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King`s Bounty: Warriors of the North Next game in the award-winning King’s Bounty series

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Old 10-26-2012, 09:07 PM
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Default Bugs Thread

Note: This post is no longer being updated. If a new post is created with up-to-date information I will link to it here.
02-Nov: Patch 1 released, notes here!
09-Nov: Patch 2 released, build 6246, notes here!
20-Nov: Patch 3 released, build 6249, notes here.
06-Dec: Patch 4 released, build 6250, notes here.
29-Jan: Patch 5 released, build 6250, notes here. A subsequent hotfix was also released, notes are here.
Fixes and bugs in these patches which were not originally reported have not been retroactively added here.

There are also numerous unofficial fixes created by the community - entries below in green have fixes available. Please note the unofficial fixes are not compatible with an unpatched game. An improved translation and tooltip/description clarity mod is also available here. The language mod is compatible with all versions.
Getting Crashes? Here is a workaround that some people reported as helping: Add -dev to a shortcut of the EXE. If possible/necessary on your system, set the shortcut to run in administrator mode. When you encounter a freeze, just alt tab to close the error message. Another reason for crashes is the skald and/or the ice dragon. Patch 2 (which automatically applies via Steam) or avoiding these units will correct this problem.

This is our official bug reporting post. To report a bug, reply to this thread and note whether you are patched and/or any community fixes. You can also search this thread. You will find all bugs reported here with the newest bugs listed first, as follows:

Black: Reported Bugs
Green: Reported Bugs with an Unofficial Fix. Unofficial fixes are collected here.
Gray: Patched Bugs. Update: Fixed bugs moved to post #3 due to size limits on the original post.

Hero Skills
  1. Transmute gives double mana from traps: Build 6249. Killing a stack with trap gives transmute mana twice.
  2. Jarl skill adding its bonuses together: It should give 1% more leadership at level 1, 3% at level 2, and 5% at level 3. Instead it gives 1% at level 1, 4% (1%+3%) at level 2, and 9% (1%+3%+5%) at level 3. If this is intentional the description should be updated to say bonuses are cumulative.
  3. Warriors of Valhalla works on plot kills: When the story/plot takes away an entire troop it Warriors of Valhalla will still resurrect those troops, as well as bring back the stack that was taken away. This lets you keep the stack of units when you aren't supposed to have them anymore.

Olaf and Valkyrie Rage Abilities
  1. Valkyrie Gifts counter doesn't reset after loading: Build 6250. Some players have reported an issue where you can sacrifice items to valkyries, load the game, and still get credit for the items you sacrified before. For example, if you need to give 5 items for the next tier you could give 4, load it, and then just give 1 item to get to the next tier.
  2. Christa's Gift Problems: Build 6250. Three issues have been reported with this ability. 1) As of the latest patch it's not working at all. Enemies show the debuff Greed's Curse then walk by right it. 2) It can hang up indefinitely. If it's at level 2+ and the first mob gets attracted to the gift but is blocked by another mob, the game will hang up indefinitely. The game can also hang up if the gold is 2 spaces away even if there is a clear path. 3) It rarely affects level 3 units even at rank 1. It has been confirmed to affect sea dogs and vampires this way.
  3. Regina's Messenger delays turn: Build 6249. Using Regina's messenger delay's the active unit's right after it is cast. Once the golem appear, the next unit in the turn order will go instead, and immediately after that the original unit will act. Example: Summon golem on griffon's turn. Maidens are suddenly active once the golem appears (they were unit #2), and the griffons will go next.
  4. Rage abilities causing battle to hang up: So far, two situations are causing battle to hang up after the use of a rage ability. 1) They are using a rage ability to destroy a skeleton coffin battle obstacle and 2) using a second rage ability in the same turn as a result of the Runic Power skill. This bug will be updated when more information is known.
  5. No Olaf Rage skills used in autocombat: We are not seeing Olaf use his personal rage skills in autocombat. Is this intentional?
  6. Hilda's Arrows + Ice Prison exploit. If a target is hit with the Ice Prison spell, and then you break the prison with the Arrows rage ability, the entire stack will be annihilated and replaced with a charger.

