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Old 05-22-2016, 07:11 AM
flug32 flug32 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 4

Originally Posted by flug32 View Post
FILE: auto-generate-vehicles.cs

<see separate message>
Here is part 1/2 of the actual .cs code for FILE: auto-generate-vehicles.cs
//Various emergency & service cars script created by posters at and by naryv
//Hacked extensively by flug

//$reference parts/core/Strategy.dll
//$reference parts/core/gamePlay.dll
//$reference System.Core.dll
using System;
//using System.Core;
using System.Collections;
using maddox.GP;
using part;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Threading;
using System.Diagnostics;

public class Mission : AMission
    public bool DEBUG=false;
    public int VEHICLE_LIFE_SEC = 120;
    public double CAR_POS_RADIUS = 80; //distance vehicles will be positioned from the center point of the Birthplace, Airfield, etc where cars are positioned
    public int TICKS_PER_MINUTE=1986; //empirically, based on a timeout test.  This is approximate & varies slightly.
    //for landing or crash, they start SPAWN_START_DISTANCE_M away from the plane in the direction of the nearest BirthPlace or Airport point.  They end SPAWN_END_DISTANCE_M away from the a/c.  (Distances are approx., various randomness & functions added on top of these values.)  
    public int SPAWN_START_DISTANCE_M = 100; //how far away they start from the     a/c when approaching after landing
    public int SPAWN_END_DISTANCE_M = 20;  //how close they approach you upon (eg) landing
    //For spawn-in, the vehicles start this close to the a/c and proceed to
    // the birthplace or airport point.
    public int SPAWN_START_DISTANCE_REVERSE_M = 12; //how close they start when spawning in onPlaceEnter
    private List<AiActor> actorPlaceEnterList;  //HashSet doesn't work for some reason; it would be a better solution
    private List<AiAircraft> aircraftDamagedList;
    private List<AiAircraft> aircraftActiveList; Battle;

    public Mission () {
     //HashSet<int> evenNumbers = new HashSet<int>(); 
     actorPlaceEnterList = new List<AiActor>();
     aircraftDamagedList = new List<AiAircraft>();
     aircraftActiveList = new List<AiAircraft>();
    //Listen to events of every mission
    public override void Init( battle, int missionNumber)
        base.Init(battle, missionNumber);
        MissionNumberListener = -1; //Listen to events of every mission
        //This is what allows you to catch all the OnTookOff, OnAircraftDamaged, and other similar events.  Vitally important to make this mission/cs file work!
        //If we load missions as sub-missions, as we often do, it is vital to have this in Init, not in "onbattlestarted" or some other place where it may never be detected or triggered if this sub-mission isn't loaded at the very start.
        if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, ".Net framework: " +  Environment.Version, new object[] { });

    public override void OnBattleStarted()
        //MissionNumberListener = -1;
    Random rnd = new Random();

    internal enum ServiceType // ??? ????????????? ???????
    //note that all these types don't work; the actual type is determined by
    //createemrgcarmission depending on a/c type, army, and a few other things.
    //So it's not really determined by the settings in the curTechCar.CarType field 
        NONE = 0,
        EMERGENCY = 1,
        FIRE = 2,
        FUEL = 4,
        AMMO = 8,
        BOMBS = 16,
        SPAWNIN = 64
    //Like AiActor or AiBirthplace but only has .Name() & .Loc()
    internal class BasePos 
      internal string _Name;
      internal Point3d _Pos;
      public BasePos (string name, Point3d pos)
        if (name!=null)
        else this._Name="";  
        //if (pos!=null)
        //else this.Pos=new Point3d(0,0,0); 
      public BasePos (BasePos bp)
        Console.WriteLine ("BasePos inited: " + this.ToString ("F2")); 
      //a default constructor . . .
      public BasePos (object o=null)
        this._Pos=new Point3d(0,0,0); 
      public string Name(string name=null) {
        if (name==null) return this._Name;
        else {
            return null;
     public Point3d Pos(Point3d pos) {
           return this._Pos;               
      public Point3d Pos() {
        return this._Pos;       
      public string ToString (string format){
        return _Name + " " 
        + _Pos.x.ToString( format ) + " " 
        + _Pos.y.ToString( format ) + " " 
        + _Pos.z.ToString( format );
    internal class TechCars
        internal AiGroundGroup TechCar { get; set; }        
        internal BasePos basePos { get; set; }
        internal IRecalcPathParams cur_rp { get; set; }
        internal int RouteFlag = 0;
        internal int cartype = 0;
        internal int servPlaneNum = -1;
        internal int MAX_CARS = 100;
        internal ServiceType CarType { get { return (ServiceType)cartype; } set { cartype = (int)value; } }        

