Thread: Bolo bug :(
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Old 02-21-2018, 04:43 AM
MattCaspermeyer MattCaspermeyer is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 553

I have not played AP in a long time, but had you visited Bolo before or is this the first time?

If it is your first visit, I think you can skip all the preview stuff by hitting the escape key - that might give you a chance to run away from the hero.

If you've been there before, it may be possible that when you left, the pirate ship was left in a poor spot. You might be able to go back to a previous save if this is the case.

Otherwise, you can try using the keyboard to see if you can run away. I think you can hit the SPACE BAR to pause the game and then you might be able to plan an exit strategy. You can also use the UP ARROW key to start moving immediately if you are facing in a direction to move away from them.

Not sure if any of these ideas will be useful if, when you get to Bolo, the enemy hero is already on top of you. The only suggestion then would be to use the SPACE BAR trick to immediately pause the game upon your arrival.

Let me know how it goes and which situation applies to you.

Good luck!

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