  1. Magic Missile not 150% on Soothsayers: Build 6250. Are Soothsayer's not coded as magic users for the purposes of taking extra damage from this spell?
  2. Spear of rage on a sheep unit can cause a crash: Build 6250. Some players are reporting using a Warrior Maiden's spear of rage ability on a sheeped unit can cause a crash.
  3. Area affect spells sometimes cause no damage: Build 6250. Sometimes multi-cell targeting spells such as fire rain and blizzard cause no damage. Nothing will happen other than the animation playing; no damage and no mana cost. Casting it on a different range of cells can make it behave normally. It seems to happen most frequently on large maps, especially in gremlin tower battles.
  4. Enemy summoned phoenixes unattackable after resurrecting: Build 6250. If an enemy hero summons a phoenix and it resurrects during the battle it becomes unattackable. More info and screenshot here and here.
  5. Kamikaze hang up: Build 6250. When you destroy a "kamikazed" stack, the bomb may fail to detonate and instead hovers above the hex where the stack is. The game freezes before the next turn begins, eventually crashing.
  6. Fading chargers: Build 6250. After using Runic Word or Chargers the balls of rage or mana become much harder to see after a few rounds. In fact, they start to turn invisible yet there are still there.
  7. Book of Evil issues: Build 6250. The spellbook is not showing the impact of the creator skill on book of evil. Drain is still too weak to use. Drain requires consuming a friendly stack whose health does not exceed the Book of Evil's. However, the book's health is low you typically won't have a stack with so few hitpoints. Perhaps it should simply inflict damage equal to its health to make it usable.
  8. Sonic boom pushing Loki causes hang up: Sonic Boom can push Loki over the screen, causing him to reappear on the other side of the battlefield.
    He is turned around and when he moves again to the original starting position, the game will hang up. Loki should probably be immune to pushback.
  9. Pushing into a trap spell causes errors: Pushing an enemy into a trap with an ability or spell (as opposed to the enemy walking on it) has been reported to cause problems. Sometimes it trigges the damage and not the loss of action points. Other times nothing happens at all and game hangs up with an hour glass. Can be tested with teleport, vortex, lord of the north, sonic boom, etc.
  10. Trap + Thread of Life = Crash: If a unit that has the "Thread of life" buff walks into a trap, it crashes the game instantly. See here for details and save.
  11. Timeless may not actually work: Timeless can show spells persisting beyond their duration but it doesn't apply the actual benefit of those spells. For example it shows Divine armor as active but you aren't getting any resistance from it. Full example here.
  12. Extra Armageddon Scroll: Purchasing the spell in Greenwort with a full spellbook says you don't have room but gives it to you anyway and leaves the only copy of the scroll in the shop.
  13. Fear doesn't always work: Build 6250. We've seen two cases so far where ranged units have attacked units higher level than they are. In both cases there were no equal or lower level units for the feared unit to attack. Slinger shot a dragon and orc catapults shot a soothsayer, both when feared.