        public TechCars(AiGroundGroup car, BasePos airoport, IRecalcPathParams rp)
            this.TechCar = car;            
            this.basePos = airoport;
            this.cur_rp = rp;
            Console.WriteLine("TechCars created. basePos: " + this.basePos.ToString("F2"));


    internal class PlanesQueue {
        internal AiAircraft aircraft { get; set; }
        internal BasePos basePos { get; set; } 
        internal int state = 0;        
        internal ServiceType State { get { return (ServiceType)state; } set { state = (int)value; } }
        internal int Lifetime = 0;
        internal float health = 1;
        public PlanesQueue(AiAircraft aircraft, BasePos basePos, int state)
            this.aircraft = aircraft;
            this.basePos = basePos as BasePos;
            this.state = state;            

    internal List<TechCars> CurTechCars = new List<TechCars>();
    internal List<PlanesQueue> CurPlanesQueue = new List<PlanesQueue>();
    TechCars TmpCar = null;
    bool MissionLoading = false;
    int MissionLoadingAircraftNumber = -1;

    internal double PseudoRnd(double MinValue, double MaxValue)
        return rnd.NextDouble() * (MaxValue - MinValue) + MinValue;

      public override void OnActorTaskCompleted(int missionNumber, string shortName, AiActor actor)
        base.OnActorTaskCompleted(missionNumber, shortName, actor);
        if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "OnActorTaskComplete", new object[] { });

        AiActor ai_actor = actor as AiActor;        
        if (ai_actor != null)
            if (ai_actor is AiGroundGroup)
                for (int i = 0; i < CurTechCars.Count; i++) // ???? ????????????? ??????? ??????? ?? ?????????????? ????????, ????????? ?? ????????????
                    if (CurTechCars[i].TechCar == ai_actor as AiGroundGroup) {
                        //if (CurTechCars[i].RouteFlag == 1)
                        TechCars car = CurTechCars[i] as TechCars; 
                        if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "OnActorTaskComplete - ending plane service for " + i.ToString() + " in 120 sec.", new object[] { });
                        //this is basically to ensure that AI objects don't just hang around indefinitely when their tasks are done.
                        //In normal behavior, they may complete several tasks in the course of moving abou the airport, so we don't just want
                        //to destroy them immediately when task is done
                        Timeout(VEHICLE_LIFE_SEC, () =>
                            if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "OnActorTaskComplete - ending plane service for " + i.ToString() + " now", new object[] { });
                            EndPlaneService(car, ai_actor as AiGroundGroup);

                       //we're just destroying them @ this point
                       // else
                       //     CheckNotServicedPlanes(i);

    internal void CheckNotServicedPlanes(int techCarIndex)
        for (int j = 0; j < CurPlanesQueue.Count; j++)  
            if (CurTechCars[techCarIndex].TechCar.IsAlive() && (CurPlanesQueue[j].basePos == CurTechCars[techCarIndex].basePos) && ((CurTechCars[techCarIndex].CarType & CurPlanesQueue[j].State) != 0) && (CurTechCars[techCarIndex].servPlaneNum == -1))
                if (SetEmrgCarRoute(j, techCarIndex))   // ?????????? ??????? ??????????? ????????? ???????

