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Old 09-03-2011, 01:21 PM
Ze-Jamz Ze-Jamz is offline
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Originally Posted by whoarmongar View Post
Raaaid, I know you like this kinda stuff so think on this....

Think how far computer games have come in such a short time, it wasnt so long ago the only computer game available was pong in black and white.

Imagine how good they will be in say 200-300 yrs !

How easy would it be to distiguish "real life" from being in game ?

Now back to todays computers.
Just imagine your conciousness was within a computer game, online with millions of others, with you being unaware that you were ingame. Scientists "within game" trying to work out the meaning of the universe and existence would probably deduce that the universe was built upon built upon a series of 0 and 1`s. Its not that far removed from Schrödinger's Cat is it.

Now lets go forward in time 300 yrs, Quantum computers are old technology, unimaginable advances have been made, What would it feel like to ge "ingame" now ?
Would you really be able to know if you existence was "real".

Today scientists are trying to understand our universe. The more they look the less they understand.
Hell they dont even know where most of the universe is, its invisible to us, Dark matter and Dark energy are hidden to us. The higgs boson is deceptively ellusive. Gravity isnt as powerful as theories suggest, perhaps its spread out across multiple dimensions.
Particles behave as both particles and waves, and seem to change their behavior depending if they have been observed or not. Perhaps we are all one, woven together from space and time, perhaps we live in a multiverse. Or perhaps its all just a game.
I like that..
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