Star Wolves 3D space RPG with deep strategy and tactical elements |
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Reporting a bug in Star Wolves 3
If you have found a bug and you don't think it was reported here before, please let us know about it using these guidelines:
1. If you've found a typo, syntactic error or similar text error, just write about it in this thread and it will be fixed in the next patch. 2. If an error is more complex, for example script working incorrectly or not working at all, errors with NPCs, etc., the developers would need additional files to be able to find and fix the error. Please archive the following files and mail them to developers in addition to posting about the error in this thread: a) LOGFile.txt located in main game folder. It's imperative to archive it before starting the game another time, since it would be overwritten (but you should exit the game first so it would be complete and closed correctly). If you just Alt+Tab from the game and archive the current LOGFile.txt without closing the game, it would be incomplete; b) Game saves - BEFORE the bug occured (maybe even before jumping into the system where the bug was encountered); c) Dxdiag log file. You can make such file but running the DxDiag Windows utility (for example, Start > Run > type dxdiag and press Enter) and saving the report about your system in text file. PLEASE NOTE: Saves must be actual (you should use the latest version of the game) and your game mustn't be modded. If you use a mod, saves that were created using it will be incompatible with the vanilla version and developers wouldn't be able to load them. Please mail the archive with aforementioned files to sw2cw-test@elite-games.ru (put "Star Wolves 3 bug" in the subj line). Thank you. |
Pretty sure the devs are aware of the various InoCo script problems, but I can't mail them since my game's modded. Well, at least I can help with the typos. Please don't fix the grammar, it has it's own distinctive charm
[1] Dialog between Hero and Ternie, after collecting the pirate mothership and on the way to Hephaestus. To be exact, in the Argon system, I believe. The one that starts with "[Hero]: Ternie, was your clan a serious one?" Ternie's 3rd line: "[Ternie]: My aren't you curious. All right. n brief, I was on a ship, ..." -- capital letter 'i' missing; should read "In brief, I was". [2] When meeting Phantom just after visiting the Mercenary Exchange (select to go visit Mercenary Exchange when given decision which faction to ask), and if you helped Heretic earlier. Hero's 2nd dialog: "No, unfortunatly we're not." -- letter 'e' missing; should read "unfortunately". [3] NESF patrol station dispatcher when you dock to turn in escape pods. The third line reads "Oh, you've got a good catch: nn pirates. You're lucky, you reward is nnnnn credits." -- letter 'r' missing; should read "your reward". (You can get different responses, depending on how many escape pods you turn in.) [4] NESF path, when Alexandra has the second mission for you, where the dialog starts with the Hero saying "[Hero]: Well, well, well, if it isn't a message from our friend from the New Empire." Greyhair's 3rd line: "[Greyhair]: It's just a convenient [...] As for breaking contracts... It someone does it, he's not ..." -- typo, letter 'f' instead of 't'; should read "As for breaking contracts... If someone does it,". Edit 1 (25 May 2010): [5] Conversation with Heretic / Phantom during start of Precursor mission arc in system X203 and you stopped to pick up Joseph. If you helped Heretic, this scene opens with "[Heretic]: Finally. What took you so long?" -- if you turned Heretic down and later helped Phantom, this scene opens with "[Ternie]: And yet again he's alone and unprotected." Further down that conversation Joseph interrupts, saying "[Joseph]: The dairy has assumptions and guesses, while