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IL-2 Sturmovik The famous combat flight simulator.

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Old 03-22-2011, 01:59 AM
nearmiss nearmiss is offline
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Originally Posted by Insuber View Post


You wrote the best post I've ever read here. I'm a 47 years old engineer, and I share every line of your post. "It's amazing that this thing exists at all". Amen.


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Old 03-22-2011, 02:09 AM
Blackdog_kt Blackdog_kt is offline
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Originally Posted by Screwball View Post
Apologies for getting caught up in this, but I - like just about everyone - am getting fed up:

CloDo was claimed to have a 'next gen' engine; Heliocon rightly pointed out that this wasn't so - as it didn't take advantage of the absolute latest technologies. That's all. No calling the engine rude things; no claiming there was anything better; no discounting the very valid reasons the dev team had for not including, for example, DX11 from the off.

Heliocon provided links to his (I presume, my apologies if not) sources for specific numbers used when the discussion moved on to the possible influence changing market share of various cards (and so the 'right-' or 'wrong'ness of that decision by the devs to go with stable rather than cutting-edge). When faced with EVIDENCE that supported a different interpretation, he was able to move on and adopt that new information - laudable, and more than could be said for some.

It seems to me very much that others are getting all het up over indirectly related issues, leading to everyone getting a little hot under the collar and insults and claims of rants now abound.


Take a step back, don't read too much into what anyone says, but pay attention to what it is that they do say. Fair enough to call CloDo 'not state of the art' - it isn't, with the best will in the world. Now, it would be unfair to call it anything other than the newest and the best...but nobody has Heliocon, Tree and co. often take quite a lot of flak from those who misinterpret and misrepresent what it is they say. Not that they always handle the situation perfectly, but who does?

Having, at great length, established that on release Cliffs of Dover will be the best PLATFORM (agreed by all) on which to base a long-running WWII aviation simulation, with updates including full utilisation of DX11 etc (also agreed) just as soon as is practical, and that people are imperfect (who knew?!)...can we please now move on?

love love,


PS EDIT: See above for perfect example.

Kikuchiyo, I'm afraid that's not tessellation (nice though it would be!), it's just a very effective texture. If you look to the edges of the sandbags you can see pretty clearly that they are absolutely vertical. If tessellated you'd be able to see the 3D outline of the sandbags, where at the moment there is only a flat 2D line denoting the edge.
Heliocon, having just defended you somewhat, please play nicely - does no harm to try to correct people so they can appreciated where they were mistaken in a way which leads them to learn more...I fear insults and patronising isn't the way to do this...
I don't think he's getting attacked for the content of his posts (unless we're talking about the "team maddox can do no wrong" crowd, which i also disagree with...how about some balance? )
It's the way he words them that's insulting to many people and detracts from the point he's trying to make.
I might be the most well-informed, correct person on the planet in any given field, a true authority. If i go about trying to convince people by calling them names, it's easy to see that i don't really stand any chances.

Some people can't grasp his points, i'm not talking about the ones that won't but about the ones that miss it in all the clutter (and he does make some valid ones), but part of the responsibility is his, it's like he's on a constant rage-posting spree. If he prefaces his argument starting with "you idiots", nobody will pay attention past that. And that's entirely his fault because that's how he usually rolls.

Short version: good points, lousy presentation that ends up having the exact opposite effect to the one desired.

Last edited by Blackdog_kt; 03-22-2011 at 02:12 AM.
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Old 03-22-2011, 02:10 AM
Skoshi Tiger Skoshi Tiger is offline
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Originally Posted by zakkandrachoff View Post
i am in disagree with the beaufighter. that is a 1941 nightfighter. Battle of Britain is 1940 and daybombers, without radars.
Blitz is in 1941... but in 1941 you have cannons spitfires and 12 machineguns hurris. and E7
Found a referece to Beaufighters in the Battle of Britain

"Entry into Fighter Command service came during August 1940 with the Fighter Interception Unit at Tangmere. The following month, five squadrons received the Mark 1F equipped with Mark IV Air Intercept radar for night-fighter duties although the type's first kill wasn't until November of that year."


