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Old 01-04-2011, 09:56 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by puppy-v8 View Post
wait youre from australia and you call me gay?
just to remind you: australians drive on the wrong side of the road, have a gay accent, the seasons are all wrong there ( hot winters? why is it called winter then?) and you call me gay?
ooow i see, you probably drive a LANDROVER, or should i call it landCRAP?
never EVER call a jeepdriver gay or we will stick a cactus in your ass! ow wait you would like that wouldn't you?

edit: sorry about the landcrap stuff, i just saw you drive a GQ (which stands for Gay Quality) sorry about that

hahahaha, touched a nerve ey.

If my truck is so gay why did it just feature with a 6 page spread in Australias largest off road magazine... lol.

Only reason i can see that you would take so much offence is that you are actually gay... hahahahahahaha

Loosen up brother "or maybe i shouldnt say that to you"
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