I have facts." -- Dairy is actually diary misspelled; should read "[Joseph]: The diary has assumptions and guesses,". [6] Single line by Admiral Trump as you enter a system while escorting the flight of Tern liners carrying citizens to safety from Al Zed to XT-93. There's just a single line, "[Adm.Trump]: Affirmartive, moving on to your location." Sorry, I don't remember exactly when but it's likely in response to when you kick the ass of the hostile MSF ships portal camping you outside of Al Zed. -- typo, letter 'r' unnecessary; should read "[Adm.Trump]: Affirmative, moving on to your location." [7] The really, really long "peace negotiations" in Eridan in the NESF path. If I'm not mistaken this happens if you help defend Admiral Trump against Admiral Hader. Dialog begins with "[Corsair]: Alexandra! You persuaded the admiral to hear us out!" Many, many lines of text down is a line that reads "[Adm.Trump]: Corsair, the liutenant is right. If the Greys are alerted,". -- letter 'e' missing; should read "[Adm.Trump]: Corsair, the lieutenant is right." Edit 2 (26 May 2010): [8] MSF path, right after receiving the mission from Viper to deliver a package to Dionysus. Dialog starts with "[Viper]: Finally, you're here. Portal patrols reported of your arrivel." Greyhair's second line reads "[Greyhair]: I smell a rat... Equipment? Hah! Coulnd't they come up with anything better?" - Two typos here, 'arrival' misspelled and the letters 'n' and 'd' switched in 'Couldn't'. First correction should read "[Viper]: Finally, you're here. Portal patrols reported of your arrival." Second should read "[Greyhair]: I smell a rat... Equipment? Hah! Couldn't they come up with anything better?" [9] At the beginning of the Precursor mission arc, when you enter X203 - dialog starts with "[Hero]: Keep your eyes open, everyone". Greyhair's first line "[Greyhair]: For real? [...] but I've been bathing in adrenaline since that sirmish with the Berserks." -- letter 'k' missing; should read "since that skirmish with the Berserks." [10] MSF path, when Admiral Trump notifies Viper that the mission is aborted - dialog begins with "[Viper]: What do you mean cancelled? By whom?! Why?" Admiral Trump's second line "[Adm.Trump]: Too late. His Majesty, [...] state apparatus and Admiraly leaders ...". -- letter 't' missing; should read "state apparatus and Admiralty leaders ..." [11] MSF path, if you side with Viper and destroy Admiral Trump, when she goes to 'settle some affairs' and tells you to dock with the station - dialog with the station begins with "[Security force captain]: Excuse me, are you major's team?" Validol's first line "[Validol]: Oh, the admiral was right about [...] and keep even secirity forces on an intel ..." -- typo, letter 'u' instead of 'i'; should read "and keep even security forces on an intel ..." [12] MSF path, when Admiral Hader shows up and is interrupted by Viper - dialog begins with "[Adm.Hader]: Fine, we're here. Sappers, you know what to do." Admiral Hader's third-last line "[Adm.Hader]: Dumb hidebound fanatic! [...] outlawed! Attack him with all you have!" -- typo, Admiral Hader is referring to Viper, who is female; should read "Attack her with all you have!" [13] MSF path, when you jump to the Solar system and are stopped by the defense perimeter patrol - dialog begins with "[MSF captain]: Attention, unknown ships. Flying is prohibited in this part of space." Viper's second line "[Viper]: Captain, we didn't come here to [...] very dangerous rats in the emperor's retunie." -- typo, letter 'u' and 'i' switched; should read "very dangerous rats in the emperor's retinue." [14] MSF path, if you side with Admiral Trump instead of Viper, and after the Admiral tells you to visit the store - dialog begins with "[Ternie]: Great... Honest... Like hell! A dumb fanatic up to her elbos in blood!" -- letter 'w' missing; should