So even though they didn't get a kill they were still in service?

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Old 03-22-2011, 03:04 AM
Kikuchiyo Kikuchiyo is offline
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Originally Posted by Screwball View Post
Apologies for getting caught up in this, but I - like just about everyone - am getting fed up:

CloDo was claimed to have a 'next gen' engine; Heliocon rightly pointed out that this wasn't so - as it didn't take advantage of the absolute latest technologies. That's all. No calling the engine rude things; no claiming there was anything better; no discounting the very valid reasons the dev team had for not including, for example, DX11 from the off.

Kikuchiyo, I'm afraid that's not tessellation (nice though it would be!), it's just a very effective texture. If you look to the edges of the sandbags you can see pretty clearly that they are absolutely vertical. If tessellated you'd be able to see the 3D outline of the sandbags, where at the moment there is only a flat 2D line denoting the edge.
Heliocon, having just defended you somewhat, please play nicely - does no harm to try to correct people so they can appreciated where they were mistaken in a way which leads them to learn more...I fear insults and patronising isn't the way to do this...
The engine is undoubtedly "next gen" perhaps the graphics aren't "next gen" yet, but the engine itself is. We seem to be getting two issues confused here. It is the next engine, there has been nothing as in-depth and technical, or comprehensive before in flight sims. This I think has been the real point of contention.

Thank you for the clarification. I was just so dazzled and hadn't ever seen 2d texturing done so well I assumed it was, but thank you for pointing out my error.
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Old 03-22-2011, 03:06 AM
Heliocon Heliocon is offline
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Originally Posted by Screwball View Post
Apologies for getting caught up in this, but I - like just about everyone - am getting fed up:

CloDo was claimed to have a 'next gen' engine; Heliocon rightly pointed out that this wasn't so - as it didn't take advantage of the absolute latest technologies. That's all. No calling the engine rude things; no claiming there was anything better; no discounting the very valid reasons the dev team had for not including, for example, DX11 from the off.

Heliocon provided links to his (I presume, my apologies if not) sources for specific numbers used when the discussion moved on to the possible influence changing market share of various cards (and so the 'right-' or 'wrong'ness of that decision by the devs to go with stable rather than cutting-edge). When faced with EVIDENCE that supported a different interpretation, he was able to move on and adopt that new information - laudable, and more than could be said for some.

It seems to me very much that others are getting all het up over indirectly related issues, leading to everyone getting a little hot under the collar and insults and claims of rants now abound.


Take a step back, don't read too much into what anyone says, but pay attention to what it is that they do say. Fair enough to call CloDo 'not state of the art' - it isn't, with the best will in the world. Now, it would be unfair to call it anything other than the newest and the best...but nobody has Heliocon, Tree and co. often take quite a lot of flak from those who misinterpret and misrepresent what it is they say. Not that they always handle the situation perfectly, but who does?

Having, at great length, established that on release Cliffs of Dover will be the best PLATFORM (agreed by all) on which to base a long-running WWII aviation simulation, with updates including full utilisation of DX11 etc (also agreed) just as soon as is practical, and that people are imperfect (who knew?!)...can we please now move on?

love love,


PS EDIT: See above for perfect example.

Kikuchiyo, I'm afraid that's not tessellation (nice though it would be!), it's just a very effective texture. If you look to the edges of the sandbags you can see pretty clearly that they are absolutely vertical. If tessellated you'd be able to see the 3D outline of the sandbags, where at the moment there is only a flat 2D line denoting the edge.
Heliocon, having just defended you somewhat, please play nicely - does no harm to try to correct people so they can appreciated where they were mistaken in a way which leads them to learn more...I fear insults and patronising isn't the way to do this...
Thank you for the good post, I will try to take it down a few notches, I do get red under the collar sometimes because things just go in circles. You are the Jesus of forum posters.

