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Star Wolves 3D space RPG with deep strategy and tactical elements

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Old 05-12-2010, 02:01 PM
Nanaki Nanaki is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 338

Which brings me to another thing: Game Over screens suck. We should be able to play around and wander around the universe after beating the final mission.

3. Random missions. I didn't play SW2 as I heard it was bugged to hell (sorry 1C, but after decades of buying unfinished games I refuse to be a beta test guinea pig anymore). A working random mission board would be nice. Especially if the missions are actually varied, and not simply different ways of saying "kill X for $Y dollars".
Thats pretty much what the SW2 mission board amounted to, although there were some delivery missions and such too. The fact we are begging even for a return to THAT functionality shows how little there actually is to do in the game.

5. Modular ship design. I agree with Goblin Wizard, the current system is nice but not enough. Ya I know it's easy to force players to choose whether to boost engines or firing rate in that one system slot, but the problem is there aren't enough ship designs to make this viable. Let's face it, everyone flies around in Gunslinger Ts or something at the endgame. The ships are pretty much a "big, bigger, biggest" kind of deal. Let's make them more varied and useful.
This is more an issue with the fact the Templar ships are massively overpowered. Why get a Dragon when a Gunslinger T has all that and an additional system slot to boot. The Templars are the only ones with fifth generation missile ships (Hrimthurs T) and fifth generation support ships (Trident T)...

Which brings me to another thing: Support ships are massively underpowered. Rather than having one Trident T that can only repair one ship in the fleet (and not itself, nope) for 10 HP/sec, and cannot even engage enemy ships while it is repairing, or I could have a bunch of Gunslinger Ts whom are all firing and attacking, each individually armed with a Nannite that does insane HP regeneration.

But than im getting into balance, and thats a whole different ballgame. Admittingly, Star Wolves 3 does have improved balance compared to Star Wolves 1 and 2 pretty much being all about the pulse lasers.

4. More mothership freedom. We can buy fighters, so why not motherships? Expensive as hell, by all means. But don't force us to depend on storyline trigger changes. That's unfun, bro.
In addition to More Mothership Variety. There are only five motherships in the game, Mastiff, Astarte, Lion, Manticore, and Star Wolf. Everything else is either a variation of the Lion (Lion MK2, Lion MK3), or a variation of the Star Wolf (Rhino, Supply Ship)

It also kinda sucks even more when you finally get that ultimate mothership, and you only get to use it on the final mission. You cant even wander around anymore since you will get a 'GAME OVER' screen.

I'm not too hot on the trade / other structures thing. I mean, yeah, those would be absolutely awesome, but they're quite large addition to enter into the game as it is. The other additions however can be made rather painlessly.
I agree.
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