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Old 09-28-2009, 02:32 PM
AncientMariner AncientMariner is offline
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Posts: 78

Originally Posted by Schmat View Post
Great guide. but i miss an explanation in CH8 mole temple how u reach the last artifact with the jump plates... i tried everything, but i dont jump that far
Hi, Schmat. I'm glad you like the guide. You can see the way Blood & I do it in the Mole Temple Secrets vid. It's Secret 11 and the technique starts at around 5:25 in the vid. You start off on the opposite balcony, hit the jump pad below, go up and over the pillar in the middle and hit the jump pad on the other side. This gives you enough momentum to bounce high enough to get to the ledge with the artefact. It's not easy.

Since then, a Painkiller friend of ours found that you can get the necessary height by hitting the jump pad nearest the artefact, from ground level, and jumping just as you take off. He does have exceptional timing for this sort of thing, though.

Either way, this is probably the hardest secret in the game. I hope this all helps and I wish you good luck.

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