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Old 03-22-2011, 03:35 AM
Hunden Hunden is offline
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Originally Posted by Heliocon View Post
Thank you for the good post, I will try to take it down a few notches, I do get red under the collar sometimes because things just go in circles. You are the Jesus of forum posters.

I'm going to make up a second name so I can agree with myself to. or at least answer my own post.

Last edited by Hunden; 03-22-2011 at 03:38 AM.
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Old 03-22-2011, 03:39 AM
Heliocon Heliocon is offline
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Originally Posted by Kikuchiyo View Post
The engine is undoubtedly "next gen" perhaps the graphics aren't "next gen" yet, but the engine itself is. We seem to be getting two issues confused here. It is the next engine, there has been nothing as in-depth and technical, or comprehensive before in flight sims. This I think has been the real point of contention.

Thank you for the clarification. I was just so dazzled and hadn't ever seen 2d texturing done so well I assumed it was, but thank you for pointing out my error.
Kik - this is why I get frustrated. Everyone was started at a point where they did not know 1 thing from another. Compared to others here I know 0 about aviation or ww2 history. But when I make a comment or contest a point I try not to cast it as absolute.
(In general) Like said a big part of the thing that gets under my skin is having to argue over what is what with someone who does not know what they are saying, now you can explain it to them, but often no matter how polite it goes in circles as people jump in to make their comment then jump out, then gets pulled off into tangent arguments and a free for all where people insist that their point of view must be right because others agree (even though others are simply trolling the person or themselves dont know what is going on, which is what irritated me in this thread when thing got pulled way out of context). Once this happens for repeatedly in different threads over a period of time, often by the same people its hard to keep your cool. Many people go after tree for his comments, yes he is critical, but thats not bad. People say he doesnt care, but if he didnt he would not be here (and if he was here to flame, which trees normally try to avoid at all costs, he would of been much "louder" in his comments to incite argument).

I know this thread is not about dx11, but to avoid further misunderstandings here is a short simple demo of how direct compute and tesselation works - here though the water is the main thing which is a mix of multiple methods so ignore the tesselation title because it was paired with another video I believe (the land is tesselated, the water is direct compute I believe, but to keep it simple they didnt define the differances). Now the other thing to note is that to program or do this art by hand the normal way in Maya or other software would be litrally impossible, but using this system, it auto scales and therefore greatly reduces work load for artists. This is the video I linked to about 4-5 months ago for a suggestion on how they could do water in COD for DX11:

This video is good because it shows you how it can be applied at a distance to effectivly replace classic LOD models where normally at a distance I would swap a low res/poly model to a high res one resulting in objects suddenly changing shape. This also could be appled to terrain, so terrain close to you is as detailed as the human eye can see when close to the ground, and when you gain altitude it gradualy and discretly lowers the level of detail. By doing this we could gain all the benefits of high polygon terrain without the huge workload needed to model it and display it at a distance. Same thing for houses and buildings. This is Unigine Heaven demo, its coming close to two years old now:
You can download it and play around with the settings yourself at: http://unigine.com/products/heaven/

Those white lines are the geometry/polygons. There are alot of "tricks" artists use in games to make you think it is a detailed surface, when in reality it is just a flat surface with bump mapping and textures applied to it to "trick" your eyes into seeing it as 3d. Now the problems with this is that it is fake, and if you look closely you can see it. Also if you look at an angle the texture warps severly and looks strange (anistrophic filtering helps reduce this).

