Originally Posted by Palandiell
one very important thing is to bring back the voices in SW. the galaxy seems noiseless and boring, a personal connection is missing to the team. the new "hero" is personally about as interesting as a ship hull. "i am a trader, i am a trader, i want to find out what happened to my ships" sums up his whole character. BORING!
I agree that the "hero" is quite boring. He doesn't appear to change throughout the game nor does he even have an interesting secret. The only thing that makes the "hero" cool is the fact that he looks uncannily like me. My mom saw me playing this game and said, "Why is your picture in the game."
Another issue I had was the possibility that not all story lines give you a character with an alien tech adaption perk. I managed to gain 35 alien missiles from the mission into the precursor sector which I was going to use on my missile boat character, but I never found a character with the alien tech adaption perk.
Also is there a place where someone can by alien or precursor weapons because what is the point of precursor tech adaption if I cannot even buy a precursor weapon?