP=

We have awesome pilots and trainers. We have four online war campaigns rolling: Burma 1941, Midway 1942, and two Eastern Front 1944 campaings. We have a *woman* as our top 1vs1 duelist (at her best age)! Talk about immersion. VVS had women in real. We have separate fighter, ground attack, and bomber sections. The only thing we don't have is Drama!

And everything is voluntary in our squad. It is up to you what you want to do and how high you want to aim. If you want to participate only once a month on online war flying, that is fine. You can also be total "noob" and still we accept you no problems.

If you are interested to check us out, just say Hi in our public forum at http://www.69giap.com.

Edit: Oh forgot to mention that our ground attack section have private and secure vodka distillery But that is Top Secret.

Last edited by moilami; 11-27-2010 at 09:26 AM.
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Old 11-27-2010, 10:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Ltbear View Post
lol.....that one brings back memorys....

I flew Japanese in CFS2, but because me (danish, two of me other cfs2 friends "spanish (Luny) and a brit(Smudger)" can speak german we were assigned as the first IL2 Germans for the JFC online campaign.....Holy poopz i had problems with the 109 the first 4 months....landings, and then the front nose guns(Lead).....but awsome to fly around speaking German and listening to the allies asking us to stop screaming.....

I miss those days sometimes lol.....4 hour campaign maps over kursk...
LOL That's awesome Ltbear: As time went by after the actual game came out after the demo, things started to get very organized with the online wars like D.I.D. = Dead Is Dead. If you were shot down and killed you had to actually stop flying for the whole day until your replacement persona was shipped to the front where where your squadron was. This way no one screwed around at all. We all wanted to stay alive but also get victories and score ground targets. You always watched your fuel trying never to stray to far away from home base. You couldn't get captured either.

Last edited by Richie; 11-27-2010 at 10:15 AM.
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Old 11-27-2010, 10:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Ltbear View Post
lol.....that one brings back memorys....

I flew Japanese in CFS2, but because me (danish, two of me other cfs2 friends "spanish (Luny) and a brit(Smudger)" can speak german we were assigned as the first IL2 Germans for the JFC online campaign.....Holy poopz i had problems with the 109 the first 4 months....landings, and then the front nose guns(Lead).....but awsome to fly around speaking German and listening to the allies asking us to stop screaming.....

I miss those days sometimes lol.....4 hour campaign maps over kursk...
LOL That's awesome Ltbear: As time went by after the actual game came out after the demo, things started to get very organized with the online wars like D.I.D. = Dead Is Dead. If you were shot down and killed you had to actually stop flying for the whole day until your replacement persona was shipped to the front where where your squadron was. This way no one screwed around at all. We all wanted to stay alive but also get victories and score ground targets.

Oh one more thing in my edit here, those Zeros are fantastic aeroplanes for noobs to learn in. Gentle and easy and turn like an Austin Minis. Well armed too.
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Old 11-27-2010, 11:24 AM
Ltbear Ltbear is offline
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Originally Posted by Richie View Post
LOL That's awesome Ltbear: As time went by after the actual game came out after the demo, things started to get very organized with the online wars like D.I.D. = Dead Is Dead. If you were shot down and killed you had to actually stop flying for the whole day until your replacement persona was shipped to the front where where your squadron was. This way no one screwed around at all. We all wanted to stay alive but also get victories and score ground targets. You always watched your fuel trying never to stray to far away from home base. You couldn't get captured either.
dude i have been smiling most noon today just talking/reading about this......those were the days.....

Today most end up as kills/points......back in the days you had to survive, and then you might get a kill.....you had to be carefull about ammo, adn flying German was a fuel pain...sometimes you had to land and go take some coffee and then take of, just because of the limitet fuel.....

Black smoke trailing from enemy plane, you simply flew on, you know he was out of the fight, you couldnt affort using more ammo on him, we actualy made training sessions flying with damedged planes, everyone was important, every bullet did count and evryone fought to live and not to kill.....
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