read "A dumb fanatic up to her elbows in blood!" Edit on 27 May 2010: [15] Triada path, after completion of the spy satellite arc mission arc in XT-54 - dialog with Senior Field Agent Roy Roghem begins with "[Triada agent]: Glad to see you again, team." Hero's third response "You may be right, but you should've [...] What about the informantion I need?" -- typo, letter 'n' unnecessary; should read "What about the information I need?" [16] Triada path, when Triada Senior Field Agent Roy Roghem contacts you again - dialog starts with "[Triada agent]: It's good you're still here." His third line "[Triada agent]: Great! I guess your friends [...] pity, if our coproration produced a negative impression." -- typo, I'm pretty sure he meant 'cooperation' and not 'corporation' (as in Triada Corporation) because that doesn't make sense; should read "pity, if our cooperation produced a negative impression." [17] Alex path, when Cleric obtains the Manticore mothership and you hyperjump once and a decision must be made where to go to next - dialog begins with "[Cleric]: Stopover! Please remain seated and don't pop your heads out of windows." Much, much further down the dialog is a line "[Cleric]: Yeah, you do that. But don't forget to type [...] been outsted from office, InoCo's security ..." -- typo, letter 't' unnecessary; should read "been ousted from office,". - You know, the text you guys don't encode (i.e. using FILETYPE STANDART) like the stuff in \Data\LocData\English\ can simply be run through a spellcheck. Paste it in Open Office and it'll even do grammar check. Last edited by Trucidation; 06-01-2010 at 01:24 PM. |
Here's a little typo fix that's been bugging me ever since I first played the game - it's the AMS modules' descriptions. All 4 of them claim that "Missile intercept efficiency: 10" but this is incorrect, game data has different values. (It also doesn't make sense to have 4 duplicates of the same item...)
Okay ladies and gents, launch Notepad and load this file: \Data\LocData\English\m_modules.loc. This file contains plaintext descriptions of items so you won't screw it up if you make a mistake. Probably. Maybe. Make a backup copy of this file and save it in a different folder. 1) Search for "; AMS" (no quotes). 2) You will see 4 items with 4 lines each. The first line for each item is the #M_Name_AMSn, where n is 1 to 4: Boxer, Gladiator, Berserk, Cerberus. 3) Look at their 4th lines, the ones that begin with #M_LDesc_AMSn. These are the ones you need to fix. Btw, Boxer is fine (10), so you only need to edit 3. 4) Gladiator: edit the description to read "... Missile intercept efficiency: 20." 5) Berserk: edit the description to read "... Missile intercept efficiency: 30." 6) Cerberus: edit the description to read "... Missile intercept efficiency: 40." 7) Save, you're done. Edit: Threw in a screenshot but I doubt you'll need it, this is a very simple edit. Ignore the screwed up file path in my text editor, I'm not using English regional settings. Last edited by Trucidation; 06-02-2010 at 04:33 AM. |
Trucidation, thanks! It's a pity that you're the only one concerned about fixing the bugs, it seems
No problem, the ones here are just typo fixes, other guys did the heavy stuff... it's a great series, we need more space sims which aren't simply shooting games. I really hope they plan to release more titles
Last edited by Trucidation; 06-02-2010 at 11:34 AM. |
How can I report this bug, it involves modding
If you assign a sound to a rocket by giving the name of a sound file in <work_sound> inside \Data\Game\Rockets.xml, game will play the sound but crash to desktop immediately when the rocket hits target. Quote:
Can't dock with Grid Station in Elio
I'm trying to contact carl in order to change my mothership's ID, but I can't dock with grid station, the dialog trigger never happens asking me if I want to dock.