    //Removes the ground vehicle from the CurTechCars list & also destroys the AI object
    //We call it with the List item (not the index) because the index can change between call & execution, esp. if call via a timeout, which is common
    //We also include the TechCar field, (an AiGroundGroup) because sometimes the List item can be destroyed but the actual Ai Airgroup is still floating around undead
    internal void EndPlaneService(TechCars tC, AiGroundGroup ground=null)
         if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "EndPlaneService/despawning now", new object[] { });
         if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "EndPlaneService/despawning " + tC.servPlaneNum.ToString(), new object[] { });
         if (tC != null) { 
                if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, " Number of objects: " + tC.TechCar.GetItems().Length, new object[] { });
                //if (CurTechCars[techCarIndex].cur_rp == null) return;        
                tC.cur_rp = null; // ?????????? ???????
                //Just destroy the ground items at this point.
                if (tC.TechCar.GetItems() != null && tC.TechCar.GetItems().Length > 0)
                   if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "EndPlaneService/despawning 1 ", new object[] { });                         
                    foreach (AiActor actor in tC.TechCar.GetItems()) 
                      if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "EndPlaneService/despawning 2 " , new object[] { }); 
                      (actor as AiGroundActor).Destroy();
        if (ground != null) {
               if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "EndPlaneService/despawning 3 ", new object[] { });                         
               foreach (AiActor actor in ground.GetItems()) 
                      if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "EndPlaneService/despawning 4 " , new object[] { }); 
                      (actor as AiGroundActor).Destroy();
        catch (Exception e) {System.Console.WriteLine (e.ToString());}     
    internal bool MoveFromRWay(int carNum)
        bool result = false;        
        if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "Removing aircraft from runway at " + CurTechCars[carNum].basePos.Name(), new object[] { });
        if ((GamePlay.gpLandType(CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar.Pos().x, CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar.Pos().y) & LandTypes.ROAD) == 0)
            return result;
        Point3d TmpPos = CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar.Pos();
        while (((GamePlay.gpLandType(TmpPos.x, TmpPos.y) & LandTypes.ROAD) != 0))
                TmpPos.x +=  10f;
                TmpPos.y +=  10f;
        Point2d EmgCarStart, EmgCarFinish;
        EmgCarStart.x = CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar.Pos().x; EmgCarStart.y = CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar.Pos().y;
        EmgCarFinish.x = TmpPos.x; EmgCarFinish.y = TmpPos.y;        
        CurTechCars[carNum].servPlaneNum = -1;
        CurTechCars[carNum].RouteFlag = 0;
        CurTechCars[carNum].cur_rp = null;
        CurTechCars[carNum].cur_rp = GamePlay.gpFindPath(EmgCarStart, 10f, EmgCarFinish, 10f, PathType.GROUND, CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar.Army());

        result = true;        
        return result;

    public  bool SetEmrgCarRoute(int aircraftNumber,int carNum)
        bool result = false;
        if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "Setting a Car Route "+aircraftNumber.ToString() + " " + carNum.ToString() + " at " + CurTechCars[carNum].basePos.Name() , new object[] { });
        if (CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar != null)
            CurTechCars[carNum].servPlaneNum = aircraftNumber; // ????????????? ????? ?????????????? ????????
            if (CurTechCars[carNum].cur_rp == null)
                    Point2d EmgCarStart, EmgCarFinish, LandedPos;
                    LandedPos.x = CurPlanesQueue[aircraftNumber].aircraft.Pos().x; LandedPos.y = CurPlanesQueue[aircraftNumber].aircraft.Pos().y;
                    int Sign = ((carNum % 2) == 0) ? 2 : -2;
                    EmgCarStart.x = CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar.Pos().x; EmgCarStart.y = CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar.Pos().y;
        //Drive the car from where it is to the point located in the direction of the aircraft position but 20 meters short of it.
        double disx, disy;            
        disx=Math.Abs(EmgCarStart.x - LandedPos.x) - 20;
        if (disx<10) disx=20;
        disy=Math.Abs(EmgCarStart.y - EmgCarStart.y) - 20;
        if (disy<10) disy=20;

