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Old 06-09-2011, 01:16 AM
Blackdog_kt Blackdog_kt is offline
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Disclaimer: The following is not directed at anyone in particular. It's just the result of my amazement at one of the trends that keep surfacing in this forum.

People really have short attention spans. Like goldfish-short.

First of all, it took RoF two years to reach this state. It was as much of a train-wreck when it was released as CoD, with dual core CPUs giving unacceptable performance under win7, a mere handful of flyable aircraft, virtually no AI aircraft apart from two dual-seaters, limited viewing distances, some very strict and low limits on the amount of units and objects you can load in a mission resulting in a completely blank front line with scripted flak bursts appearing out of nowhere as an immersion enhancer and seemingly being fired from ghost flak guns, a simplified QMB, some stock single missions, a non-existent properly dynamic campaign apart from two scripted ones and a so-called dynamic one which was downloaded mission after mission from a master server (and you got stuck clicking on a "reconnect" button if your internet was down for some reason, or you could quit and have to refly the mission from scratch later on, losing all progress because it couldn't upload mission results to the master server) with most missions invariably playing the same way (target waypoint has 3 enemies to attack your flight of 5, if you go to another waypoint you can trigger an extra spawn of enemy recons), frequent inaccurate encounters (nieuport 17s against your flight of Fokker D.VIIs in 1917), a random cut-off/retirement date, lighting and graphics problems when flying at night, non-working features that were advertised before release like windsocks for example, a host of FM/DM issues that wouldn't get solved because the development team was too busy working on new flyables to sell in an effort to ensure a steady revenue stream and prevent the sim from flopping, etc etc etc......does it sound familiar to you, oh people of inadequate memory?

Second, nobody remembers Luthier talking about why the dynamic campaign was postponed for CoD, or the details he gave about it and how he has already compiled a few hundred pages of documents just dealing with the design of the whole thing, which was his personal undertaking.

Third, RoF got here by charging for every single itemized addition to the sim, from aircraft to personalized instrument panels. In IL2 we got free planes by the dozen and complete expansions packs and thankfully, it seems the trend of complete expansions will continue with CoD.

Fourth, there were people who bought all those things to keep the RoF development going. I wasn't one of them because i didn't want the online/offline restrictions and i prefer complete expansions to bits and pieces of DLC, but good for them for financially supporting something they enjoy and helping it grow. Now i might actually give it a proper try (for the fourth time) and see if i'm sufficiently interested and it's thanks to those guys.

If all of us were crybabies and everyone stopped flying CoD then compiling the necessary lists of bugs for correction, getting new skins, missions, campaigns and servers to fly on would be impossible.
So complain and express displeasure if you must but stop whining, because the possibility of whatever of RoF's features you so much crave to see in CoD getting implemented rests squarely on letting the willing part of the community spend their cash on the currently unfinished sim, tackle a lot of the current issues by investing their personal time in testing things out and get some proper communication going with the developers without having a "throwing my toys out the pram" episode every third post down the line.
In other words, say whatever you like but if you can't say it in a nice manner then zip it and let us help fix the game for you instead of delaying that process with your tsunami of tears, you are your own worst enemy if you can't realize this.

Finally, if you put all these together you'll realize that to draw an accurate comparison you'll have to assume the same amount of funding for 1C and a similar amount of post-release development time and community feedback to go along with it.

Sorry if i'm coming off a bit aggressive here, i think i can be excused for once since i'm usually behaving nice, posting walls upon walls of text to help people with various issues they might have, compiling a FAQ of it all to post once the US release happens and generally spending my time trying to make the sim more enjoyable to the legions of lazy people who can't take 5 minutes to test a few simple things out on their own or run a forum search, instead of letting them fend for themselves and enjoy CoD for myself during my free time. So yes, i think i might exercise the privilege to blow off some steam once in a while when people who contribute nothing of value do it daily

Last edited by Blackdog_kt; 06-09-2011 at 01:19 AM.
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