Fair warning:
I nitpick. I ramble. That said, onward! iirc Version 1.1 (2##.###), I'll fill that in after I verify. I don't know how you locate text, so don't know what info you need. * After getting the Mastiff with Mercs (not the Heretic -> Wild Cats path) "[Phantom] You won't get our equipment, vultures. I, Phantom, say so! ... [Phantom] There was a good team of vetern mercenaries..." - veteran. * When you first meet Watchmaker, you're telling him about your convoy. " ... completely legit. tried to find..." - 'I tried to find', though 'Tried to find' works too. * When you return to Placid Docks in the Mastiff, there's a letter waiting for you from Alex. 2 things: 1) The letter (That Hero reads to Ternie) in the dialogue is not the same as the letter that's in your mail. 2) "... Time is of the essense..." - Essence. The letter gets it right * "Mission added: Reach Bursar's statin" - Station. * After Ternie summons Precursors for the first time "[Greyhair] If I saw this with my own eyes, I'd think you were both insane." - If I hadn't seen this... * After getting Cleric / the Manticore and retrieving Ternir & Kalem (Alex Path) you (scripted super)jump to XT-23. "[Cleric] I tuned the huper engine! At-a-boy!..." - Hyper, and possibly 'Attaboy', since I'm not aware of a standard spelling for that. * After killing the Vulcan Portal guards "[Alex] ... This additional cannon meat might..." - Intentional? The phrase is 'Cannon fodder'. * After killing the Symbiants (Guarding SAM1) "[SAM] Wait,... The humanity cannot unit without assistance..." Oh the humanity...! Ahem. Sorry. Anyway, should be 'Humanity cannot unite...' * @ Negotiations @ NESF HQ (Ardain? Forgot the system name) in Alex path (idk about the others) "[Corsair] ... the army uncontrolled?Yes." - Needs a space after the ? * Zebos, after the first SupChim 'ports out. "[Ternie] Why is that bastard?! It should've flown to bits." - blown. And possibly 'Why that bastard?!' (Grammatically correct, but less D'awww. {*1}) {*1} Not entirely sure how to explain that. It's the heartwarming felling you get when, having been away for along time, you see someone you like do something typical and idiosyncratic. Not a bug as such, but would it be at all possible to decrease the bloody Hephastus instakill area when you're on the way to Elio (to 'unpirate' the ship)? Obviously I'm doing something wrong, but it takes me upwards of 5 attempts per character to just get to the Elio portal without getting script-killed. Related: It's quite possible, to my surprise, to kill the Stone Arrow that shows up, with just your basic Mastiff. Save, get to the 'decoy' waypoint, MSF patrol calls it, gets killed by turrets, it shows up, blasts turrets, and eventually sits around doing nothing. Save. SLOWLY approach it. You've got an ~inch wiggle room in which your Scorchers will hit it, but it won't shoot back. NB: It's worth 5 exp iirc, and drops nothing, so meh :/, big deal, but I might as well report it anyway. Last edited by Sing_In_Silence; 06-28-2010 at 11:07 AM. |
Data delivery to Placid Docks station in Aurora: A number of ways to do this one of course but I think I may have found a bugged one.
1st choice: Stick to the edges instead of taking the direct path 2nd choice: When accosted by MSF agree to follow the route they lay out to attract the pirates Follow the route to it's conclusion. In my game by the time I got to the last waypoint the pirates were already attacking close to the MSF station so while the chaos reigned I slipped away and headed through the next portal on my route. I got mission complete tag as I reached the last waypoint. By doing this I did not anger the MSF and as a result they were not hostile and the trip to Aurora went without incident. On arrival at the Placid Docks station however there was no contact dialogue and I am unable to complete the task. Same mission: Choice 1: Take the direct route through the system. When you see the traders being attacked don't interfere. In the next and all following systems the MSF have now become hostile. Wasn't the non-interference option supposed to prevent this? Same mission: On route to Aurora I decided to try for the slightly longer journey and made for the portal to Kruger. Halfway to the portal mothership engines just stopped and from that moment you are stuck, unable to move in any direction. If this was put in place to stop the player from avoiding the MSF scripts in the next system it's a poor way of doing it and works too well as the only option is to load up a saved game. Wingman AI: The AI routines for the wingman need some work. Using Ternie as the wingman she does not stay on Hero's wing so to speak but goes off on her own to attack different targets or groups of targets that are further away. This takes her out of range for remote repair etc. and results in her ship being destroyed as she is way outnumbered. |
Cleared all berserks from the precursor portal in X220 and nothing else happens. Tried returning to phantom and had a good fly around the system; Would appear that the trigger isn't working. Also astarti mothership doesn't fit into that portal, just dances around the edge of it.