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7,62 Tactical action game, sequel to Brigade E5

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Old 07-14-2010, 01:06 PM
LovelyPencils LovelyPencils is offline
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I cannot download from rapidshare, it is blocked by my ISP. Could someone please help?
I also believe that the link is dead.
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Old 07-15-2010, 05:10 PM
R@S R@S is offline
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Sorry about the delayed reply, been terribly busy. Here's the MediaFire link, it's an updated version that includes all fixes I made so far, enjoy:

Blue Sun Mod 1.02

Don't forget to install the patch before you install the mod
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Old 07-16-2010, 02:45 AM
Kyle Kyle is offline
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Question How will v. 1.02 interact with the Class Mod beta 6?

How will v. 1.02 interact with the Class Mod beta 6?

If there's no issues with build 6 of the Class Mod, then do I need to start a whole new game, or can I continue on from the last save?

Thanks in advance!
July 15, 2010
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Old 07-16-2010, 02:48 AM
LovelyPencils LovelyPencils is offline
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Many thanks R@S!
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Old 07-17-2010, 05:37 PM
Chortles Chortles is offline
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Just to check, does BSM v1.02 require that I uninstall-clean install-clean patch-then-apply-BSM, or do I just let it overwrite my existing v1.01 installation? (Ditto for wondering re: the class system v6 beta.)

Part of my wondering is because of ARMA II's "Six Updater Suite," which in contrast pretty much allows automated incremental patching of the ACE mod and of official Bohemia Interactive beta patches.
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Old 07-17-2010, 05:59 PM
R@S R@S is offline
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The 1.02 version is the same as the 1.01 with the fix #3. Since it includes a few source code fixes a new game is required if you dont have fix #3. The major differences are that the fix files have been packed into the BSM.AZP archive. If you already installed the fix, you should ignore the 1.02 version. A new version will be available in a few weeks/months which will require a new game. I recommend waiting with a clean install until then.

If you have used the Class System v6 it'll be completely compatible, no need to start a new game. You don't even have to install the 1.02 version since everything is included in the Class System files.
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Old 07-18-2010, 02:48 AM
Kyle Kyle is offline
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If you have used the Class System v6 it'll be completely compatible, no need to start a new game. You don't even have to install the 1.02 version since everything is included in the Class System files.
That's very good to know. Thanks for that important piece of info.
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Old 07-18-2010, 07:22 AM
IceShade IceShade is offline
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Originally Posted by Ninja2dan View Post
R@S, I had a question for you. How well in contact are you with the modding team that is/was creating the weapons that you've been adding to BSM? How active are they now, etc?

One thing that has always bothered me is that the game, even up through the end CGL's, is mostly focused just on small arms, not support weapons.

We have a few UGL's, but rarely did I recall them ever being available, and when you could find the launcher it was days before you found ammo for them. The mines sucked balls, seriously. The enemy was magically gifted at locating mines, making them totally useless. And there were few other heavy weapons such as rockets.

On top of that, my experience when using the UGL's was piss-poor. It didn't matter how much training I gave my soldiers, they never seemed to fire those weapons properly. The UGL's all seemed to fire at extreme velocities, giving them a very unrealistic ballistic trajectory. This means that those 'nades could rarely be "lobbed" onto the target, but were fired at almost a flat trajectory like a regular bullet. Shooting over walls/obstacles, or up onto higher ground was nearly impossible for me.

* Any chance of making the UGL's more common in the game, with ammunition more readily available?

* And do you think those weapon modders would be interested in creating a few "rockets"? As mentioned before, I've got great models of all kinds, would just need someone to convert them for use in BSM. M72, M136, RPG, etc are all available.

* Could someone take a look at the UGL's and do some testing with them, see if there is something wrong with their projectile velocities? You should really be capable of lobbing those things in a nice arc over a good distance, with weapon skill affecting accuracy, not range.

* Is there any way to improve the AP mine system, so mines are actually useful to the player? I don't know how mines are detected, what kind of dice rolls are made, or if certain terrain/objects help conceal them. But as they stand now, mines are 100% useless. The ONLY time I've ever been able to effectively use mines is when I placed those mines inside of an enemy spawn area prior to them spawning in, and getting lucky if one or two of those enemy happen to spawn in on top of one.

One last idea/suggestion, is it possible to create a new weapon like the Claymore AP mine using the same technology as the hand grenades? What I mean is having a small blast radius around the mine, but throwing projectiles (shrapnel/frag) in a dedicated arc in front of the mine. Also limiting the "clacker" use distance, so the operator must be within a certain range of the mine in order to detonate it.

I recall using other "radio-controlled" mines before, that allowed you to charge mines and lock up to 4 of them into one controller, and remote-det them. But it would be nice to see an actual Claymore-style variant, limited to only one mine per clacker.
A long time ago I did some research on this subject, and asked whether R@S could look into it.. Now the whole thread and conclusions are gone, since SF is down, the basic idea is this.

Setup (note: It's deep into the night):



A sapper skill of 20 allows you to walk over a lot of traps you've set yourself. It also has some kind of hivemind connection between everyone in the group of the guy who planted the mine, and the rest.

For instance, a guy comes across a tripwire. He "rolls the dice" (i guess) and spots it. He then "informs" the rest of the group, even though they are on the other side of the map. Everyone can walk over the tripwire without it going off. He can, in fact, stand right on top of it.

Now the interesting thing is here, as soon as the guy who spotted the tripwire dies .. it goes off, because the guy standing on top of it didn't pass his check. At least, those were my conclusions.

Really, don't bother. It's a very flawed system, and you're better off just using remote det charges that can't be "disabled" by "spotting" them.
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Old 07-18-2010, 07:32 AM
R@S R@S is offline
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I'm starting to suspect the the type of ground you put the mines on also plays a part in how "easy" it is for the enemies to spot them. When I put down mines in the random encounter maps thay usually goes off without the enemies seeing them, while when I put it on roads, in cities and similar flat ground they spot them right away.

Since the maps have a camo "bonus" feature on some surfaces for the characters, I think the same goes for the mines. But this should be tested more to see if my suspicion is warranted

It would also explain why the Hidden value in the mineinfo file make them work better when set to 0, I think that disables the environment check. They should've added a camo entry in that ini file instead of using a global value for all the mines, that would make fixing it a bit easier.

Last edited by R@S; 07-18-2010 at 07:40 AM.
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Old 07-19-2010, 05:36 PM
IceShade IceShade is offline
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I'm still not convinced. Yesterday, I hid a few things and mines in foilage, off the roads. The first one was triggered, but nothing afterwards. During the fighting, enemies were standing right on top of everything.

With 7.62's stability as is, I had to reload. When I reloaded, at least two more traps triggered. Pretty awkward.
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