Originally Posted by SturmKreator
I dont think so, the software is too poorly optimized, my vga still can run every game at max settings with my configuration, so that is not the problem, by that logic, only high-end pcs user could run this sim? graphics are not too amazing for me.
but the new engine come whith the new game right?
And waht about the memory leak? and crash?
Yeah you do need an upgrade, it doesn't matter if your system can run every other game on the planet. You're trying to run Il-2 Sturmovik CLiffs of Dover and that requires more system than what you have.
do a search for people who have ran this game without too much issues and look at their systems
on my last job, We have this our 4+ core (cant tell how many cores it has, disclosure agreement), 32+ gig ram, dual sli 1 G nvidia equipped This is used by our clients for video editing.
my boss wants a few backups so we build some extras, and test them
when Clod is the only thing running on it, sometimes it'll crash, and when we pull the logs its cuz CLod ran it to the ground.
This server they've had played cysis 2, with dragon age 2 paused and minimized, maya running and lightwave doing a render, while vegas running sync edits, with Space Marine running, pandora, and MS office 2010 can do a mail merge. Plus doing a data transfers to another server. no crashes or slowdowns.
yea clod needs to be optimized, but it likes beast systems and won't give weaksauce systems the time of day.
Clod by itself sometimes crashes it. but at least it runs enough to have some fun.
I'd put clod on my humble dual core dell with 4 gig ram 1 gig nvidia, the desktop hated me. wouldn't run at all.
Save yourself a headache, upgrade or get something better.