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Old 05-27-2019, 02:34 PM
taly001 taly001 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Australia
Posts: 61

Il2:1946 has grown so many new theatres of combat its impossible to cover them all. Night fighters, or rather nacht-jagers are incredibly interesting but if we had them then its why no Lancaster!

If I understand it there is a ~150 plane limit in the game? Given we have about 100 variants just for Yak, Pe, LaGG, MiG, I-16 and Spitfire (LOL) we would need to loose some to fit some "needed" planes in.

4.14 seems East Front development, but as a Pacific guy I'm happy with what its received already But my wishes.....even if only AI now.

Ki-48 (needed for JAAF, all fronts all war)
P-38G (widely used pacific, east asia and mediterranean)

Spitfire Ia (iconic plane, and many more produced than II)
B-26 (important West Front tactical).

For player plane TBF Avenger
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