Thread: He177
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Old 11-26-2019, 12:23 PM
Music Music is offline
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Posts: 132
Default He177


I flew the 177 online yesterday, they added it to the Prokhorovka map. (they spell it different on the server, Pribaltika).

two things:

One: I thought that was a four engine bomber, there are two engines in each cowling
"What's curious is how Heinkel tried to solve the inevitable engineering challenges that derived from the dive-bombing requirement. Heinkel gave the He 177 four DB 601 engines interconnected in two pairs, with each pair responsible for powering a single propeller".
but it only gives 200pts when shot down. I'm not a points fan, but I am a consistency fan.

Second, the gun positions are brutal, zero fov, (all the German bombers seem to be like that, the ju87 seems like it would be useless unless the plane attacks you from right behind a little to the left or right) & in the bottom position when you rotate past 0 deg either way it moves to a different gun sight. Very disorienting, & the top turret is just a telescope cross hair.

I was able to get some shots off at a attacking plane, but only because I had F6 to locate it from out side the plane then back into turret to try and guess where it might be from that position.

It is a beautiful model, and flies nice, and would be a good addition to that bomber formation idea i have. You will not be trying to turn fight anyone in that plane. Keeping it level is your best strategy, to let the A.I. gunners do all the work with out being thrown around the plane.
Like all Heavy Bombers, alt is the key, make them climb into the thin air.


Last edited by Music; 11-26-2019 at 12:31 PM.
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