        EmgCarFinish.x = EmgCarStart.x - disx * ((EmgCarStart.x - LandedPos.x) / Math.Abs(EmgCarStart.x - LandedPos.x)); EmgCarFinish.y = EmgCarStart.x - disy * ((EmgCarStart.y - LandedPos.y) / Math.Abs(EmgCarStart.y - LandedPos.y));                    
                    //EmgCarFinish.x = LandedPos.x - PseudoRnd(0f, 1f) * ((LandedPos.x - EmgCarStart.x) / (Math.Abs(LandedPos.x - EmgCarStart.x))) - Sign;
                    //EmgCarFinish.y = LandedPos.y - PseudoRnd(0f, 1f) * ((LandedPos.y - EmgCarStart.y) / (Math.Abs(LandedPos.y - EmgCarStart.y))) - Sign;
                    //For spawn-in, we want the cars to start in close to the a/c & drive away
                    CurTechCars[carNum].cur_rp = GamePlay.gpFindPath(EmgCarStart, 15f, EmgCarFinish, 15f, PathType.GROUND, CurTechCars[carNum].TechCar.Army());
                    if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "Setting a Car Route "+aircraftNumber.ToString() + " " + carNum.ToString() + " " + EmgCarStart.ToString() + " to " + EmgCarFinish.ToString() + " at " + CurTechCars[carNum].basePos.Name() , new object[] { });
                    result = true;
        return result; 

    public override void OnMissionLoaded(int missionNumber)
        if (missionNumber > 0) //whenever a new mission loads, this slurps up any matching groundcars into the curTechCars list so they can be manipulated etc 
        //if (missionNumber==MissionNumber ) // important check!
            if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "Starting vehicle sub-mission loaded", new object[] { });            
            List<string> CarTypes = new List<string>();
            AiGroundGroup MyCar = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < CarTypes.Count; j++)
                    MyCar = GamePlay.gpActorByName(missionNumber.ToString() + CarTypes[j] + i.ToString()) as AiGroundGroup;
                    //if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "Creating groundcar group for " +missionNumber.ToString() + CarTypes[j] + i.ToString(), new object[] { });
                    if (MyCar != null)
                        TmpCar = new TechCars(MyCar, FindNearestAirport(MyCar), null);
                        if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "Creating groundcar group at " + FindNearestAirport(MyCar).Name() + " " + MissionLoadingAircraftNumber.ToString(), new object[] { });
                        TmpCar.CarType = (ServiceType)(1 << j);
                        TmpCar.cur_rp = null;
                        if (!CurTechCars.Contains(TmpCar))
                        //if (CurTechCars.count < MAX_CARS)   CurTechCars.Add(TmpCar);
                        //These things are unruly, so we're setting a max life on them.
                        Timeout(2*VEHICLE_LIFE_SEC, () =>
                            (MyCar as AiGroundActor).Destroy();
                        MissionLoading = false;
    public override void OnTickGame() {
      //try {
              if ( (Time.tickCounter()) == 0) {
                //  if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "Ground vehicles started ", new object[] { });
          if ((Time.tickCounter() % (TICKS_PER_MINUTE/6)) == 12 ) {
          if (Time.tickCounter() % 64 == 0)
              //if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "Ground vehicles continues . . . ", new object[] { });
              for (int i = 0; i < CurPlanesQueue.Count; i++)
                  if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "Lifetime:  " + CurPlanesQueue[i].Lifetime, new object[] { });
                  if ((CurPlanesQueue[i].State == ServiceType.NONE) || (CurPlanesQueue[i].aircraft == null)  || (CurPlanesQueue[i].Lifetime > (int)((double)VEHICLE_LIFE_SEC*TICKS_PER_MINUTE/64/60))) 
                      foreach ( TechCars car in CurTechCars ) //don't use a for count/index loop here as we are destroying some of the objects mid-loop . . . arghh 
                          if (car.servPlaneNum == i) {
                              if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "Removing ground car for plane " + car.servPlaneNum + " " + car.CarType + " in 5 seconds", new object[] { }); 
                              Timeout ( 5f, () => { EndPlaneService(car, car.TechCar); });

