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Old 12-02-2020, 12:56 PM
blakey85 blakey85 is offline
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Default Too hard, feeling like a grindfest


So i've played and finished The Legend on normal difficulty.

Went ahead and bought the steam version of Crossworlds. Even used the mod "Huntiro integration mod" (that may be the cause of the following problem).

I find the game to be a slog. Almost every enemy is very strong, impossible or the likes. I 've cleared what i could but alot of weird leveled stuff is left.
I'm around level 18, warrior, with a good setup of inquis, paladins, both drones and an engineer.

The battles i do win i have to use my dragon atleast twice. I usually try to end a fight with full rage too, so i can get the next fight going easier. I don't take alot of losses if at all. Only on the very hard ones, the enemy attacks and dies and i don't get a chance to ress everything.

Why are the enemies so strong and numerous? i 90% cleared the last 4 islands, what is left i need an higher level to do.

Also on a side note, i hate that every enemy hero now has a damage spell now. That wasn't the case in the previous game and that made it feel more tactical rather than "finish him fast before he drops fat nukes on my troops with his 100+ mana pool.
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