Originally Posted by camber
Hi Farber,
Sounds like I may be overstating the ease and safety of 1.45ata use in the 109. In my speed tests I tried restarting it a few times at SL and didn't see engine problems but didn't try many variations. I got 450kmh without and 470 kmh with it on, is that consistent with you?. The 1.45ata in combat makes it harder to work out how best to configure the 109 in CoD, if you gave the 109 500kmh at around 1.3ata and combat access to 1.45ata, you have a VERY fast bird indeed in CoD considering historical information.
For the 109 tests I left auto prop pitch on and had the throttle fully open, with the boost regulation giving 1.35ata or 1.45ata. FT is full throttle as you surmise.
I scaled the plots seperately because I wanted to talk about relative speeds in real life and game. Both plots have a 120kmh range on the y axis, the CoD one starts 50kmh lower because all speeds in CoD are roughly 50kmh low. These tests are really a bit basic..only sea level max speeds done singly offline.
Thank you for you intelligent and polite reply. Hopefully it can be an example for this thread so it doesnt get locked.
My squad mates and I have been discussing the difference between the E4 auto pitch and the E1 and E3 manual pitch which is quite different. I would also go as far to say when your using autopitch your almost using the AI FM in some respects. The exact difference is hard to describe and establish exactly... The auto pitch also runs at a lower RPM than I would manually, although it gets more acceleration, better fuel economy and is overall superior except when you rapidly climb and dive continiously and it cannot keep up with you. 5./JG27Gruber could explain more on this than I think, I will see if he wants to contribute.
I can achieve 460kmh sea level with out any wep during the acceleration... Occasionally if I have my aircraft trimmed perfectly and the planets align I can get a steady 480 kmh... At 5km altitude its more like 420kmh.
Klem started a thread about speed and the 109 was discussed also. I made some quick tracks [Strike]which I will attempt to attach here.[/Strike]
(they are messed up, I will fraps it and upload to youtube...) Close to sea level tests and 5km level flight speed tests 1.3 Ata and 2350 U/pm if I recall. I think these runs were made in 1.07. As far as I am aware the only difference to the 109 FM is the rad drag... - Which is neglible to a degree.
-Ultimatley, I am only Human. I'm proberbly not the best at flying straight and level and maybe I am even doing it wrong? I will let others be the judge of it.
EDIT1: WOW was I wrong?! 100% Fuel gave some interesting results but I need to test 50% also for comparison. There have been changes to Bf109 FM in 1.08.