              foreach ( TechCars car in CurTechCars )  // (int i = 0; i < CurTechCars.Count; i++)       //again ix-nay on the loop-for-ay . . . .
                  if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "Ground car at " + car.basePos.Name(), new object[] { }); 
                  //TechCars car = CurTechCars[i];
                  if ((car.TechCar != null && car.cur_rp != null) && (car.cur_rp.State == RecalcPathState.SUCCESS) )
                      if (car.TechCar.IsAlive()) // && (car.RouteFlag == 0)) // && (car.servPlaneNum != -1))
                          car.RouteFlag = 1;
                          car.cur_rp.Path[0].P.x = car.TechCar.Pos().x; car.cur_rp.Path[0].P.y = car.TechCar.Pos().y;
                          //if (car.servPlaneNum != -1) car.RouteFlag = 0;
                      //The code below avoids the current plane, right?  But, I'm worried about these ground vehicles hitting **all the other planes** that might be about this particular airport . . . . maybe some fixup needed
                      double Dist = Math.Sqrt((car.cur_rp.Path[car.cur_rp.Path.Length - 1].P.x - car.TechCar.Pos().x) * (car.cur_rp.Path[car.cur_rp.Path.Length - 1].P.x - car.TechCar.Pos().x) + (car.cur_rp.Path[car.cur_rp.Path.Length - 1].P.y - car.TechCar.Pos().y) * (car.cur_rp.Path[car.cur_rp.Path.Length - 1].P.y - car.TechCar.Pos().y));
                      if (car.servPlaneNum != -1)
                          if (Dist < ((CurPlanesQueue[car.servPlaneNum].aircraft.Type() == AircraftType.Bomber) ? 20f : 10f))
                              EndPlaneService(car, car.TechCar);
                      else if (Dist < 15f)
                          EndPlaneService(car, car.TechCar);
                  if ((car.cur_rp == null) && (car.RouteFlag == 0) && (car.servPlaneNum != -1))
                          //EndPlaneService(car, car.TechCar);                      
                  if (car.servPlaneNum == -1 || car.TechCar == null) 
                      //EndPlaneService(i);  //Once it is no longer serving a plane, we just zap it.
                      EndPlaneService(car, car.TechCar);
      //} catch (Exception e) {System.Console.WriteLine (e.ToString());}

    internal BasePos FindNearestAirport(AiActor actor)
        if (actor==null) return null;
        Point3d pd = actor.Pos();
        if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "Checking airport " + actor.Name(), new object[] { });
        return FindNearestAirport(pd) as BasePos;
      catch (Exception e) {System.Console.WriteLine (e.ToString()); BasePos ret3=null;  return ret3; }  