Text, Menus and Tooltips
Note: An unofficial mod that clarifies various descriptions and tooltips is available here. It fixes a large number of small errors in descriptions and tooltips which are listed in that thread instead of below. Items in green below refer to this mod, not the unofficial fixes by Bhuric.
  1. Optimization module resistance: Build 6250. The description of the item Optimization Module [droid_card_best] should be changed from "+25% Resistance of Droids"
    to "+25% Magic Resistance to Droids." Source: rbonus=magic,25,0,0,-100,0,0.
  2. Ogre Club description is incomplete: Build 6250. The ogre club should fully read: +4 Attack and +20% Physical Damage to Ogres, Trolls, Orc Chieftains, Jotuns, and Giants.
  3. Viking shield lists wrong upgrade item: Build 6250. The Viking Shield has the wrong item listed in the Upgrade list. It lists Leather Shield as the item it is upgraded from, but it is upgraded from the item Shield. Code fix and explanation here.
  4. Inquisitors do more damage than listed to undead: Build 6250. It appears inquisitors have an undocumented 30% damage bonus to undead.
  5. Berserker damage incorrectly listed: Build 6249. Berserkers do 4-7 + 3-5 damage when attacking, and 3-5 when retaliating. None of these are the 4-5 damage that the game claims they do. Since 3-5 is shown in their shock shield ability, the shown damage should be changed to 4-7.
  6. Arenaline talents disappear in combat: When orc units do not have enough adrenaline to use a talent in combat these talents will disappear from their information screens and from the use ability screens. They should stay active at all times.
  7. Crafting scrolls missing item level: Since artifactor skill limits you to items of level 1-2,1-3, or 1-4 the scrolls should tell you what level items they can make so you know what level of artifactor you need to create it.
  8. A Christa's Gift upgrade has poor description: It simply says "Increase gold" (post-patch). I believe it should say "Increases the amount of gold added to the pile. Cost increases to 14 Rage."
  9. Missing Dialog with Tormund the Fierce: When talking to your father after the initial quests are done, two of the dialog choices simply exit the dialog and don't produce any text. They are: "I want to recruit an army of our finest soldiers!" and "Father tell me about the amulet."
  10. Tooltip for Valkyrie Rest Timers:The 'rest' times on your Valkyrie powers tool tip takes into account the Rage Ready skill, but in reality that only effects your special Viking powers, not Valkyrie ones.
  11. Valkyrie Rage amulet xp bar: Not a bug but an omission. After combat (long version) you can see a meter indicating how much experience this amulet has (so you know when you are close to a level). However, you can't see it except in the after-battle screen, such as from the inventory. Please add the amulet xp bar to the hero screen or another way to access it.
  12. Song of Midgard tooltip clarification: The description says it has a chance to give all your units +1 morale. Then it says "morale will increase by at least 1." The code shows it will impact the first unit with the lowest morale on failure, so it should read instead: "Otherwise, the first troop with the lowest morale will get the bonus."
  13. Wild call is instant and two-way: Wild Call also does not take your turn to use and should say so in the description. Furthermore, the summoned units transfer half of the damage they take to the Orc Hunter (as well as the other way around). The description should clarify it's two-way (assuming this is working as intended). Finally, the damage inflicted due to life link is not recorded in the combat log (but you will see it happen anyway).
  14. Description updates to Awards: Trapper, Favored of the Valkyries, Acolyte of Odin: They are working but need to be clarified. Trapper only works when the stack dies as a result of a trap. Favored of the Valkyries keeps track of the number of out of combat Valkyrie abilities that you use, and Acolyte of Odin only update when you destroy an enemy stack with a spell.
  15. Scroll creation with the crow missing notifications: Using the crow to scribe wanderer scrolls fails to tell you that it costs crystals to scribe scrolls. It also doesn't tell you many battles need to happen before you receive it, though this may be intentional.

Note: If you are having trouble clicking into an area, try using the arrow keys to walk there.
  1. Egilstadir perpetual quest flag: Build 6250. On Riftlands, king Asvald's castle, Egilstadir, will display indefinitely a quest flag, even though he offers no new quest. Might be related to the pirate ship hero roaming aroung Riftlands, who's apparently not attached to any quest.
  2. Iaccessible or hard to reach map locations: Build 6250. A skeleton right next to Egilstadir on Riftlands, the other in the Verlon Wastelands and a spider's nest right next an Altar of Knowledge that's very close to the merchant Rotten Hake (raider's hangout location or stash as marked on the map). Screenshots here.
  3. Inconsistent player icon in New Kordar: Build 6250. Your icon shows farther away than where it really is. With lots of parallel tunnels you can appear to be in the wrong place.
  4. Thorvald the Penguin has no map icon: Build 6250. Thorvald the Penguin is on a little ice floe, but it doesn't actually appear on the map. Also, his dialog has an error where the words "magic crystals" are still in Russian in the English version.
  5. Unlisted shops on Hades: In Hades, there are 2 "Blood Pentagrams" that don't get a building icon on the map, but they should.
  6. Double Fights from some armies: Some players are experiencing double fights, meaning right after finishing combats they are attacked by the exact same stack and have to do the fight again. They get xp for both of them. Also, it is happening pre- and post-patch. More info here and here. Update: still happening in 6250.
  7. Experience shrines not scaling up: In previous games experience shrines scaled up with your level. They only give you a handful of experience now, especially at higher levels when you need tens of thousands to level.

Graphics and Game Settings
  1. Graphical glitch in Fastland: Build 6250. When arriving there at night the sea in Fastland may display strangely. Happening with GTX 560 Ti with 306.81 drivers (latest stable version). Screenshots here.
  2. Dark or invisible units: Sheep appear blacked out and phantoms are nearly invisible. Happening with a ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT (Mac). Screenshots here. Update: Also happening with Apple version of Radeon HD 5770, more info and screenshot here.
  3. Graphics quality remains low regardless of settings: Some players are reporting that changing text quality doesn't impact the in-game experience, resulting in a game looking much worse than it should. Details and computer specs here.
  4. Oceans Graphical Bug: The opening "movies" show white flashing around the oceans. So far confirmed to happen with Radeon 6950 and Radeon 7900 graphics cards, Nvidia GTX 5950 and ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT (Mac).
  5. Changing Texture Quality can freeze the game: To reproduce load a save, open the options menu and lower the texture quality and then hit apply. Confirmed to happen with ATI HD 5850 (latest drivers).
  6. Graphic for Diversions skill is misleading: Not technically a bug, but the graphic for the Diversions skill (which removes action points) is the same as Fit of Energy (which gives action points). Suggestion: Use stun graphic instead (swirling stars). There is a mod for this here

