Originally Posted by Misery
I was wondering what would happen in this quest if
1.You tell the imp to go to Debir
2.You don't hand over the imp to that demon and start the fight
I forgot to save before this, so I couldn't go back to check Would those choices yield a better reward or would it make you fail the quest ?(This one quest reminds me of a certain annoying quest in KBTL which you have to go to Ultrax,in which if you talked to the quest giver before you got the quest item it will fail)
If you tell the imp to go to Debir you would fail the quest.
The best way to complete this quest is to bring back the imp to Asklepy, then refuse to turn him over and fight Asklepy. You get extra XP for killing Asklepy, and you still complete the quest properly (see attached screenshots).