    internal BasePos FindNearestAirport(Point3d pd)
        AiActor aMin = null;
        AiBirthPlace aMinB = null;
        double d2Min = 0;
        BasePos ret= new BasePos (); 
        BasePos ret2=new BasePos ();  
        Point3d retpd;      
        //If we find a birthplace (ie, spawnpoint) closer than 2km we return that
        //otherwise we'll search all airports for something closer
        //And . . AiBirthPlace & AiAirport & AiActor are ALMOST the same thing but then again not quite so we have to dance a bit. 
        //if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "Checking airport (Birthplace) found " + aMinB.Name() + " " + aMinB.Pos().distance(ref pd).ToString("F0"), new object[] { });
        //if (1==0 && aMinB!= null) {
        if (aMinB!= null) {
         d2Min=aMinB.Pos().distance(ref pd);
         //if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "Checking airport (Birthplace) found " + aMinB.Name() + " " + aMinB.Pos().distance(ref pd).ToString("F0") 
         //+ " "  + aMinB.Pos().ToString(), new object[] { });
         if (d2Min<2000) {
            if (retpd.z==0) retpd.z = pd.z; //BirthPlaces usu. have elevation 0 which makes the ai route finder die horribly 
            ret= new BasePos (aMinB.Name(), retpd);
            return ret;
        if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "Checking airport (Birthplace) NOfound " + d2Min.ToString("F0"), new object[] { });
        int n = GamePlay.gpAirports().Length;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            AiActor a = (AiActor)GamePlay.gpAirports()[i];
            if (a==null) continue;
            if (!a.IsAlive()) continue;
            //if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "Checking airport " + a.Name(), new object[] { });
            Point3d pp;
            pp = a.Pos();
            pd.z = pp.z;
            double d2 = pd.distanceSquared(ref pp);                           
            if ((aMin == null) || (d2 < d2Min)  )
                aMin = a;
                d2Min = d2;              
        if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "CAirport Found: " + aMin.Name() + " " + aMin.Pos().ToString() + " dist " + d2Min.ToString("F2"), new object[] { });
        //Hmm, with our new scheme it doesn't really matter if aMin is very
        //distant or what. The cars always start relatively close to the a/c
        //and **in the direction of** the airport, but not *at* the airport
        //if (d2Min > 2250000.0)
        //    aMin = null;
        //return aMin as BasePos
        if (aMin != null) ret2= new BasePos (aMin.Name(), aMin.Pos());
        if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "CAirport Returning: " + ret2.Name() + " " + ret2.Pos().ToString() + " dist " + d2Min.ToString("F2") + " " + ret2.ToString("F0"), new object[] { });
        return ret2;
      catch (Exception e) {System.Console.WriteLine (e.ToString()); BasePos ret3=null;  return ret3; }
    public AiBirthPlace GetBirthPlaceByName(string birthPlaceName)
        foreach (AiBirthPlace bp in GamePlay.gpBirthPlaces())
            if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "Checking airport " + bp.Name(), new object[] { });
            if (bp.Name() == birthPlaceName)
                return bp;

        return null;

    public AiBirthPlace FindNearestBirthplace(AiActor actor)
        //AiBirthPlace nearestBirthplace = null;
        //AiBirthPlace[] birthPlaces = GamePlay.gpBirthPlaces();

        Point3d pos = actor.Pos();

        return FindNearestBirthplace(pos);
    public AiBirthPlace FindNearestBirthplace (Point3d pos)
        AiBirthPlace nearestBirthplace = null;
        AiBirthPlace[] birthPlaces = GamePlay.gpBirthPlaces();

        if (birthPlaces != null)
            foreach (AiBirthPlace airport in birthPlaces)
                if (nearestBirthplace != null)
                    //if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "Checking airport " + airport.Name() + " " 
                    //  + airport.Pos().distance(ref pos).ToString("F0"), new object[] { });
                    if (nearestBirthplace.Pos().distance(ref pos) > airport.Pos().distance(ref pos))
                        nearestBirthplace = airport;
                else nearestBirthplace = airport;
        //AiActor ret=new AiActor();
        //ret.Pos( nearestBirthplace.Pos());
        if (DEBUG) GamePlay.gpLogServer(null, "Checking airport FOUND" + nearestBirthplace.Name() + " " 
                      + nearestBirthplace.Pos().distance(ref pos).ToString("F0"), new object[] { });
        return nearestBirthplace;

Note that I trimmed down some comments, debugging code, etc to make it fit on the forum better. Full code is in the
ZIP file with script & mission files, sample code, instructions all in one

Last edited by flug32; 05-22-2016 at 07:39 AM.
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