Achievements & Awards
  1. Valhalla's Messenger not increasing viking damage: Build 6249. This award says it increases the damage of Jarls, Warrior Maidens, Berserkers and Slingers by 10/15/20% but it has no effect.
  2. The Guardian Award doesn't cover all damage types.: The Guardian award tooltip claims that it gives +X% Resistance to all types of damage, but it doesn't apply to both Cold and Astral resistance. Not sure if the description is wrong, or it's not being applied correctly.
  3. Bane of Death achievement crash: If you win the story battle and qualify for this achievement the popup can conflict with the dialog that comes up after the battle. You have to go through the dialog first to get to the popup and it can cause a crash (see here).

Items & Equipment
  1. Game of Bones doesn't activate: Build 6250. The item Game of Bones [dice] does not work when you try to use it. You will get a dialog box, but nothing will happen after that, no matter if you select OK or Cancel.
  2. Amulet of the Dead set invalide: Build 6250. The item Amulet of Death [dead_amulet] is specified as being part of a set that was deleted from this game. The set is "Set of the Dead" [set_deadman] that was in the Armored Princess game, but has been removed from this game. The link to it from this item should also be removed.
  3. Kerus's Sword doesn't give demon bonus: Build 6250. The sword's third ability, "+30% to Attack of the demons in the army of the enemy" does nothing. Discussion about possible effects are here and here.
  4. Avrelii Gauntlet coded as a dress instead of glove: Build 6250. This "gauntlet" is treated as a dress in the game. The code "addon2_gauntlet_avrelii_gauntlet" should be listed as "propbits=gloves,rare."
  5. Shield bash items don't increase damage: Build 6250. Battle, Spiked and Viking shield say they increase damage attacks from shields. However, testing reveals no impact on shield bash damage. More info on the tests and results here.
  6. Several items omit units that should be affected: 1) The spirit griffon summoned by the royal griffon does not get any benefit from gryphon_feather, gryphon_banner, wing_wind, exorcist_necklace, picture_griffin_king. 2) Paladins are unaffected by knightly_boots, knight_armor. 3) Slingers may not be receiving a bonus from telescopic_sight due to a typo in item.txt. 4) Dragon_eye should penalize Emerald Green Dragons but it doesn't. 5) Dragon_armor is not affecting bone dragons
  7. Banner of true faith missing leadership bonus: Build 6250. Banner_true_faith is missing its leadership bonus, now this item is much weaker then ancient_amulet and gladiator_sword.
  8. Valkyrie set always providing troops: Build 6249. Will add level 1-3 troops to your army or reserve whether or not you have units of 1-3 in your army.
  9. Demon set can't be equipped: This item set requires a weapon + regalia + belt + gloves. However, the belt and gloves slot were merged so no class can equip them both at the same time.
  10. Banner of the Horde negates experience gain: Using this item may prevent experience gain from combat. More testing needed. Info here.

Quests and Bosses
  1. Ay Vaz's Masterpiece: Still possible to break in build 6250, despite a fix in Patch 3. Originally, players were reporting the counter does not go up for defeating all three pirate ships, make this quest unable to be completed. A save game where it can be reproduced is here. New information (6250): If you save any time from the point after getting the quest to the point before fighting the last pirate ship, the quest will be bugged if you load that save game. If you get a dialog box telling you that you killed the first, second or last pirate, then it works. If not the quest cannot be completed.
  2. Plundered Stylist: Build 6250. Even though all of the items are collected the quest log may not update to 5/5, for example getting stuck at 4/5. Workaround is to delete the items then use the console to create them again (unconfirmed).
  3. Paper for the Professor: Build 6250. Bought the paper from Rezo but the quest log wasn't updated and it can't be completed. Additional information: "If you save after accepting the quest but before getting the paper and you reload that save, the quest log will NOT be updated when you get the paper and the quest cannot be completed." More details here. A different example of how the quest is messed up is here.
  4. Museum attendant quest reward: Build 6250. This quest has no reward text, though it otherwise appears to be working.
  5. Dragon Tear quest reward: This quest pops up the text "Reward:" and then doesn't say anything. This just needs to be removed as the quest works fine and you don't get a reward on this step.
  6. Stop Guilford - Losing spells in spellbook, high leadership: Some players have reported losing ALL spells in their spellbook after fighting Tanatoris as part of the "Stop Guilford" quest. Savegame and steps to replicate here. Additionally, some players are reporting their leadership scores increasing to impossible heights during the Tanatoris fight, likely related to fighting as another person.
    Delayed Salary: When you talk to Richard and choose the second line dialog (you invite Richard to pay the soldier's salary) it should update the quest. Instead the dialog box closes and the quest does not update, so you're forced to leave it pending or give the soldier 500 gold yourself.
  7. Coastal Brotherhood: Freeing all the prisoners may not update this quest, leaving it incomplete.
  8. Talking Bear: At a certain point in the quest it seems like you are able to interact with the tower to turn it in, but nothing happens when you do. The quest will resolve after you make more progress, but it might be a good idea to create some "come back later" dialog as several players have reported this as a bug.