I will leave it at here
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Old 03-22-2011, 05:57 AM
kammo kammo is offline
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Originally Posted by sallee View Post
Do you know, I'm a 47 year old solicitor. I've got three children. I've been fascinated by aviation since I was about 5 years old. It may be even longer because I think one of my first memories is of aircraft circling around above me and my father tells me that we stopped in a lay-by to watch what was presumably the filming of the film "Battle of Britain". I read about aircraft, a lot.
I've played just about every flight sim you can name. When I was a child the closest we came to a flight sim was chasing each other on our bikes.
IL2 was an absolute miracle to me. The images, the pink sunset moving across the instrument panel, all amazing and miles ahead of the "opposition".
In the last year or so, I've been playing Rise of Flight which is as amazing to me as IL2 when it first came out. I've flown PA28s, Chipmunks, a Jodel Robin, a Harvard and Tiger Moths. Any of the people involved in serious flight sims I hold in the highest regard. They'll never make a fortune out of it. The enthusiasm and love of flight which is palpable in the teams which have created Rise of Flight and the IL2 series is a cause of genuine rejoicing to me. I'm not naive and I'm not a simpleton. I'm as critical as the next man. My reaction to this stuff is visceral, it eirher convinces or it doesn't.
Now, what is it that makes some of the negativity here so distasteful? It's not because I want to marry Oleg. It's because someone has devoted his life and huge amounts of effort and (who knows?) has struggled to persuade people, like his publishers, of the commercial viability of flight sims because of a real love for what he does. I've got a reason to admire him and his team. A real reason, not a blind stupidity and I can do without people telling me not to have that admiration or why I should not have it. This stuff is pure gold. It's amazing it exists at all. My critical faculty is impressed and overawed by it.

I think the videos are amazing. Some things are not perfect, but, good grief, this is as near as it gets.
A very good post that I can whole heartily agree. You could indeed say CoD is a modern day miracle in the gaming world. I can only hope people realise this game will be a result of labour of love. A love for aviation that I think most of us here share.
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Old 03-22-2011, 08:58 AM
MD_Titus MD_Titus is offline
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Originally Posted by Heliocon
@ Titus - no you sound stupid now. I can say this because you are making statements about something you dont know about. Tesselation does reduce performance, but it reduces performance substantially less then if you were to use other methods to generate the same detail. Over that it is much easier to use tesselation on an object then model multiple LOD versions.

So children here can keep up their attacks and absurd statements based on no substance, but I reserve the right to yet again say FAIL because all my statements for the last 5 months on windows market share, gpu share in general and graphics design have been word by word topic by topic legitimised by the devs in the more recent interviews, and that was after a similar scrap in the forum over dx11 at release. So as of know I have been the only person able to more or less "predict" or forsee what the devs would or should do to solve these issues. That doesnt mean I will always be right, but its better then others records here.

Did it cross your mind that the choice might be dx11, tesselation and naff performance or, and here's the ground breaking bit you ignore, no tesselation effects, no dx10 tech compensation and good performance. Basically not doing the effects you get in dx11 at all, and having a reduced, in comparison, level of detail until a later patch activates it. Much the samevway the water detail was increased in il2's lifespan.

As I said, using dx11 capable card market share as the indicator is deceptive. Few people will build a new rig and use an old gpu, and dx11 capable cards have been about for the past 18 months+. That's basically all new gpu's, and a better indicator of how useful or applicable dx11 is would be assessing how many games use dx11 and how many people actually play in dx11 mode. HD capable televisions were available for years before we saw much in the way of HD broadcasts.

A recent article in PC Gamer talked about the usefulness of dx11, using the unigine heaven benchmarker. The conclusion was yes, it makes it look great, but it would be unplayable, and having flat textures rather than tesselated cobblestones is preferable from a gaming and playability viewpoint.

I'd like to add that if you're going to repeatedly call people stupid, it's a good idea to use "their" and "there" correctly.

Last edited by MD_Titus; 03-22-2011 at 09:38 AM.
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Old 03-22-2011, 09:26 AM
kendo65 kendo65 is offline
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Wow! Getting pretty heated the last few (or is it 10? ) pages.

The rate we're going Oleg had better not hold the game back too much longer - otherwise someone will have a heart attack or a stroke!
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