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Old 01-18-2008, 04:39 PM
MoonDragn MoonDragn is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 1

I got this game from a digital download from one of the software retailers. It has been pretty good so far. It brings back experiences I've had in the early days of gaming where it wasn't all about graphics, but a good game play.

There are so many things that would make the game better, especially the combat parts. Here is a brief list :

1. Need the ability to cycle through targets, instead of having to click on them. Trying to target missiles is a pain when they are tiny.

2. Need several auto commands to target stuff like missiles, or set your ship in defense mode when closing in or running away from a pirate/dominator.

3. Need the ability to target pirates when they are out of range too, so that when they move into range during the turn you can shoot at them.

4. Ships need to stop destroying loot. It is very frustrating when a transport flies by a second before I get there and destroy a nice piece of equipment. There should be no reason for them to do it. Space is huge, ships would just come across debris like that on purpose just to blow it up.

5. The ability to board a ship and send in marines would be neat. Like a mini turnbased tactical battle like x-com or a semi-real time one like fallout.

6. The system map are usually too small. Space is big, you can go off the edges, but theres almost not enough of it on the map.

7. The text adventures are great, and fires off some imagination, but some of these puzzles would benefit from graphics. A simple graphical puzzle would make these little adventures so much better.

Thats just some of the stuff that would make it more interesting. Plenty more ideas if you want them.
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