Units & Unit Abilities
  1. Assassin murder ability hangs up game: Build 6250. When AI uses Assassins and succeed with the "Murder" skill, the AI sits and does nothing despite having an extra free turn. Also happens in build 6246 so the bug may have been there for a while.
  2. True Believer should account for Persuasion: Build 6250. The paladin ability "True Believer" gives +3 morale with an undead in the army to offset the -3 penalty. However, if you have the Persuasion skill (which reduces the morale penalty) you still get a +3 bonus. This can lead to situations where you actually have positive (rather than neutral) morale with a paladin+undead+persuasion.
  3. Bone dragon eat corpse affecting all enemies: Build 6250. When a bone dragon eats a corpse, it makes every unit on the field "timid" (lowers initiative by 1). The description says it makes any monster < level 4 go into "fear" for 2 rounds.
  4. Friendly fire does excessive damage on critical hits: When your units are hit by friendly fire (for example by Red dragon flame trail) and there is a critical hit, they take more damage than expected. For example, a red dragon flame trail hits a friendly black dragon for 22 damage normally, but for over 900 damage on a critical hit. Is it ignoring resistances and/or hero attributes?
  5. Powder Keg problems: Kill priority on exploding barrels is so high that enemy units cannot wait to hit them and kill themselves. Is this intentional? Update: Build 6249. Powder Kegs have 0/1 hp and explode instantly upon starting combat or appearing in combat.
  6. Ogre adrenaline issues: +1 speed for adrenaline level 3 does not work when combined with the artifact Ogre Sandle, both of which should give +1 speed. Adrenaline level 1 ability to damage the unit behind the target doesn't appear to work.
  7. Goblin Commander ability works on inquisitors: This ability says it will give another action to a selected goblin unit so they can move once again in the same round (similiar to paladin skill). However, it works on human inquisitors
  8. Witch Hunters mind immunity doesn't work: Despite having mind immunity listed Witch Hunters are still succeptible to mind spells.
  9. Royal Griffon summon problem: If an AI Royal Griffon has no space to summon a Celestial Guard stack, it will still try a few times before doing something else. Each time it tries, you'll get an error message "There is no valid target for that spell."
  10. Swordsman's Prudence has residual Caution: The Swordsman ability Prudence says that it gains extra defense after losing a certain amount of health. However, the tooltip calls it "Caution" which was the old ability it had to dodge attacks at low health. The caution effect is still happening.
  11. Skalds also dodging due to Caution: The Skald's Caution ability says they gain extra defense after losing a certain amount of health. This time, the tooltip is correct, but just like above they are dodging attacks when they have low health (which is not stated as part of the ability in the description but happening anyway).
  12. Goblin Shaman Threads of Life issues: First, you cannot dispel it. Second, it affects enemy troops, life linking one of htem to one of yours (so when the enemy gets hit, so do you).
  13. Dwarven statue battle obstacle can kill itself: If an enemy is too close to the statue when it casts ice snake it can kill itself via this spell. This was not happening in previous Titles.
  14. Highterant eggs in occupied cells: Summoned highterrants (from Permafrost egg) are laying eggs in cells containing enemy units and the eggs become invisible and move to a non-occupied location. See details here. Furthermore, if you control the highterrant and try to lay the egg yourself, you may see an error about nearby enemies that is contradictory (see here).

  1. Awards are hard capped to level 3: Could this cap be extended (to at least 5) or removed so there is more room for modding?

Last edited by camelotcrusade; 04-24-2013 at 06:45 PM. Reason: Closed post.
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